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CSE 404 – Project Management

Learn how to prioritize features and develop a minimum viable product (MVP) for successful project management. Understand the importance of knowing the purpose and goal of your product to create an effective MVP. Explore case studies on messaging apps and source control apps to identify necessary features, differentiators, and useless elements.

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CSE 404 – Project Management

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  1. CSE 404 – Project Management Minimum Viable Product and Prioritizing

  2. DESIRE > REALITY • Coming up with great ideas is fun and relatively easy • Implementing great ideas … not so much • Your customers, managers, and even your team will want more than you can produce, faster than you can produce it • Even if you live at the office, that doesn’t scale infinitely

  3. Minimum viable product "You’re selling the vision and delivering the minimum feature set to visionaries, not everyone.“ - Steve Blank • Entrepreneurial concept that focuses on speed to market and future improvements • What is the minimum number of features that can satisfy early adopters? • What do you need to know to answer this question?

  4. WHY? • The most important question is “why is someone paying me to do this”? • If you don’t know that, they may not be for long • You can’t prioritize, or create an MVP, unless you know why the product exists • Once you know that, you can look at each feature, and assess the degree to which it furthers that goal • You can also find other ways to achieve the goal!

  5. Case Study – messaging APPs • What is the purpose of a messaging app? • What makes it different from other communication channels like email, message boards, phone calls, and in person meetings? • What are all the possible features that you have used, or can think of, in this type of app? • Of these, which ones are necessary? • Which ones are differentiators? • Which ones are useless?

  6. Case study – source control • What is the purpose of a Source Control app? • What are all the possible features that you have used, or can think of, in this type of app? • Of these, which ones are necessary? • Which ones are differentiators? • Which ones are useless?

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