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State Prevention Planning March 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho

State Prevention Planning March 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho. Purpose of this Presentation. Provide a relaxed, interactive opportunity to discuss statewide prevention planning

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State Prevention Planning March 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho

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Presentation Transcript

  1. State Prevention Planning March 16, 2010 Boise, Idaho

  2. Purpose of this Presentation • Provide a relaxed, interactive opportunity to discuss statewide prevention planning • Focus on the steps Idaho might take, to engage the public and policymakers to make prevention a part of everything we all do

  3. But WHY? Because: • When we invest in healthy child development, we are investing in community and economic development, as flourishing children become the foundation of our society. • Children exposed to extreme and sustained stress like child abuse and neglect can be devastating to a child’s development. 3

  4. But WHY? Because: Getting prevention right early is less costly to society and individuals than trying to fix things later. We estimate that implementing effective policies and strategies to prevent child abuse and neglect can save taxpayers more than $104 billion a year.

  5. A Conceptual Framework 5

  6. A Conceptual Framework Shared Funding Policy Integration Information Sharing Common Assessment and Referral

  7. It’s Not The Plan!! • Great work exists in Idaho • It’s all about the implementation 7

  8. Some Real Basics • Don’t get hung up on a title • We can’t be all things to all people all the time • There must be a focus on how to begin • Protective Factors • Nothing is perfect so don’t get hung up on that • There must be a leader 8

  9. Getting Started Basic demographics Define your terms Existing plans (no new groups!) Establish a baseline Obtain legitimacy Maintain legitimacy There must be governance (ownership)

  10. Things To Consider During the Development Outside stakeholders Executive committee Staff support Frequency of meetings Sustainability of effort

  11. What’s Idaho’s Next Step?

  12. Jim Hmurovich President & CEO Prevent Child Abuse America 228 S. Wabash, 10th Floor Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 663-3520, extension 810 jhmurovich@preventchildabuse.org 12

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