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RMP Transplanted Bivalve Program

Considerations to enhance bivalve health and monitoring program effectiveness, focusing on eliminating the Maintenance Cruise and reinstituting Wet-season Deployments at YBI. Investigates effects on equipment loss, fouling impact on bivalves, survival, and growth. Wet-season deployments track legacy pesticides and delta outflow. Insights from TRC Meeting, 20 September 2005.

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RMP Transplanted Bivalve Program

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RMPTransplanted Bivalve Program Recommendations for Consideration: Eliminate Maintenance Cruise Reinstitute Wet-season Deployments at YBI TRC Meeting 20 September 2005

  2. Eliminate Maintenance Cruise • Objectives of Maintenance Cruises • Reduce mooring losses from equipment failure • Reduce potential negative effects of fouling on bivalve health

  3. Piling Life Ring Divers Buoy Mesh Bag Bivalves Ground Line Earth Anchors

  4. Maintenance Cruise has never prevented the mid-deployment loss of a mooring due to equipment failure

  5. Maintenance Effects on Survival

  6. Maintenance Effects on Growth

  7. No differences in survival or growth between maintained and unmaintained cages

  8. Reinstitute Wet-season Deployment at YBI • Based on analysis of trends in legacy pesticides at YBI for Connor, et al. synthesis article • Relationships among legacy pesticides and time, rainfall and delta outflow (95th percentile and mean)

  9. Wet-season deployments at YBI would help track historic trends in PCBs and legacy pesticides and the effects of delta outflow and management actions on trends

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