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ECONOMIC and SOCIAL CHANGES from Roman Expansion

ECONOMIC and SOCIAL CHANGES from Roman Expansion. Day 4 notes. Rise of new classes: 1) Optimates Aristocrats (“Best Men”) Wanted to keep their privileged status Controlled Senate 2) Populares “favoring the people” Used Plebeian Assembly to weaken Optimates.

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ECONOMIC and SOCIAL CHANGES from Roman Expansion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ECONOMIC and SOCIAL CHANGES from Roman Expansion Day 4 notes Rise of new classes: 1)Optimates • Aristocrats (“Best Men”) • Wanted to keep their privileged status • Controlled Senate 2)Populares • “favoring the people” • Used Plebeian Assembly to weaken Optimates

  2. ECONOMIC and SOCIAL CHANGES from Roman Expansion Rise of new classes: 3)Equites • once formed cavalry • group that developed from Roman expansion • trade, contractors, suppliers for military, public works programs • Wanted more political power equal to that of their financial influence

  3. ECONOMIC and SOCIAL CHANGES from Roman Expansion Rise of new classes: 4)Proletariat • Urban, landless poor (unemployed, ex-soldiers) • Veterans • Helped Rome expand its territory and increase its power and wealth

  4. ECONOMIC and SOCIAL CHANGES from Roman Expansion • Proletariat becoming VERY UNSTABLE • Farmland destroyed and too expensive to repair • Sold at low, low prices • Latifundias developed • Used “slave” labor • Sold crops at lower prices • Import of crops hurt small farmers • Government used “Bread and Circuses” • Roman Military suffered • Had to own land to be in the military • As Rome was expanding it was needing more soldiers

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