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Electoral geography examines voting behavior and factors such as income level, ethnicity, and education. It also explores how boundaries are established and the causes of boundary disputes. Geopolitical perspectives provide insights into power dynamics and international relations.
Electoral Geography • a key component of the states internal political geography. • Includes - study of voting behavior • Political geographers study church affiliation, income level, ethnic background, education, and numerous other social and economic factors. • Democracy • most direct control and contact with the government is at the local level. • US Constitution territorial representation in the House • representative - elected from a territorially defined district. • Census taken every 10 years - reapportionment,
Electoral Geography • States use their own methods and criteria to redistrict themselves, most important of which is equal population within districts. • The courts have called for representational equality of racial and linguistic minorities. • Minority voters - diluted by splitting them amongst many districts ensuring that the majority population retains control of each district. • Courts have made decisions they require states to redistrict in a way that would maximize minority representation. • The results since 1990s census - states have increased the number of majority-minority districts in the House of Representatives from 27 to 52. • Majority-minority districts are packed districts in which a majority of the population is from the minority. • In order to achieve - drawn misshaped voting districts in order to connect minority populations , join many urban areas
Electoral Geography • 1812 - Gov. Aldridge Gerry of Massachusetts • gerrymandering • The US electoral map reflects • Conversely - concentrates minority votes creating countrywide government that is less responsive • Spatial organization of voting districts has a profound impact on who is represented and who is not. • regionalism and can shape the governments response to issues in the future.
How are boundaries established and why do boundary disputes occur? • Boundary-a vertical plane that cuts to the rocks below and airspace above dividing one state territory from another. • Many boundaries were established on world maps before the extent or significance of resources below the surface one. • Europe: Cole-underneath Belgium, Netherlands, and the Rhur area of Germany. • Germans complained Dutch withdrawing natural gas • Wanted compensation • Iraq and Kuwait
How are boundaries established and why do boundary disputes occur? • Iraqi’s complain that Kuwait is drilling too many wells draining the reserve too quickly. • Airspace • Establishing boundaries - between states it typically takes four steps. • First - states defined the boundary – treaty: legal document establishes point of latitude and longitude. • Second - cartographers delimit - map. • Third - demarcate the boundary with steel posts, concrete pillars, fences, walls, or other visible means. • Final step - administrate the boundary - maintained and how goods and people will cross it.
How are boundaries established and why do boundary disputes occur? • Boundary disputes – boundaries – old and imprecise, like rivers, actually change course. • Resources - can also lead to conflict. • There are four types of boundary disputes: • one - definitional boundary disputes-based on the legal language. Example: median line of a river, - Solution is to refine the definition to both parties. • Two - locational boundary disputes: center on the demarcation of the boundary. interpretation is disputed
How are boundaries established and why do boundary disputes occur? • Three - operational boundary disputes: • Smuggling goods across borders and people can sometimes lead to operational disputes. • Four - locational boundary disputes: becoming more common, disagreements over natural resources, typically - subsoil. • Also involve international boundaries at sea. • Water supplies
How do geopolitics and critical geopolitics help us understand the world? • Geopolitics is the interplay among geography, power, politics, and international relations. • Two schools of classical geo-politicians: the German school, the British and American school. • The German School • German professor Frederick Ratzel: influenced by Darwin, state resembles a biological organism whose lifecycle extends from birth through maturity and ultimately declined and death. • nourishment - acquisition of territories. • static boundaries = atrophy • Territory is essential • This type of philosophy lead to Nazi expansionism. • Lebensraum
How do geopolitics and critical geopolitics help us understand the world? • The British American school: offer strategic advice for states and explain why countries interact on a global scale the way that they do. • Founder - Halford J Mackinder of Oxford University. • concerned with power relationships, Britain had acquired a global empire. • his contemporaries: the oceans the key to world domination - disagreed. • land-based power – world domination. • Eurasia : resource-rich "pivot area" . • great empire - anyone who controlled this region. • renames this area the heartland, becomes known as the heartland theory. • post WWI he writes a book issuing a warning to the winners: • rule East Europe, command the heartland • rule the heartland, commands the world island • rule the world island, command the world.
How do geopolitics and critical geopolitics help us understand the world? • When he proposed his heartland theory - Russia was in disarray, facing revolution and Germany was gaining power. • Soviet Union emerges - theory begins to attract attention. • As Stalin grows in power - 1940s the theory offers strategies to keep the Soviets in check. • encourages an alliance around the North Atlantic - land and sea power against the heartland. • influenced the US - containment policy during the Cold War. • NATO. • Influence of Geopoliticians on politics - NATO still exists - not invited Russia to join this alliance. • has extended membership to Eastern European & former republics.
What are supernational organizations, and what is the future of the state? • Supernational Organization is composed of three or more states, administrative association - structure for mutual benefit : pursuit of shared goals. • political, economic, cultural, and military. • There are between 60 and 100 • Ex: NATO, NAFTA, European Union. • Woodrow Wilson proposed - League of Nations. • United States refused to join. • weekend the league - collapsed @ beginning of the WWII • lead to the creation of other supernational organizations - Court of International Justice - adjudicate legal issues between states • After World War II - United Nations
What are supernational organizations, and what is the future of the state? • currently 192 member states in the United Nations. • Within the UN - UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. • WHO world health organization • the FAO the food and agriculture organization - work to benefit humanity. • UN - peacekeeping troops • Participation in the United Nations requires states to commit to internationally approve standards of behavior. (apparently not the United States, unilateralism) • regional supranational organizations - our regional scale supernational organizations attempt to position states more strongly economically, politically, militaristically. • Example-the Benelux countries. • European Union - elimination of certain tariffs between nations, free or flow of labor, capital, and non-steel commodities.
What are supernational organizations, and what is the future of the state? • 1980s 12 members including the three European giants of Germany France and United Kingdom. • 1992 the EU is formally established, 90s :single currency the euro. • Integration - difficult process. • Diversity - challenge to integrate. • concerns - loss of traditional state powers. • Different ethnic traditions and histories of conflict and competition also make it a challenge. • The 2000 & 2008 global recessions have led to major increases in unemployment and an increase in nationalism.
What are supernational organizations, and what is the future of the state? • Another issue is Turkey. • Turks - strong interest in joining the EU - Greeks are hesitant, dispute over Cyprus. • Turkeys human rights record against the Kurds. • Turkey isn't European enough • Concerns have alienated the Turkish people, many no longer want to join the EU.
How does supernationalism effect the state? • EU : it's not a state, nor is it simply an organization of states. • unlike any other supranational organization. • multifaceted government, three Capital Cities, billions of euros flowing into its treasury. • The EU is extending, domestic policies, and military policies, sovereignty moving from states to the EU. • States where people have been disempowered by their state government feel a strong connection to the European Union. • challenges to the state as we know it are being caused by the European Union. • As economic globalization expands it makes it even more difficult for states to control economic relationships.
How does supernationalism effect the state? • Some states - giving up traditional regulatory powers as a result and others seek to insulate themselves from the international economy. • Others - working to build supranational economic blocks - hope will help them cope with globalization. • Increase mobility - individuals from far places into closer contact than before. • Popular culture - made national borders virtually meaningless. • Religion is influencing global affairs - states attempt to defeat extremism often produces support for state governments in the short-term, but inability to defeat extremist attacks may weaken states in the long term. (Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan) • Some speculate - new bipolar international system will emerge based on recent events put in the Islamic world against the Judeo-Christian world. • Many question these ideas - failure to recognize the diversity within Islam and the Judeo-Christian – promotes stereotypes. • Globalization - produced economic, social, and cultural geographies that look less and less like the map of states.