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Introduction to Apologetics

Introduction to Apologetics. Grace Bible Church Sunday School Dec. 09 – Feb. 10. The Problem of Pain. While we may not recognize pain and suffering as “good”, God can and does use it to accomplish His purposes in our lives. (Gen. 50:15-21)

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Introduction to Apologetics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Apologetics Grace Bible Church Sunday School Dec. 09 – Feb. 10

  2. The Problem of Pain • While we may not recognize pain and suffering as “good”, God can and does use it to accomplish His purposes in our lives. (Gen. 50:15-21) • The “Problem of Pain” is more a problem for the atheist than the Christian. • The “Problem of Pain” is often looked at with an incorrect perspective, for “sinners deserve to be cast into hell”.

  3. The problem of Evil • Evil is more of a problem for the atheist than the Christian. • Evil is about God’s sovereignty and glory. (Rom 9:22-23)

  4. Aren’t all religions basically the same? Of the 11 major religions, Christianity is the only one that: • does not depend on works for salvation. • believes in a God who has conquered death. • has a source of authority that has been confirmed by history and archaeology.

  5. Some questions that need to be answered… • Why would a “good” God send people to hell? • Why does God create people who are already destined for hell? • Do we have free will? • Why is there sin? Is sin created by God? • What is original sin? • How did people in the OT live so long? • How do we gracefully explain the doctrine of election to someone who, as an unbeliever, would be hostile to the idea that he might not be chosen?

  6. Don’t good people go to heaven? We are guilty because of our: • Inherited guilt (Original sin) • Due to his willing transgression of God’s command, Adam and Eve are subject to physical, spiritual, and eternal death. • Adam was the representative for all of mankind; therefore, we are subject to the same results and consequences of his sin.

  7. Don’t good people go to heaven? • Sinful nature (imputed sin): • Spiritually dead • Darkened hearts and minds • Bondage to sin and Satan • Universal bondage • Inability to change

  8. Is it fair to be held responsible if we can’t respond?

  9. Is it “fair” to hold us accountable for Adam’s sin? • Would we have acted any differently? • We have voluntarily committed sins on our behalf that require judgment. • If it is not fair that we would be represented by Adam in regards to his sin imputed to us, then it must be unfair to be represented by Christ and have his righteousness imputed to us.

  10. How can we be saved? Three options are available to us: • Only we can save ourselves (Humanism) • Only God can save us (Monergism) • Only God and us working together can save us (Synergism).

  11. How does God save us? • He elects us. • He calls us. • He regenerates us. • He converts us. • He justifies us. • He adopts us. • He sanctifies us. • He glorifies us.

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