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What vitamins supplements helps your hair growth faster

There are various supplements in the markets which helps in hair growth but many of them does not include necessary vitamins that should help in faster hair growth. So here are some vitamins supplements that helps your hair growth faster.

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What vitamins supplements helps your hair growth faster

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Vitamins Supplements Helps Your Hair Growth Faster

  2. Everyone dreams of healthy long and shiny hairs. Shine in the hairs come if enough protein and other vitamins reach to your scalp. Protein plays an important role in hair growth. If you are having enough protein in your diet daily, you will not face hair loss.

  3. Healthy hairs are a sign of good health; vitamins are not only essential for hairs but also for the overall body to function well. Protein, vitamins, and minerals are the three most important nutrients for faster hair growth. Let’s discuss other hair growth supplements.

  4. ❏ Vitamin A Vitamin A helps produce natural oil in scalp also known as sebum. Oil is very essential for the scalp to help prevent dandruff and helps in healthy and shiny hairs. Vitamin A is an antioxidant that moistures the scalp and protects from drying out. Foods like spinach, carrots, mangoes, and milk are a good source of vitamin A.

  5. ❏ Biotin Biotin contains 12 vitamins, it’s an essential vitamin for hair growth. Biotin helps prevent your split ends in hair. Biotin is water soluble vitamin if taken regularly can help in hair growth faster. Food that contains biotin is almond, peanuts, peanut butter, and walnuts.

  6. ❏ Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 belongs to Vitamin B family helps in hair growth. Vitamin B12 is important for red blood cells production and DNA synthesis. Fish, meat, egg, and milk are a good source of Vitamin B12. Many vegetarian people fail to get enough vitamin B12, in that case, they can take hair growth supplements that contain vitamin B12.

  7. ❏ Vitamin C Vitamin C contains collagen. Collagen is a body decreases with age. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents damage to the hair follicles. Vitamin C supplements and food has taken regularly helps in hair growth and thickness. Citrus fruits contain vitamin C.

  8. ❏ Vitamin E Vitamin E is the best natural antioxidant having Tocotreinols which help in a healthier scalp. The good source of Vitamin E is Almonds, broccoli, peanut, and green leafy vegetables. Many hair growth supplements are available in the supplement store or pharmacy in the UK.

  9. ❏ Folic Acid Folic acid is known as folate helps in hair thickness and shine in the hair. It’s an essential vitamin which prevents hair from greying out. It’s a water-soluble vitamin. Regularly consumption of folic acid helps in hair growth and thickness. Green leafy vegetables, rice, cereals, and citrus fruits are a good source of folic acid.

  10. ❏ Iron Iron if taken regularly in good amount helps in hair growth faster. Iron helps reach oxygen to cells and thus helps in hair growth. Vitamins in body decrease when you become old, so oral or natural supplements become a compulsion to take with the age. Always consult a doctor before taking supplements.

  11. ❏ Protein Hair follicles are made of protein. Protein is a good source for hair growth. Deficiency of protein cause hair loss and drying of hairs. Protein is needed for the construction of tissue. Pulses, fish, meat contain protein. Daily intake of protein in the body should be 30%. If you fail to take a daily intake of protein in your diet, consider taking supplements.

  12. ❏ Zinc Hormonal imbalance can also cause hair loss. Zinc plays an important role to balance hormonal levels in a body. Chickpeas, nuts, eggs, and spinach are a good source of Zinc. Supplements that contain zinc helps in hair growth faster. Zinc levels are less in males. Males should consider taking natural hair supplements that help in hair growth.

  13. ❏ Magnesium Magnesium supplements and oils are available online for hair growth.. Magnesium counteracts with calcium and helps reach calcium where it’s needed if enough calcium reaches to your scalp it helps prevents from dandruff and dryness. Green leafy vegetables, banana, avocado, nuts, and seeds are a good source of magnesium.

  14. ❏ Conclusion Chemicals, heat and other styling products can cause hair loss. Do not wash your hair with extremely hot water that can cause hair loss and dryness. Warm and cold water keeps your hair healthy and shiny. Everyone needs healthy hairs but to maintain them is very difficult. Start taking supplements that nourish your hairs from inside out.

  15. Taking supplements is not bad, you can always prefer taking natural supplements for hair growth. Hair growth supplements give you faster results. Above listed hair growth supplements are easily available online and in supplement stores in the UK.

  16. Thank you www.mynutricentre.com

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