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FHM TRAINING TOOLS. This training presentation is part of FHM’s commitment to creating and keeping safe workplaces. Be sure to check out all the training programs that are specific to your industry. Asbestos in Construction. Learning Objectives. Objectives:
FHM TRAINING TOOLS This training presentation is part of FHM’s commitment to creating and keeping safe workplaces. Be sure to check out all the training programs that are specific to your industry.
Learning Objectives Objectives: • Have better understanding of OSHA Construction Standard for asbestos • Be familiar with exposure • Have knowledge of hazard communication requirements for asbestos in construction
Agenda Presentation Agenda: • Overview of asbestos in construction • Exposure monitoring • Hazard communication
Section 1 Overview of Asbestos in Construction
Construction Activities and Asbestos The asbestos standard regulates the following activities: • Demolishing or salvaging structures • Removing asbestos-containing material • Constructing, altering, repairing, maintaining, or renovating • Installing asbestos-containing products • Cleaning up • Housekeeping involving asbestos
Work Classifications OSHA establishes: • A classification system • Mandatory, simple, technological work practices • Four classes of construction work
Class I Work Class I: • Potentially hazardous class of asbestos jobs • Involves removal of thermal system insulation • Thermal system insulation • Surfacing materials
Class II Work Class II: • Includes the removal of other types of ACM • Includes removal of asbestos-containing floor or ceiling tiles, siding, roofing, or transite panels
Class III Work Class III: • Repair and maintenance operations where ACM or presumed ACM (PACM) are disturbed
Class IV Work Class IV: • Cleaning dust-contaminated surfaces • Vacuuming contaminated carpets • Mopping floors • Cleaning up ACM or PACM • Includes custodial activities where employees clean up asbestos-containing waste
Permissible Exposure Limit Employers must ensure: • No employee is exposed to an airborne concentration of asbestos in excess of 0.1 f/cc as an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) • Employees must not be exposed to an airborne concentration of asbestos in excess of 1 f/cc as averaged over a sampling period of 30 minutes
The Competent Person On all construction sites with asbestos operations, employers must designate a competent person: • One who can identify asbestos hazards in the workplace • Must be qualified to ensure worker safety • Must attend comprehensive training course • Training must include a course equivalent to Operations and Maintenance course
Section 2 Exposure Monitoring
Initial Exposure Assessment A competent person must perform an initial exposure assessment: • A negative exposure assessment demonstrates that employee exposure during an operation is consistently below the permissible exposure limit (PEL). • Initial exposure assessment is based on the following: • Employee exposure monitoring • Observations indicating exposure • For Class I asbestos work, employers must assume employee exposures are above the PEL
Negative Exposure Assessment Employers may show that exposures will be below the PELs through the following: • Data demonstrating that ACM cannot release airborne fibers in excess of the 8-hour TWA PEL or STEL • Exposure data obtained within the past 12 months • Current initial exposure monitoring
Exposure Monitoring Employers must determine employee exposures for each affected employee: • One or more samples representing full-shift exposure • One or more samples representing 30-minute exposures • Employer must allow affected employees to observe any employee exposure monitoring
Periodic Monitoring For Class I and II jobs, employers must conduct monitoring daily: • Representative of each employee working in a regulated area • For other than Class I and II, employers must monitor work where exposures can possibly exceed the PEL • Monitoring shows certain employee exposures
Additional Monitoring Additional monitoring is required when: • Changes that could result in new or additional exposures above the 8-hour TWA PEL or STEL
Medical Monitoring Employers must provide a medical surveillance program for all employees who do the following: • Engage in Class I, II, or III work • Wear negative-pressure respirators • A licensed physician must perform/supervise all exams • Employers must make exams available • Prior to assignment • Within 10 working days • When physician suggests
Recordkeeping Employers must maintain employee records: • If using data to demonstrate products made from or containing asbestos cannot release fibers • Keep records for 30 years • Keep medical surveillance records for duration of employment plus 30 years
Section 3 Hazard Communication
Regulated Areas A regulated area is: • A marked-off site where employees work with asbestos • Operations where airborne asbestos exceeds the PEL, must be performed within regulated areas • Only persons permitted by employer may enter a regulated area
Posting Posted warning signs must be easily readable and understandable • The signs must bear the following information: • DANGER ASBESTOSCANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY RESPIRATORY AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGARE REQUIRED IN THIS AREA
Informing Other Employers An employer performing work in a regulated area must inform other employers onsite of the following: • Nature of work • Regulated area requirements • Measures to protect employees • Contractor controlling source of asbestos contamination • All employers with employees working near regulated areas must daily assess the enclosure's integrity
General Contractors General contractors must oversee all asbestos work: • General contractor determines whether asbestos contractors comply with the standard
Communicating Asbestos Hazards at Worksites Building/facility owners must identify thermal system insulation at the worksite: • Prospective employers applying for work adjacent to areas • Building owners' employees who work in or adjacent to these areas • Other employers with employees working in these areas • Tenants who will occupy areas
Posting of Warning Signs Posting of warning signs: • At the entrance to areas with ACM or PACM, the building/facility owner must post signs identifying the material present • Employers must post warning signs to inform employees of dangers and protective steps
Asbestos Warning Labels Employers must attach warning labels to products with asbestos: • Labels must contain warning statement against breathing asbestos fibers and contain the following legend: • DANGER CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS AVOID CREATING DUST CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD
Training Employers must provide a free training program for all employees who: • Are likely to be exposed in excess of a PEL • Perform Class I through IV asbestos operations Employees must be trained prior to initial assignment and at least annually thereafter
Additional Information Resources: http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/asbestos/ http://www.epa.gov/oppt/asbestos/pubs/training.html Asbestos NESHAP Adequately Wet Guidance. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), (1990, December). Demolition Practices Under the Asbestos NESHAP. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), (1996).