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1789 While Britain's colonies were working toward becoming the United States of America, France was suffering from economic crisis and on its way to its own revolution -- a revolution that would use some of the same language used by British liberals and the American revolutionists.
1789 While Britain's colonies were working toward becoming the United States of America, France was suffering from economic crisis and on its way to its own revolution -- a revolution that would use some of the same language used by British liberals and the American revolutionists.
King Louis XVI was an awkward, clumsy man who had a good heart but was able to relate on a personal level with very few. He often appeared unfeeling and gruff. He was insecure and seems to have disliked being King of France. When one of his ministers resigned, he was heard to remark, "Why can't I resign too?"
Marie Antoinette. In the early years as Queen, was flighty and irresponsible. She spent huge amounts on clothes, buying a new dress nearly every other day. Being Austrian, she was terribly unpopular in France and had few friends
The King and Queen of France lived in luxury and splendor at a magnificent palace. Versailles (Ver-sEYE) outside of Paris.
The Three Estates • Before the revolution the French people were divided into three groups: • The first estate: the clergy • The second estate: the nobility • The third estate: the common people (bourgeoisie, urban workers, and peasants). • Legally the first two estates enjoyed many privileges, particularly exemption from most taxation.
Causes of the French Revolution • The Enlightenment Revolutionary ideas • Ideas • Liberty • Equality • Reason • Progress
The American Revolution • 1775-1783 • Showed the ideas of Enlightenment in Action • French soldiers who helped in America came home inspired • Put the French government (the King) in deep debt.
…Causes of the French Revolution • France in financial ruin, almost bankrupt Paid huge sums of money to fight British in French & Indian War. Financial and military support to colonists for Amer. Rev.
3. Economic DepressionPeasant’s situation unbearable • Manufacturing down • Unfairly overtaxed • Taxation without representation in government • Crop failures= no income=no bread • Lack of work & STARVING
Calling the Estates General • The King attempted to solve the financial crisis by removing some of the nobles’ tax exemptions. • However, the nobility saw themselves as special, w/ better blood, & entitled to all of their class privileges • The Parliament, a judicial organization controlled by the nobility, invoked its powers to block the King’s move • He was forced to call a meeting of the Estate General in 1788, has not met since 1614
Storming of the Bastille! • Huge blood-thirsty mob marched to Bastille searching for gun powder & prisoners • People were weary of attacks by King and mad with starvation • Mob breaks into fortress, frees all prisoners and murders all guards • Guards are beheaded and dragged through the streets of Paris.
Happy Bastille Day July 14th has been celebrated by the French every year since 1789, the year that citizens of France rebelled against the monarchy and stormed the Bastille prison where dissenters (in fact, anyone who disagreed with the way that France was being governed) were held. The storming of the Bastille marked the start of the French Revolution which allowed the people to govern France.
...to the right were the benches on which the accused were placed in several rows...to the left was the jury... ...the weighty knife was then dropped with a heavy fall; and, with incredible rapidity, two executioners tossed the body into the basket, while another threw the head after it... ...the next unfortunate soul was placed in position... October, 1793 Declaration of Rights of Man created Constitution of 1791 National Assembly takes control Reign of Terror! Anyone who opposes the revolution: “off with their head!”
Abolish the Monarchy! • King Louis & family try to escape Versailles in a carriage dressed clothes of servants • They are discovered and put in prison • Louis is believed to be working w/other countries to reinstate the monarchy • He is put on trial, found guilty and publicly executed via the guillotine. • Marie has the same fate 10 months later • between 18,000 and 40,000 people were executed during the Reign of Terror
Basic Differences… French Revolution wanted to change everything- Government, Social structure, Economy, Religion American Revolution sought a change in government, but the social system remained intact.