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Mental Disorders

Mental Disorders. Miss Kilker Health Objective: Be able to identify distinguishing factors of different mental disorders by participating in a think, pair, share activity for a specified disorder. Mental Disorders.

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Mental Disorders

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  1. Mental Disorders Miss Kilker Health Objective: Be able to identify distinguishing factors of different mental disorders by participating in a think, pair, share activity for a specified disorder.

  2. Mental Disorders Is an illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person, preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful, and productive life.

  3. Types of Mental Disorders • Organic Disorders-caused by a physical illness or an injury that affect the brain. (i.e. brain tumors, infections, chemical imbalances exposure to drugs and toxins and toxins). • Functional Disorders-has a psychological cause and does not involve brain damage. (i.e. heredity, stress, emotional conflict, fear, ineffective coping skills).

  4. Psychiatrist • A physician who specialized in diagnosing and treating mental disorders and can prescribe medications.

  5. Psychologist • Is a professional who diagnoses and treats emotional and behavioral disorders by means of counseling but canNOT prescribe medications.

  6. Schizophrenia Definition A severe mental disorder in which a person loses contact with reality. Have difficulty understanding the difference between real and imaginary events. Causes Combination of genetic factors and chemical and structural changes in the brain.

  7. Schizophrenia (cont.) Symptoms Delusions – false beliefs Hallucinations - sees and hears things that are not real Thought disorders – can not connect thoughts… Treatment /Diagnosis Psychological evaluation – no cure but medicine can be prescribed to lessen episodes

  8. Anxiety Disorder • Is a condition in which real or imagined fears are difficult to control. Classified into five main types: • Phobias • Obsessive Compulsive Disorders • Panic Disorders • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders. • Hypochondria

  9. 1. Phobia A strong and irrational fear of something specific, such as high places or dogs. Examples: • Fear of spiders-Arachnophobia • Fear of open or public places-Agoraphobia • Fear of tight spaces-Claustrophobia • Fear of clowns-Clourophobia • Fear of animals-Zoophobia

  10. 2. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • A person who is trapped in a pattern of repeated thoughts or behaviors. Example: A person may wash his or hands constantly throughout the day.

  11. 3. Panic Disorders Is a conditions in which fear and anxiety get in the way of a person’s ability to function and enjoy life. Sudden, unexplained feelings of terror. “Panic Attacks” are accompanied by symptoms such as trembling, a pounding heart, shortness of breath, or dizziness. • Can occur at any time or place, usually are triggered by a particular object, condition, or situation.

  12. 4. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders Is a condition that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event that threatened or caused physical harm. Symptoms: Flashbacks (sudden recall of a terrifying event, nightmares, emotional numbness, sleeplessness, and problems with concentration. Examples: • Personal assault/rape • Natural or human-made disasters (earthquakes, bombings, accidents, plane crashes, or military combat).

  13. 5. Hypochondria • The belief of illness when none is present. • “If it’s out there, he or she has it.”

  14. Mood Disorders Is an illness, often with an organic cause, that involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living. They are extreme in both intensity and duration.

  15. A prolonged feeling of helplessness , hopelessness and sadness. Two Types Reactive Depression-is a response to a stressful event, such as the death of a friend. Major Depression-A medical condition requiring treatment. Depression

  16. Clinical Depression Affects a persons ability to concentrate, sleep, perform at school or work, handle everyday decisions and challenges. It is a chemical imbalance that a person cannot overcome with out professional help. It is not a passing case of the blues-it does not go away.

  17. Bipolar Disorder It is a manic-depressive disorder, is Marked by extreme mood changes, energy levels and behaviors.

  18. Conduct Disorders A pattern of behavior in which the rights of others or basic social rules are violated. Examples: • Lying • Theft • Aggression • Violence • Truancy • Arson • Vandalism

  19. Eating Disorders Is an extreme harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness or even death. They are a result of psychological pressures possible genetic factors and an obsession with body image and thinness. • Anorexia Nervosa-self imposed starvation. • Bulimia Nervosa-Purging of food after over eating. • Binge Eating-Compulsive overeating

  20. Attention Deficit Disorder • Characterized by lack of attention, inability to concentrate on one specific task, and becoming easily distracted • Childhood onset • Cause unknown

  21. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) • Very similar to ADD but there is one more “piece” to it. One with ADHD can be impulsively hyperactive to the point that he or she cannot complete daily tasks. • Childhood onset • Cause unknown

  22. Help for Mental Disorders • Psychotherapy: • Counseling from a licensed therapist • Group Therapy: • A group of people with similar disorders talk about problems. Led by a licensed therapist • Medication: • Prescribed by a psychiatrist. They ease symptoms of the disorder.

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