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Predestination. Chapter 14. To what extent does God control our destiny ?. Things like… Prosperity and decline? Fortune and misfortune in human life? Salvation and damnation? Even the rise and fall of nations?. Christianity. Support Predestination. Deny Predestination.
Predestination Chapter 14
To what extent does God control our destiny ? • Things like… • Prosperity and decline? • Fortune and misfortune in human life? • Salvation and damnation? • Even the rise and fall of nations?
Christianity Support Predestination Deny Predestination AFTER THE FALL: "And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart." Genesis 6:6 "And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified.“ Romans 8:30
Islam Support Predestination Deny Predestination “God changes not what is in a people, until they change what is in themselves.” Quran 13:11 "No soul can believe, except by the Will of God, and He (Allah) will place doubt on those who will not understand.” Quran 10:100
Sikhism Support Predestination Deny Predestination “By one’s own hands is one’s affairs set straight.” Adi Granth, Asa M.1 (pg. 473-4) "All existence the theater of God’s play...All happens as by His will; Nothing by our power comes to pass.” Adi Granth, Majh M.5, (pg 103)
Hinduism Support Predestination Deny Predestination "I have given you words of vision… Ponder them in the silence of your soul, and then in freedom do you will." Bhagavad Gita 18:3 “God’s power of wonder moves all things - puppets in a play of shadows - whirling them onwards on the stream of time.“ Bhagavad Gita 18:60‑61
Buddhism Support Predestination Deny Predestination "Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself: do not depend upon anyone else." Digha Nikaya 16, (TB pg. 10) "Any wrong or evil a man does, is born in himself… and this crushes the foolish man as a hard stone grinds the weaker stone.” Dhammapada 12:161
Predestination of God’s Will God God’s Will Absolute, Unique, Eternal, Unchanging Absolute, Unique, Eternal, Unchanging • “Predestination” of God’s Will = Absolute • For example: • Purpose of Creation • Providence of Restoration
Predestination of Fulfillment of God’s Will God’s Will Absolute But, the fulfillment of God’s will: God’s Responsibility 95% Human Responsibility 5% + Predestination of the Fulfillment of God’s Will is Conditional.
Two Types Scriptures Verses that Support Predestination Verses that Deny Predestination Focus on the fulfillment of God’s Will which is: Conditional Focus on the predestination of God’s Will which is: Absolute
Qualifications of a Central Figure ① Central or Correlate history. ② Ancestry. ③ Inborn nature. ④ Character traits. ⑤ Providential time.
Accomplishment of God’s Will is Not Absolutely Predestined It Depends upon us fulfilling our responsibility Our Responsibility 5% God’s Responsibility 95%
The Relationship between God and the Universe + mind - Man + All Things + Image (Map) body External Form - - God + External Form + - mind - All Things Embody the Principle + body Symbol (Flag) -
Realizing the Ideal of Creation through Love • God created the world in order to realize love. He created the universe so that He could rejoice over people and all things as they become one centering on His love and making a harmonious world of love. CSG, pg. 90
The Original Ideal of Man Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? I Corinthians 3:16
The Original Ideal of Man Offering and keeping Precepts make the foundation necessary to build a great castle on. Endurance and Endeavor are the walls of the castle… Avatamsaka-sutra 6 (Teachings of Buddha, pg. 169)
The Original Ideal of Man "And when a man sees that the God in himself is the same God in all that is, he hurts not himself by hurting others: then he goes indeed to the highest Path." BhagavadGita 13:28
The Original Ideal of Man We have indeed created man in the best of moulds. Koran 95:4 He (Allah)… breathed into him (man) something of His spirit. Koran 32:7-9
The Original Ideal of Man ... Our Soul is the image of the Transcendent God. Adi Granth, pg 868
The Value of a Person Who has Fulfilledthe Purpose of Creation God Mind Perfect First Mind True Person Body Perfect Second Mind Perfected Person: Divine Value Eternal Value
The Value of a Person Who has Fulfilledthe Purpose of Creation God A C B Joy Joy C A Joy Only One B Perfected Person: Unique Value
Spirit World Cosmos Physical World The Value of a Person Who has Fulfilledthe Purpose of Creation Internal Character Spirit Self God Physical Self External Form Perfected Person: Cosmic Value
The Person Who has Fulfilled the Purpose of Creation God Mind Body Man ① Divine Value ② Eternal Value ③ Unique Value ④ Cosmic Value
Swami Sivananda “What you are, is God’s gift to you. What you become, is your gift to God.”
Lessons Learned • Absoluteness of God’s will • Absolute necessity of human beings to fulfill their responsibility • Perfection of our individual character is based on our relationship with God.