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Aloha from Gylian on Maui, Hawaii. Sacred Earth. Citizens’ Rights . In the preparation of this presentation, I was blessed with the help of a dear friend, Bob Carter, who jumped in with his technical wisdom, spirited humor, & unfathomable heart & patience... Many Mahalos. Kihei.
Sacred Earth Citizens’ Rights In the preparation of this presentation, I was blessed with the help of a dear friend, Bob Carter, who jumped in with his technical wisdom, spirited humor, & unfathomable heart & patience... Many Mahalos
Kihei Kahului Airport
E comomai-Welcome to Maui Costco • Airport Wal-mart • KrispyKreme
Dairy Rd-Hana Hwy Intersection Maui Marketplace-Pier I - • Kahului Lowe’s-Office Maxx Sugar Mill-New Office Park
Leaving Kahului via Mokulele Hwy to Kihei Sugar Cane fields & Haleakala Sugar Cane fields & West Maui Mountains
Haleakala Upcountry rural-residential-farmlands, etc Entering the beach community of Kihei that stretches for 6 miles along the coast to Wailea: small businesses, supermarkets, condos, residential neighborhoods, schools, parks, beaches - Kihei town NEW Mega Mall
Kihei’s beach road Marketplace-McDonald’s Azeka Mall-Kihei Town Kukui Mall-For Lease Sign Kukui Mall-Kihei Town
Beach Residential Homes Pi’ilani Hwy NEW planned Mega Mall
Mega Mall 700,000 sq ft, 3,800 parking spaces 5x Costco 131,000 sq ft, 800 parking spaces Mega Mall Proposed Kihei High School • Mega Mall is located on the only highway in Kihei, • 2 streets east of Kihei-Wailea’s local shopping area • 22 Vacant stores: 70 sq ft -12,500 sq ft. • Kihei (approx pop 20,000) • Wailea-Makena (approx. pop 6,000) • The road ends at Makena and returns the same way • 15-20 minutes away from Kahului: Industrial & Commercial hub of Maui. All present box stores are located there ... more coming!!!!
Tourism Fear Jobs Growth Hopeless Mega MallMyths Apathy Economy Cheaper Choices Ostrich
and Sacred Earth Forever Changed, Forever Gone Contrary to beliefs about increasing our economy, providing jobs, and that growth is necessary....... Mega Mall’s... ≈ undermine a community and its zoning, ≈ destroy our on-island economy ≈ create more unemployment ≈ endanger our environment, lifestyle, spirit, & future growth of Maui.
ConquestofParadise Fear “I don’t want to make waves and lose what I have” “What if you lose, then what?” Hopeless “It’s a done deal” “Nothing I can do about it” “It’s a waste of your time, they won’t listen to any of us” “It’s the ‘Good Ol’ Boy’ network” Ostrich “I have my own little world to take care of” “I came here for quiet” “I left the mainland to stay out of politics” Apathy “Things change” “I guess that’s growth”
The Local-Global Challenge • How can Globalization allow for diversity? • How can small businesses stay alive & thrive within the largesse of retail commercialism? • How can we serve & satisfy the diversified needs , desires, & visions of individuals, & communities? • How do we preserve & complement the environments & cultures we live in?
Visual Presence, Visual Pressure Media polls Sign Waving at Property Public Testimony Kihei Community Association Meeting Media attention Legal Actions **** Latest Legal Update **** “The State Office of Planning has filed a brief with the Land Use Commission agreeing that an order to show cause should be issued because the property owner has failed to develop the property in accordance with the representations made to the Commission!”
Together each voice creates a chorus that will be heard... • Talk to everyone you know • Send out and sign petitions • Contact a local organization • Send a representative to meetings • Write an editorial and/or an article
CPR-Conscious People with Resources • actnow-maui.org: A LocalConsortium to Act Global Partnering to allow an “Emergent Vision” of sensible & sustainable community growth NOW ! i.e. actnow-ashland.org; actnow-munich.org, etc.
Visual Presence, Visual Pressure “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead Gandhi Mother Teresa Jean Houston Bill Gates Ted Turner Aung San SuuKyi Susan B. Anthony MartinLuther King, Jr.
≈Pave Paradise, Put Up Parking Lots?≈ • Lure and allure of Maui • to feel openness of space • to be part of nature’s magnificence • to relax • to breathe • to replenish your soul’s dreams • to romance your spirits.
Links & Connections Created by GylianSolay, MS 808.344.8068 gyliansolay@gmail.com www.gyliansolay.com Assistant Robert (Bob) Carter “Green” Architect www.carter-architects.com Maui Community Organizations Kihei Community Association: www.gokihei.org Maui-Tomorrow: www.maui-tomorrow.org Maui Media Contacts Maui Weekly: www.mauiweekly.com Maui News: www.mauinews.com Environmental Studies Traffic Study Video Link: Victoria Huffman- Traffic Study presentation 6-19-12 Kihei Association Meeting http://img.youtube.com/vi/S9Qb9zSTuNM/0.jpg Light Pollution: The City Dark Video Trailer: http://www.thecitydark.com/#/Trailer Developer of Mega Mall: Eclipse: Pi’ilani Promenade Shopping Center http://www.gokihei.org/news/is-this-the-beginning-of-eclipses-piilani-outlet-mall-project-in-no-kihei