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Panel on Network Data and Monitoring - The Abilene Network

Panel on Network Data and Monitoring - The Abilene Network. Rick Summerhill Director, Network Research, Architecture, and Technologies, Internet2 Net@Edu 2005 Tempe, AZ. The Abilene Network.

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Panel on Network Data and Monitoring - The Abilene Network

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Panel on Network Data and Monitoring - The Abilene Network Rick Summerhill Director, Network Research, Architecture, and Technologies, Internet2 Net@Edu 2005 Tempe, AZ

  2. The Abilene Network • Abilene Network - national backbone connecting most of the research universities across the united states • Original design included measurement capabilities to support operations. • We realized there was tremendous research potential, leading to the Abilene Observatory. • The Abilene Observatory • A correlated database consisting of datasets, including utilization data, routing data, throughput data, latency data, netflow data, etc. • Some of the data is sensitive - neflow data and passive measurement data - IP addresses and port numbers - the potential to understand what individuals are doing.

  3. Sensitive Datasets • Netflow data - sampled at 1% • Collected from all 11 backbone routers in Abilene and saved for approximately 3 months. • Current dataset is anonymized by zeroing the low order 11 bits before it ever touches a disk. • There is interest in having more detailed data. • Passive monitoring data - sampled at 100% • A router clamp around the Indianapolis router. • Can look at headers from all packets in and out of the router! • IP addresses are hashed, but there are potential exploits that could weaken privacy.

  4. The Issues • Privacy • We have an ethical responsibility to assure the individual privacy of our members' students, faculty, and staff using the Abilene Network. • Datasets given to others, no matter how well intentioned, could be vulnerable to mistakes, errors in access, etc. • However, • Network Research and Operations • The network is under threat. Unfortunately, if someone wants to take a host off the network, one that has limited resources associated with it, it can be done. • We need to insure researchers have access to data - understand fundamental problems and propose solutions. • Similarly, for operational reasons, keeping data for reasonable periods of time is essential for understanding operational problems.

  5. Policy Issues • Considering changes in policy to allow additional collections of data and its access. • Need to build a process for approval of expanded data access • We’re interested in reactions from the community. It would be nice to reach consensus on what is appropriate and the process involved. • Some examples: • Could allow access to data that is hashed, with reasonable persistence for keys. Might require agreements with universities • Could allow access to data that, after a reasonable period of time, is anonymized using existing techniques. Would require agreements with universities.

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