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Evolution of Digital Earth: Creating a Sustainable Future

Trace the evolution of the Digital Earth concept from Buckminster Fuller to modern initiatives like the International Society for Digital Earth. Explore how this 3D representation can revolutionize our understanding of the planet and promote sustainable solutions.

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Evolution of Digital Earth: Creating a Sustainable Future

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  1. The Digital Earth Idea • Al Gore 1998 • “I believe we need a Digital Earth. A multi-resolution, 3D representation of the planet, into which we can embed vast quantities of geo-referenced data.”

  2. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea • Buckminster Fuller (1895 – 1983) • “Does humanity have a chance to survive lastingly and successfully on planet Earth, and if so, how?” • Coined term “Spaceship Earth” • Worked on map projections for air travel

  3. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea Fuller Projection (1946)

  4. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea 1969 1973

  5. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea 1972 NASA Blue Marble

  6. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea • 1978 “Aspen Movie Map” • Pioneered use of cameras/computers to simulate distant physical environments • Developed by MIT’s Andrew Lippman • Funded by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) • Video

  7. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea • 1992 Snow Crash • A novel by Neal Stephenson • Describes “Metaverse” virtual world • Uses VG software called “Earth”

  8. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea • 1999 - International Society for Digital Earth: to promote the evolution and implementation of the Digital Earth vision

  9. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea

  10. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea • ISDE “Digital Earth is a visionary concept for the virtual and 3-D representation of the Earth that is spatially referenced and interconnected with digital knowledge archives from around the planet with vast amounts of scientific, natural, and cultural information to describe and understand the Earth, its systems, and human activities.” “The Digital Earth community is dedicated to building a virtual global commons to promote "down to Earth" solutions supported by cooperative protocols using standards, databases, analytical and visualization tools that will foster the creation of appropriate applications for a sustainable future. A consortium founded the International Society for Digital Earth to promote the evolution and implementation of the Digital Earth vision.”

  11. Evolution of Digital Earth Idea 2004 NASA ‘next generation’ Blue Marble

  12. Course purpose • To excite students about geography and geospatial technologies

  13. Course purpose • To excite students about geography and geospatial technologies

  14. Course purpose • To excite students about geography and geospatial technologies • indeed.com • juju.com • simplyhired.com

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