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Green Roof Matt Anderson, Newton North HS. ACTION PLANS & Implementation schedule Fact Finding Discuss requirements/limitations with Principal, custodians, other responsible parties Determine who responsible parties ARE!
Green Roof Matt Anderson, Newton North HS • ACTION PLANS & Implementation schedule • Fact Finding • Discuss requirements/limitations with Principal, custodians, other responsible parties • Determine who responsible parties ARE! • Seek input/advice from Cate Arnold (BLS teacher working on BLS green roof) • Project definiton • Determine the scale (size) of the green roof • Determine intended foliage • Determine water, sunlight and drainage requirements • Research • Determine viable materials and design elements for our constraints • Seek input from Cate Arnold (BLS) on viable solutions for planter boxes • Assess soil vs hydroponic solutions • Design and build solutions • Students build scale mock-up of solution to understand scale of project • Design both physical and software models of planter boxes to choose among various solutions • Build to assess strengths and weaknesses of chosen solutions • Share results with teachers • Redesign and perfect designs • Execute solutions • Build the green roof! • STUDENT OUTCOMES/deliverables • Research skills – Students will have to contact community resources (Principal, skilled professionals, etc) to gain information necessary to initiate the project • Collaboration/communication skills – Students across several different classes (Biology, Engineering, Greengineering, Carpentry) will be participating in the research and implementation, so they will have to learn how to communicate their ideas and needs to each other. • Solidworks skills – some students will be tasked with designing the platforms, boxes, hydroponic systems, etc. in which the foliage will be grown • Content – implementing the EDP, producing, analyzing and interpreting drawings of models, • Hand-on skills – Working with hand and power tools, students will improve their construction skills Project goal/objective Students will research, design, and hopefully assist in constructing a green roof on Newton North High School. They will engage in the Engineering Design Process throughout the course of the year as this large-scale project develops from idea, to proposal, to design, to implementation. The end result is to develop an agriculturally productive, environmentally sound and sustainable landscape Project definition The NNHS rooftop garden project’s ultimate goal is to have students research, design and construct a sustainable (organic?) garden on top of the high school. A collaboration of teachers from multiple classes will guide students as they research, design and build the final product. The project will also require significant input from the administration and possibly city inspectors. The rooftop garden will take advantage of the campus’s limited geography by utilizing rooftop area that would otherwise be unused. Possible (likely?) conflict will arise around access to the rooftop. Since there are no safety barriers to prevent falling, student (and possibly faculty) access to the rooftop may be entirely prohibited. In the case that safe access cannot be established, the alternative would be to locate the garden on the ground. Teacher Deliverables My list of deliverables is quite short, since most of my role will be in facilitating the students’ research, rather than giving them materials to work on. I expect that, as a genuine engineering project, the students will be responsible for acquiring the bulk of their information independently. Investigative insight Constant support and direction List of web resources for students to conduct research Materials for construction of scale models and full-scale testing designs Performance monitor Large scale assessment: Completion of the project! The completion of the project will demonstrate the students’ ability to define, research, design, and implement a solution to the identified problem. Since this is a real-world project whose implementation is dependent upon approvals from the administration, city inspectors, etc, it will be deemed successful by the fact that it gets completed.