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Over View of Business

Over View of Business. Diode Technologies Inc., Contact Details: Vivek Kamath 828 Greenbrier Parkway Chesapeake VA 23320 Phone: 757 685 6633 email vivek@diodetech.com. Introduction. Diode Technologies is a professionally managed service and support organization – BPO/KPO Model

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Over View of Business

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  1. Over View of Business Diode Technologies Inc., Contact Details: Vivek Kamath 828 Greenbrier Parkway Chesapeake VA 23320 Phone: 757 685 6633 email vivek@diodetech.com

  2. Introduction Diode Technologies is a professionally managed service and support organization – BPO/KPO Model Head quartered in Chesapeake, Virginia. Incorporated in 1999 to address the needs of national and international businesses. Diode has been providing Services and Solutions to small, medium and large sized business groups, Institutions and industries across the Globe Key Focus areas Consulting New Technologies 2

  3. Line of Business • CAD and Engineering services • Engineering Document Management Systems • 3 D modeling • Structural Steel Detailing Services

  4. ARCHITECTURAL • Diode offers a wide range of services across the entire spectrum of Architectural engineering • The flexibility in Architectural design services and the clear & concise way of anticipating our client requirements is what distinguishes us from the other outsourcing firms. • Diode provides Architectural design & detailing services, so give us your input in DWG format, paper legacy, documents, sketches, scanned images like jpg, tiff, imp, gif etc and we create the shop drawings for you. • We create dimensionally accurate shop drawings for submittal to contractors or the designated authorities. • Our architectural detailing services make sure that all the data is in the respective layers and is completely editable. We provide the services in any software of your choice including AutoCAD, VectorWorks, ArchiCAD, etc. Continued…..

  5. Some of our Architectural Services Include: Architectural layout & landscaping Architectural floor plans Space plans Reflected ceiling plans Interior designing & planning Evacuation CAD plans Architectural Elevations Architectural Sections Detailed Architectural working CAD drawings ARCHITECTURAL

  6. Some of our structural 2D drafting services include: Foundation Plan Drawing with footing and column schedules Sheet Pile foundation drawings Structural layouts with decking, joist for Reinforced Cement Concrete beam framing. Roof Truss and Joist details Pre-stressed structure drawings Tendon profile with co-ordinate for Post Tensioned slabs Reinforced Cement Concrete Joint And Slab Details Staircase detailing Special structures like Water Retaining tanks, Retaining wall, shell, decks, bulkheads, masts, funnels, bridges, transmission towers etc Curved and planar structures of side STRUCTURAL

  7. MEP SERVICES - HVAC HVAC systems are necessary components of modern buildings. Air conditioning and ventilation systems can significantly affect a building’s profitability. These systems consume about one-fourth of an office building’s electricity, and they often have a strong influence on worker productivity. HVAC services provides air-conditioning for residences, palaces, business complex, mosques, security buildings, and compounds (apartments) etc. Each client has its own standards and engineering concept for HVAC’s like type of building (royal, VIP, staff, commercial, industrial etc.,) to be decided before the start of design. For starting the design of any project, the basic inputs required are like – • Base architectural drawings, • Furniture layout, • MSP file, • Pantry/kitchen/laundry load, • Plumbing load, • Low current data, • High current data etc.

  8. MEP SERVICES – ELECTRICAL Electrical system is designed based on the total load requirements. The loads of the equipment's may be lighting, motors, HVAC, Plumbing, fire fighting, lifts & escalators etc. Based on the load requirement, the primary equipment like high voltage (HV) panel, transformers, bus -ducts, main power distribution panel, generator set. Distribution Boards (DB) shall be located depending on the load centers, whereas the primary equipment’s shall be located away from the main living area with safety as primary consideration and also depending on plot plan details. We will provide design guidelines / design basis as a project specific document to explain the electrical system based on the International Codes & Standards. Client will give inputs like the short-circuit level, quality of power, voltage level, frequency of power outage, soil resistivity etc., based on this we will design the electrical system to suit to the requirement. Based on the architectural drawing in conjunction with the interior design details and all other related information, we develop the complete working drawings for conduit installation, location of lamps and shades, cable tray, switch board connectivity, lightning arrestors, earthing etc. Continued…..

  9. MEP SERVICES - ELECTRICAL Considering the plot plan and floor layout, on the basis of your specifications, our engineers can design the illumination system. If your system design is available, we can undertake detailing thereof which includes preparing the cable layout and cable schedule, material take-off and wiring diagrams. Similarly, we can make earthing (grounding) system layout, detail out the components, and provide drawings for laying out the earthing strips, earthing pits, interconnection diagrams, lightning protection system. Electrical services provide electrical power supply required for other trades like HVAC, Illumination, Kitchen, Pantry and Plumbing (Hot Water Production) etc., for a residence building, Palace etc.

  10. MEP SERVICES - PLUMBING • Our Plumbing Design experience includes: • Domestic Water Systems • Sanitary Waste Systems • Storm Drainage Systems • The respective systems and / or assemblies are designed in accordance with applicable code requirements and in conjunction with the rules and regulations of the utility companies involved. We develop a complete isometric drawing of the piping network for a particular design and enable the drawing for execution. Plumbing services for building types such as offices, industrial, manufacturing, and maintenance facilities. Site distribution includes water, sewer, and gas.

  11. MEP SERVICES – EXTERNAL UTILITIES Based on the information provided by the other departments we develop our conception design for the following Networks with respect to others. • Leveling (Road System) • External Water Supply Network • External Drainage Network • Landscape and Irrigation System • Network Synthesis VRD is a French Word “Voie Réseau Dessin” means “Road Network Design” or simply External Utilities. External Utilities Design comprise of ground slopes design, fixing the floor levels, economical design & routing for waste water, cold water, rain water, electrical and chilled water pipes from the building to the main source, developing synthesis drawing for all the networks and Sectional drawings to slow the cross-over of networks.

  12. BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING -BIM Concept The idea behind Building Information Modeling concept is simply having a single repository of project information. Many aspects of a project whether it be graphical or non-graphical documents are defined once in one place using systematic intelligent processes and digital technology. Although BIM is not the end-all solution to problems faced by the AEC industry, it does provide one of the best available approaches to servicing the AEC industry. Continued…. Building Information Modeling Emergence Building Information Modeling is revolutionizing the way the Architectural, Engineering and Construction industry is delivering its services. Industry professionals are being presented with benchmarked reports on how BIM concepts are clearly creating a challenging environment where AEC service providers have to adapt to a new way of thinking and working.

  13. BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING -BIM Outlook Accuracy and efficiency coupled with increased levels of service, quality and productivity leaves AEC service companies with a challenging thought to take the initial steps to diversify. BIM technologies cannot replace existing work processes overnight but thoughtful preparation and diversification is necessary to survive any business momentum. It is important for AEC firms to be aware of Building Information Modeling concepts and stay up-to-date with the developments. Development AEC tool developers are deeply involved in research and development of viable technologies to support the BIM concept. Autodesk and Graphisoft have numerous software tools providing a platform for easy implementation and transition of BIM concepts. Reports* show the benefits to adopting BIM technologies to be remarkable.

  14. TECHNICAL SUPPORT & PROCESS Diode’s team work closely with all clients to ensure that the final CAD files produced by Diode match the requirements of your project exactly. Upon receipt of your drawings to be converted into CAD, we closely examine the project and work closely with you to ensure that all technical requirements are understood prior to proceeding with the detailing and drafting process. Before beginning a large detailing or drafting or conversion project, Diode recommends that you send few appropriate sample documents, along with your specific layering standards, blocks, etc. if any, for an initial pilot conversion. This allows us to work together to assure you that our drawing output meet your specific standards before the actual project begins. Once you have received and reviewed the final CAD files, we follow-up closely to verify that the CAD files have met all of your specific project requirements. If any inconsistencies with the files are detected, Diode updates the files immediately and submits the updates to your office.

  15. Architectural 3D Modeling and Walkthroughs:

  16. Architecture Services Diode with its associates work closely with clients to provide state-of-the art facility to create 3-Dimensional “Fly Around” perspective models using MicroStation based software solutions • 3D Modeling of Buildings • 3D Landscape Modeling • 3D ‘Fly Around’ and • walk-through of Buildings

  17. Contact Details Diode Technologies Inc. 828 Greenbrier Parkway Chesapeake VA 23320 Vivek kamath Phone: 757-685-6633 vivek@diodetech.com.

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