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Safe and Reliable Transport of Da ngerous Go ods in the B altic Sea Region (DaGoB)

Safe and Reliable Transport of Da ngerous Go ods in the B altic Sea Region (DaGoB). WP1 main results. WP1 goals. Analyse DG flows and DG-related incidents/accidents Study bottlenecks in border-crossing DG transport chains involving shippers and logistics operators.

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Safe and Reliable Transport of Da ngerous Go ods in the B altic Sea Region (DaGoB)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Safe and Reliable Transport of Dangerous Goods in the Baltic Sea Region (DaGoB) WP1 main results

  2. WP1 goals • Analyse DG flows and DG-related incidents/accidents • Study bottlenecks in border-crossing DG transport chains involving shippers and logistics operators

  3. WP1 Results: Reports (1 of 2) • * Summary of Evaluation of EU Policy on the Transport of Dangerous Goods since 1994 • * Transport of Dangerous Goods in Finland in 2002 • * Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Law • * Maritime Transport and Risks of Packaged Dangerous Goods • * Risk Management System – Risk Assessment Frameworks and Techniques • * Supply Chain Analysis of Dangerous Goods in the Baltic Sea Region Multiple Case Study of 14 Supply Chains

  4. WP1 Results: Reports (2 of 2) • * Estonian experience in implementing mandatory dangerous goods notification from ships (Published on DaGoB website: September 2007) • * Transport of Dangerous Goods in the Baltic Sea Region (A survey of DG flows) (DL: October 2007) • * A survey of accidents & incidents in the BSR (DL: Nov. 2007) • * A summary report: “Flows, supply chains and risks related to DG”. (DL: November 2007) • * Driver shortage survey within the chemical transport (DL: November 2007) • All publications at www.dagob.info or through you local DaGoB representative

  5. Master's theses • * Comparison of the ICT-systems of monitoring and surveillance the movements of dangerous goods in the ports of Baltic Sea area countries (DL: September 2007 by Johannes Raitio, Turku) • * Road tanker transport markets of Dangerous Goods in the Baltic Sea Region (DL: November 2007 by Mikko Suominen, Turku)

  6. PhD thesis • Arben Mullai, defended on Sept. 11, 2007 at Lund University: • A Risk Analysis Framework for Maritime Transport of Packaged Dangerous Goods - A Validating Demonstration (Volumes I and II) • http://theses.lub.lu.se/postgrad//search.tkl?field_query1=pubid&query1=tec_1217&recordformat=display

  7. Thank you!

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