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Explore the paradigm of interpreting studies theory, note-taking techniques, and the impact of background knowledge on interpreting. Learn about literal vs. reflective translation and Danica Seleskovitch's contributions.
Language and MemoryA study of note–taking in consecutive interpreting By Danica Seleskovitch Translated by Jacolyn Harmer Presented by Kuei-Chan Chen
What can we get from this article? - main idea of Seleskovitch’s paradigm of interpreting studies theory - the difference between literal and reflective translation - the purpose and techniques of note-taking - the interplay between note-taking and background knowledge
Danica Seleskovitch (1921-2001) ٠ Concept of deverbalization, beyond language-pair-specific, and “sense” based conception: “Sense is non-verbal, not only because the cognitive addition remains unvoiced, but also because sense as a whole is dissociated from any language form in cognitive memory as soon as it has been found.” (Seleskovitch, 1978 a:336) ٠Three phases of Seleskovitch-Lederer mode applying to the process of consecutive interpreting : - Verbal phase - Non-verbal phase - Subsequent verbal phase http://bbol.embanet.com/course/1/SE-LNI102-W10/content ٠Contributions in Translation Studies : The Inerpreting theory of Translation - “théorie du sens” (p.120) - The Interpreting theory of Translation first apply to note-taking - devoted most of her life in interpreting training and research
Literal Translation vs. Reflective Translation Literal Translation: - is also known as word-for-word translation - emphasizes on using a stereotypical, formulaic language - an easier and faster translation method Reflective Translation: - emphasizes on concept-based, and meaning of the context - more difficult in translating process due to working on mental effort Example: A Chinese Idiom: 咬耳朵 (yao er duo): Literal translation: bite ear Reflective translation through linking concepts: ear – listening, bite – very close distance, bite ear – whispering Conclusion
Note-Taking , analysis of D’s notes • Why to do it? - problem with “longer speeches” in a consecutive interpreting (IIS, p.19) - problem with distraction - problem with information lost • What to write? - specific information or ideas that help remember the meaning of the source text; example of “tariff” - proper names, names, headings and certain numbers” (Seleskovitch, 1978:36), examples on D’s notes • How to generate techniques? - vertical placement (http://bbol.embanet.com/course/1/SE-LNI102-W10/content) - using symbols, abbreviations (Blaszczyk and Hanusiak, 2010) - language choice (Blaszczyk and Hanusiak, 2010) Conclusion
Background Knowledge Access • Empiricism (Kurtus, 2002) • Increase the ability to capture the meaning of the context ٠ D’s note-taking strategy of not taking the word “tariff” ( p.127) is an evident that D is familiar with background knowledge of the ST
Conclusion Note-taking is an important tool in the process of Consecutive Interpreting. • A Chinese proverb: 工欲善其事,必先利其器 Pinying :gōng yù shàn qí shì,bì xiān lì qí qì Meaning: To do a better job, one must first sharpen one's tool. Applying to interpreters: To make the work twice result with effort, they must broaden their knowledge and sharpen their skills.
Activity 1: Symbols picked up from the keyboard SymbolsConcepts ٠ - : no or negative ٠ + : yes or positive • > : more, stronger, etc. in comparative case • < : less, weaker, in comparative case • 2 : similar sound: two, too, tool, to • <> : within, in, inside • & : music, related to concept of sound • ~ : water • ? : question words: what, why, how, etc… • 4 : similar sound: for, four, fore, etc… • ( ) : include, contain, within Please share with us if you have any creative idea on symbols or any strategies on note-taking.
Activity 2: I would like to bring up an issue from my research project with Professor Seguninor. The source text is written in Chinese language regarding airport baggage transportation. Students are asked to translate it from Chinese to English: Original text in Chinese: 有價值的物品(如証件,現金,票據,金銀首飾等貴重物品)或重要文件應自隨身攜帶。 • Pinying: • You jia zhi de wu ping (ru zheng jian, xian jin, piao ju, jin yin shou shi deng gui zhong wo ping) huo zhong yao wen jian ying zi ji sui shen xi dai. ST in English literal meaning : • “Have valuable items ( such as ID, cash, cheques, gold silver jewellerylike preciousitems), or important documents should be carried with you, cannot be checked through. For “gold silver jewellery like precious items”, I find (1) 9 out of 11 students translate to “jewellery” (2) One of the students writes “golden and silver jewellery” (3) One of the students writes “gold silver and other precious things” Questions/Discussion: • How do you view/explain the above translations related to the points of literal and reflective translation? • Please brain storm any points of your view and post them in the discussion forum.
Activity 3: Consecutive Interpreting Video in Vietnamese and English • Watch the video and take notes in your preferred language, and then discuss the following questions. (1) What strategies did you use? (Can be your creative strategies.) (2) Did you find your strategies effective for note-taking? Why or why not? (3) What challenges did you encounter when taking notes? Your reflection on the discussion forum are highly appreciated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7BDeWwJyek&feature=related
Reference Albl-Mikasa, M. (2008). (Non-) Sense in note-taking for consecutive interpreting. John Benjamins Company. Blaszczyk, P. & Hanusiak, D. (2010). The choice of language for note-taking for consecutive interpreting: A Polish perspective. Electonic proceedings of the KäTu symposium on translation and interpreting studies. Gile. D. (1995). Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Kurtus, R. (2002). Epistemology:The Philosophy of Knowledge. http://www.school-for-champions.com/knowledge/epistemology.htm Pöchhacker, F (2004). Introducing interpreting studies. London: Routledge. Pöchhacker, F. & Shlesinger, M. (2002) ed. The interpreting studies reader. London: Routledge Seleskovitch, D. (1978a). Interpreing for International Conferences,in Allbl-Mikasa (2008). (Non-) Sense in note-taking for consecutingi interpreting.John Benjamins Publishing Company. http://bbol.embanet.com/course/1/SE-LNI102-W10/content