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Shahid Usman Balwa Reflects Upon Investing in Maharashtra –A prime market for growth

Investors are looking forward to industry leaders such as Shahid Balwa, DB Realty Ltd to provide greater clarity about the stateu2019s real estate market. <br>

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Shahid Usman Balwa Reflects Upon Investing in Maharashtra –A prime market for growth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shahid UsmanBalwa Reflects Upon Investing in Maharashtra –A prime market for growth

  2. For global investors, Maharashtra is still a prime market to invest in owing to the diversity of projects available to buyers. There are pockets within major cities in the state that offer the perfect balance between value and price. Investors are looking forward to industry leaders such as Shahid Balwa, DB Realty Ltdto provide greater clarity about the state’s real estate market.

  3. Extensive frameworks for greater regulation • Effective regulation across the state has aided in the expansion of the market. Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority is enabling all developers to expedite their registration process. The state is also working with developers on empowerment programs designed to educate builders and buyers. • Leading developers such as Shahid Balwa are also working directly with buyers to educate them about key areas within RERA. This is creating greater trust within the real estate domain, with developers increasingly keeping buyers aware of the latest developments. • The extensive framework for design, construction, and marketing of projects has made it easier for buyers to interact within the domain. There is greater transparency introduced, with work moving along as scheduled. Builders across Maharashtra are also communicating with buyers regularly, to ensure that there are no lapses in possession or information missed during the process.

  4. Growth across outskirt properties • Areas such as Thane are increasingly becoming popular destinations for both investors and home buyers. The location is well connected to hubs such as Mumbai and Pune and offers a high quality of living experience to residents. From a real estate perspective, it’s a top prospect in the state-wide marketplace. • With the introduction of new roads, highways and networks, there is greater interconnectivity for residents to travel. While many locals work in these major cities in Maharashtra, they prefer to live in outskirt locations. That’s why the market is rising in valuation, with investors clamouring for a good deal within Thane.

  5. Greater local economy development • Maharashtra is one of the leading economies within the country, owing to the multiple industries and lines of businesses that are thriving here. While Pune is an IT hub and an educational focal ground, Mumbai is growing in tourism and media space. • Both cities offer unique landscapes to investors, who are looking for the best property to invest in within the state. Mumbai has multiple zones inside the city that are perfectly priced along with key developments such as in BKC, Vashi, Lower Parel, etc. • Cities such as Nagpur, Aurangabad and Nashik are industrial hubs where commercial properties are thriving. There is a wider spectrum of investment opportunities within Maharashtra, which is why investors are increasingly attracted towards the state for its real estate market.

  6. Thank You

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