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LSFY Fall Enrollment Guide. Click here to get started. NC State UNIVERSITY. You are here: Enrollment Guide title slide. Getting Started.
LSFY Fall Enrollment Guide Click here to get started. NC State UNIVERSITY You are here: Enrollment Guide title slide
Getting Started • This guide will help you select courses for your first semester in LSFY. However, before beginning this guide, if you already know that you want to pursue a major OUTSIDE of LSFY, please contact Undergraduate Admissions BY June 1st and request to be moved to that program. • You must complete the math and chemistry placement tests before starting this guide – to ensure your hold is lifted have these done NO LATER than May 31st. • You will select fall courses, including Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Life Science courses. Most students will take 15-16 total credit hours during fall semester. • AP scores are addressed in this guide, but IB scores are not. Email an advisor with questions regarding IB credit. • If you are an Early College graduate, navigate all the way through the Guide and take the survey at the end. Early college graduates should also send an unofficial transcript to lifesciencesfy@ncsu.edu. • This guide will NOT keep track of your course selections.Use the Enrollment Check Sheet to record the courses you select. • You must use slide show for this guide. Use the links at the bottom of each page or within the text of the slide to navigate through this guide. Arrow keys will not work. Next You are here: Getting Started 1 of 2
Getting Started, cont. • Navigate all the way to the end to the slide titled “Final Thoughts.” • Once you are (almost) done, you will take a short survey. Students who complete the survey and have taken both the chemistry and math placement tests will have their advising hold released on June 3rd. Advising holds prevent you from enrolling in classes; you can not enroll until the hold is lifted by an advisor. The enrollment window (first date you may enroll in classes) for incoming first year students will open June 3rd. • Please use the links at the bottom of each page oroptions within the text of the slide to navigate through the course selection guide. If you previously worked through this guide and are returning to finish your enrollment planning, you can jump to: ChemistryMathLSC/HESEnrolling Start with Biology You are here: Getting Started 2 of 2
Biology START • First, you will choose your biology course. • Do you have AP or transfer credit for Biology? Yes, I have AP or transfer credit for Biology. AP Biology test scores of 4 or 5 result in NC State credit for BIO 181 and BIO 183. No, I do not have AP or transfer credit. You are here: Biology Start
Biology • If you have AP or transfer credit for BIO 181 and 183, you have several options (in no particular order): • Option 4: Take ENG 101. This is a first-year requirement for students at NC State. Please note, seats in ENG 101 may become available later this summer. • Option 5: Take a course specific to a discipline in which you are interested. Examples include: • GN 301 Genetics in Human Affairs • NTR 301 Introduction to Nutrition Science • PB 250 Plant Biology* • ZO 250 Animal Anatomy & Physiology* (especially for students interested in Zoology or Animal Science) • ANT 251 Physical Anthropology • PCC 274 Introduction to Forensic Science • ZO 410 (especially for students interested in Zoology) • ANS 230 (for students planning for Vet School) • *If the course has BIO181 and/or 183 as a pre-requisite, contact the LSFY advisors to learn how to enroll. Option 1: Though you have credit, you may still wish to take BIO 181 or 183 (and lab) as a refresher. If you are interested in this option, please email us. Option 2: Interested in Undergraduate Research? Take BIO 267. Note, this is the first course in a 2-semester sequence. If you enroll in BIO 267 in the fall, you will also enroll in BIO 269 in the spring. Option 3:Take a course that fulfills a General Education Program (GEP) requirement. You can use the “Enrollment Wizard” to search for GEP courses. FYI courses, which have small class sizes, are a good option to consider. If you have questions, email the LSFY advisors at LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu to discuss class options. Return to Biology StartGo to Chemistry next You are here: Biology, yes AP/TR credit
Biology • If you do not have AP or transfer credit for Biology, then you should take: • BIO 181 Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity (4 cr) • Choose the lecture with the corresponding lab that best fits your schedule. • DO NOT ENROLL IN AN ONLINE SECTION. Return to Biology StartGo to Chemistry next You are here: Biology, no AP/TR credit
Chemistry start • Have you taken the NC State Chemistry Placement Test? • Even if you expect to receive AP, IB, or transfer credit for chemistry, the NC State chemistry placement test is required as you cannot enroll without it. AP, IB or transfer credit typically will not process until July. • The score for the Chemistry Placement Test processes within 24-48 hours, and you can enroll in chemistry courses much faster than waiting on other scores. Final placement will be determined by your highest score; if appropriate, you can change your course selection later this summer. • Take me to the placement test. Return to Biology StartGo to Chemistry next
Chemistry START • Next, you will choose your chemistry course. • Do you have transfer or AP credit for Chemistry? Yes, I have AP or transfer credit for Chemistry. Select your score below. My AP score was a 3. My AP score was a 4 or 5. If you have transfer credit from another institution, email LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.eduto see if your transcript has arrived and credit awarded. No, I do not have AP or transfer credit. Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry Start You are here: Chemistry, AP/TR credit question
chemistry • If you have an AP Chemistry score of 3, then you will receive credit for: • CH 101: Chemistry – A Quantitative Science • and CH 102: General Chemistry Laboratory • This is the first chemistry course (lecture and lab) in the sequence for Life Sciences majors. • Email the LSFY advisors at LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu to discuss your options for chemistry (or other) classes to take this fall. Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry StartGo to Math next You are here: Chemistry, AP 3
Chemistry • If you have an AP Chemistry score of 4 or 5, you will receive credit for: • CH 101 and 102: General Chemistry and Lab, and • CH 201 and 202: Quantitative Chemistry and Lab • You have credit for all of the inorganic chemistry courses required for Life Sciences majors. • Email the LSFY advisors at lifesciencesfy@ncsu.edu to discuss your options for chemistry (or other classes) to take this fall. Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry StartGo to Math next You are here: Chemistry, AP 4 or 5
Chemistry • The chemistry placement test is required, and you will use choose your class based on your NC State Chemistry Placement Test score. • Have you taken the NC State Chemistry Placement Test? • Yes, and my score was: • 14 or lower • 15 – 17 • 18 or above No Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry Start You are here: Chemistry, no AP/TR credit
Chemistry • The chemistry placement test is required to enroll in a chemistry course as well as to have your advising hold lifted. • More information on placement tests can be found at the New Student Program page. Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry StartGo to Math next You are here: Chemistry, no placement test and no AP/TR credit
chemistry • A score of 14 or lower on the NC State Chemistry Placement Test means you MUST do one of the following: • Successfully complete (score of 18 or better) a series of self-guided modulesavailable online. • Enroll in CH 111 Preparatory Chemistry at NC State either on campus or via distance education this summer. • Enroll in a preparatory chemistry course at another institution this summer that will transfer to NC State as CH 111-- Check Course Equivalency • Enroll in CH 111 Preparatory Chemistry at NC State in the fall semester. • Email the LSFY advisors at LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu to discuss options. Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry StartGo to Math next You are here: Chemistry, placement below 15
chemistry • With a score in the 15-17 range on the NC State Chemistry Placement Test, you technically meet the cut off score to place into CH 101. HOWEVER, we encourage you to consider the following options to become better prepared for CH 101 and improve your knowledge of chemistry principles: • Successfully complete (score of 18 or better) a series of self-guided modules available online. • Enroll in CH 111 Preparatory Chemistry at NC State either on campus or via distance education this summer. • Enroll in a preparatory chemistry course at another institution this summer that will transfer to NC State as CH 111 -- Check Course Equivalency • Enroll in CH 111 Preparatory Chemistry at NC State during the fall semester. • After successfully completing any of the above, you will be prepared to take CH 101. • Email the LSFY advisors at LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu to discuss options. Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry StartGo to Math next You are here: Chemistry, placement 15-18
Chemistry • If you scored 18 or above on the NC State Chemistry Placement Test, you should enroll in CH 101 and CH 102. • CH 101: Chemistry – A Molecular Science (3 cr) • and • CH 102: General Chemistry Laboratory (1 cr) Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry StartGo to Math next You are here: Chemistry, placement over 18
math start • Have you taken the NC State Math Placement Test? • Even if you expect to receive AP, IB, or transfer credit for math, the NC State math placement test is required as you cannot enroll without it. AP, IB or transfer credit typically will not process until July. • The score for the Math Placement Test processes within 24-48 hours, and you can enroll in math courses much faster than if you wait for other scores. Final placement will be determined by your highest score, so you can change your course selection later this summer if appropriate. • Take me to the placement test. Note: do not guess on the placement test – guessing will lower your score! Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry StartGo to Math next
Math • Next, you will choose your Math course. • Are you interested in majoring in Biochemistry? Yes/Maybe No Return to BiologyReturn to Chemistry You are here: Math Start
Math • Are you interested in taking higher-level math courses (Calculus III and higher) as part of a major or minor? • Examples of majors/minors that require higher-level math are: • Biochemistry • Any engineering field (including Biomedical Engineering) • Chemistry • Math • Physics Yes/Maybe No Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math Start You are here: Math Start
math • Do you have AP or transfer credit for Calculus? No Yes I have credit for AB Calculus. I have credit for BC Calculus. If you have transfer credit from another institution, email LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu to check that your transcript has arrived and credit awarded. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math Start You are here: Math, higher-level math, AP/TR credit question
math • You are interested in majoring in Biochemistry or taking higher level math AND took AB Calculus. Your score was: • Score of 3: You have credit for MA 121. The only LSFY majors that accept credit for MA 121 are the following: Nutrition Science, Applied Nutrition, Plant Biology and BA Biology. If you are not interested in one of these majors OR you want to keep your options open, enroll in appropriate math class based on NCSU Placement Test score. For Biochemistry, preferred is MA 141/ MA 241/ MA 242. • Score of 4 or 5: You have credit for MA 141 and may enroll in MA 241*; confirm with an advisor. • Please note that MA 141 and MA 241 are higher level math courses than are required for life science majors. The majority of LSFY majors take MA 131 and MA 231, the exception being Biochemistry majors. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, higher-level math, AB Calculus scores
math • You are interested in majoring in Biochemistry or taking higher level math AND took BC Calculus. Your score was: • Score of 3: You have credit for MA 141, you may enroll in MA 241* • Score of 4 or 5: You have credit for MA 141 and 241. You may enroll in MA 242*. • Please note that MA 141 and MA 241 are higher level math courses than are required for life science majors. The majority of LSFY majors take MA 131 and MA 231, the exception being Biochemistry majors. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, higher-level math, BC Calculus scores
math • Do you have AP or transfer credit for Calculus? Yes I have credit for AB Calculus. I have credit for BC Calculus. If you have transfer credit from another institution, email LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu to check that your transcript has arrived and credit awarded. No Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math Start You are here: Math, AP/TR credit question
math • You are NOT interested in Biochemistry or higher level math • AND took AB Calculus. Your score was: • Score of 3:You have credit for MA 121. The only LSFY majors that accept credit for MA 121 are the following: Nutrition Science, Applied Nutrition, Plant Biology and BA Biology. If you are not interested in one of these majors OR you want to keep your options open, enroll in appropriate math class (likely MA 131) based on NCSU Placement Test score. • Score of 4 or 5: You may enroll in MA 231. You already have credit for MA 131. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, AB Calculus scores
math • You are not interested in Biochemistry or higher level math AND took BC Calculus. Your score was: • Score of 3: You have credit for MA 131. Youshould enroll in MA 231. • Score of 4 or 5: You have credit for MA 131 and 231; you have completed all of the required calculus courses for Life Science majors. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, BC Calculus scores
math • If you do not have AP or transfer credit for math, then you will choose your class based on your score on one of the following: • SAT Math Level II Subject Test • or • NC State Math Placement Test • Did you take the SAT Math Level II Subject Test? • YesNo Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math Start You are here: Math, no AP/TR credit
Math • You indicated that you are not interested in taking higher level math courses, and you took the SAT Math Level II Subject Test. However, the NC State math placement test is still required. • Follow this link to the NC State math placement test. Once you have taken the placement test, click here to see what course your score places you into. • Once both your SAT Math Level II and math placement test scores are available, please note that we will take the highest to determine placement. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, SAT II scores
Math • The NC State math placement test is required as you cannot enroll without it. • Have you taken the NC State Math Placement Test? • YesNo Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math Start You are here: Math, NC State Math Placement Test
Math • You MUST take the online NC State Math Placement Test to enroll in a math course. • Information on placement tests can also be found here. • ***Do not guess on the math placement test as it can lower your score.*** Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, Placement Test NOT completed
Math • You indicated you are not interested in higher level math, and you took the NC State Math Placement test. Please use the chart below to identify which math class you should take, based on your test score. 1Please email the advisors if your math placement is MA 101. Note: If you took the SAT Math Level II Subject Test, the scoring range is the same as the NC State’s math placement test. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, Placement Test scores
math • If you do not have AP or transfer credit for Math, then you will choose your class based on your score on one of the following: • Score on SAT Math Level II Subject Test • Or • NC State Math Placement Test • Did you take the SAT Math Level II Subject Test? • YesNo Go back to: BiologyChemistryMath Start You are here: Math, higher level math, no AP/TR credit
Math • You indicated that you took the SAT Math Level II Subject Test. However, the NC State math placement test is still required. Follow this link to the NC State math placement test. Once you have taken the placement test, click here to see what course your score places you into. Once both your SAT Math Level II and math placement test scores are available, please note that we will take the highest to determine placement. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, higher-level math, SAT II scores
Math • The NC State math placement test is required as you cannot enroll without it. • Have you taken the NC State Math Placement Test? • YesNo Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math Start
Math You indicated that you took the NC State Math Placement test. Please use the chart below to identify which math class you should take, based on your test score. Please note that MA 141 is a higher level math for math majors and engineers. The majority of LSFY majors take MA 131, the exception being Biochemistry majors. 1Please email the advisors if your math placement is MA 101. Note: If you took the SAT Math Level II Subject Test, the scoring range is the same as the NC State’s math placement test. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to Math StartGo to LSC next You are here: Math, higher-level math, Placement Test scores
LSC START LSC 101: Critical and Creative Thinking in the Life Sciences (2 cr) This course is required for all LSFY students. You will choose and enroll in a section that fits your schedule. Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to MathGo to LSC 103 next You are here: LSC Start – LSC 101
LSC 103 and options • A 103 course is required for all LSFY students. • The majority of incoming LSFY students enroll in: • LSC 103 • Students who intend to declare a major in one of the following areas should enroll in the corresponding course: • Biochemistry BCH 103 • Plant Biology PB 103 Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to MathGo to LSC 170 next You are here: LSC 103
Optional IN FallLSC 170 • LSC 170 courses are optional, 1 credit courses that allow students to explore other areas of science and can count towards free elective credit. Here are the Fall 2019 LSC 170 options – continue to check to see if new sections are added. • Section 015– Life on the Edge: Extremophiles and how they push • Section 017 – Assessing Risk as Scientists and Human Beings • Section 018 – The Science of Wellness Go to HES next You are here: HES
Optional IN FallHES (formerly PE) • All NC State students are required to take one 100-level Health & Exercise Studies (HES) course and one additional HES course as part of graduation requirements. • You may take HES courses in any order (i.e., you don’t have to take a 100-level HES course before a higher level HES course). • Many students choose to take their health courses for credit only. Health courses taken for credit only will still count towards your degree requirements. Please read this page for more information on the credit only policy at NC State. Contact an advisor if you still have questions. • Choose several possible HES courses, since the popular ones fill quickly. • HES courses in different categories have different course prefixes, but those listed below will meet the HES requirements. HESM and HESE courses will NOT meet this requirement. • HESAHESDHESFHESOHESRHESSHEST Go to Enrolling next You are here: HES
enrolling • Using this guide, you should have selected courses that total 15-16 credit hours: • Biology (4 cr) • Chemistry (3-4 cr) • Math (3-4 cr) • LSC 101 (2 cr) • LSC 103 (1 cr) • Optional to Add for Fall: LSC 170 or HES (1 cr) • Depending on your AP and transfer credits, you may have chosen courses in different disciplines. Q: Don’t I need an English course? A: Yes, however LSFY students take ENG 101 in the spring semester, unless they have credit for one of the courses listed at left. Go to MyPack Portal next
Mypack portal • YOUare responsible for enrolling in classes each semester, including this Fall. To learn the system, watch the MyPack overview on YouTube prior to searching for and enrolling in classes. You can review additional tutorials below: • Enrolling into a Course • Enrollment Wizard Tutorial • Swapping, Editing and Dropping Courses • Swapping to Waitlisted Courses • Note: the videos might look a bit different than your MyPack but the information is still applicable. If you prefer written instructions, view this written explanation for enrollment. • You must complete the short survey at the end of this enrollment guide, and both the math and chemistry placement tests, to be able to enroll in classes. Once you submit the survey, your hold will be released by 8 am on June 3rdfor enrollment that day IF your survey and placement tests are all completed by May 31stat noon. Surveys and placement tests completed after May 31stat noonwill be released within 24-48 business hours Monday through Friday. • The enrollment window for fall opens for incoming students on June 3rd. • This is the first day incoming students can enroll for fall classes – AND you can only do so if your hold has been released. Go to Advising next
Advising in LSFY • Your academic advisor is assigned based on your section of LSC 103 (or alternate 103 course). You will have a chance to meet and speak with an advisor during New Student Orientation. • In the meantime, send all questions to LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu. This account is monitored by the LSFY advisors Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Allow 24-48 hours for a response. • LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu Go to Orientation next
orientation • Don’t forget to register for LSFY New Student Orientation! • There are three LSFY sessions: • July 10-11, 2019 or • July 11-12, 2019 or • July 15-16, 2019 • International students will attend Orientation August 14th – 16th, 2019. • During Orientation, you can meet your LSFY Advisor, learn more about the various academic programs that comprise the LSFY and have the opportunity to meet some of our life sciences faculty. Go to Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts • You must take the survey (link below) and have your placement tests complete before you can enroll in classes. Once you submit the survey, your hold will be released by 8 am on June 3rdfor enrollment that day IF your survey is completed by May 31stat noon and you have completed both the math and chemistry placement exams. Surveys and placement tests completed after May 31st at noonwill be released within 24-48 hours Monday through Friday. • You should enroll in 15-16 credit hours for the fall. If you think you want to take more or fewer credit hours, contact an advisor. • Be patient and flexible in creating your schedule. You can continue making changes to your course selections throughout the summer as seats open in high demand classes. • Classes will open and close throughout the summer. Don’t panic! Just keep checking to make adjustments as needed. • After you receive AP scores (if applicable), if you need to make adjustments to your schedule, please reach out to your LSFY advisor (if assigned) or the e-mail below (if advisor not assigned). • Advisors will be in communication with you - through your NC State email address – throughout the summer. If you have questions, check our FAQ page first, thencontact us if your question isn’t answered. • LifeSciencesFY@ncsu.edu • Take me to the survey! Return to BiologyReturn to ChemistryReturn to MathReturn to LSCReturn to HES