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Star Formation

Star Formation. The surface temperature of a star T is compared to a black body. Luminosity L Radius R The absolute magnitude calculates the brightness as if the stars were 10 pc away. Related to luminosity. Type Temperature O 35,000 K B 20,000 K A 10,000 K F 7,000 K

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Star Formation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Star Formation

  2. The surface temperature of a star T is compared to a black body. Luminosity L Radius R The absolute magnitude calculates the brightness as if the stars were 10 pc away. Related to luminosity Type Temperature O 35,000 K B 20,000 K A 10,000 K F 7,000 K G 6,000 K K 4,000 K M 3,000 K Classifying Stars

  3. Stellar Relations • Some bright stars (class) (absolute magnitude) • Sun G2 4.8 • Sirius A1 1.4 • Alpha Centauri G2 4.1 • Capella G8 0.4 • Rigel B8 -7.1 • Betelgeuse M1 -5.6 • Aldebaran K5 -0.3

  4. Most stars show a relationship between temperature and luminosity. Absolute magnitude can replace luminosity. Spectral type/class can replace temperature. Luminosity vs. Temperature Sun

  5. The chart of the stars’ luminosity vs. temperature is called the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. This is the H-R diagram for hundreds of nearby stars. Temperature decreases to the right Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

  6. Main Sequence • Most stars are on a line called the mainsequence. • The size is related to temperature and luminosity: • hot = large radius • medium = medium radius • cool = small radius Sirius 1 solar radius

  7. Giants • Stars that are brighter than expected are large and are called giants or supergiants. • Betelgeuse is a red supergiant with a radius hundreds of times larger than the sun. Rigel supergiants Betelgeuse giants Aldebaran Capella

  8. Dwarves • Stars on the main sequence that dim and cool are red dwarves. • Small, hot stars that are dim are not on the main sequence and are called white dwarves. white dwarves

  9. Interstellar Medium • Interstellar space is filled with gas (99%) and dust (1%). • Interstellar gas, like the sun, is 74% hydrogen and 25% helium. • Interstellar dust, like clouds in the gas giants, are molecular carbon monoxide, ammonia, and water. • Traces of all other elements are present. • Atoms are widely spaced, about 1 atom per cm3, a nearly perfect vacuum. • The temperature is cold, less than 100 K.

  10. Molecular Clouds • The small mass of atoms creates very weak gravity. • Gravity can pull atoms and molecules together. • Concentrations equal to 1 million solar masses can form giant molecular clouds over 100 ly across.

  11. Catalysts for Star Formation • A cool (10 K) nebula can be compressed by shock waves. • These shock waves are from new stars and exploding supernovae. exploding star shock waves nebula with areas of higher density

  12. Density fluctuations cause mass centers to appear. Mass at a distance will be accelerated by gravity. If there is no outward pressure there will be free fall. Mass m0 within radius r Conservation of energy Calculate free fall time Gravitational Contraction

  13. Protostars • Local concentrations in a nebula can be compressed by gravity. With low temperature they don’t fly apart again. • Contracting material forms one or more centers • The contracting material begins to radiate • These are protostars, called T Tauri stars (G, K, M).

  14. Gravity is balanced by pressure. Equilibrium condition True at all radii The left side is related to average pressure. Integrated by parts The right side is the gravitational potential energy. Hydrostatic Equilibrium

  15. Adiabatic compression is not linear in pressure and volume. Parameter g is adiabatic index Relate to internal energy The gravitational energy was also related to the pressure. Energy condition for equilibrium Adiabatic Index

  16. Contraction requires gravitational energy to exceed internal energy. Thermal kinetic energy 3kT/2 The conditions for cloud collapse follow from mass or density. Jeans mass, density MJ, rJ Formation Conditions

  17. Initial energy is absorbed by hydrogen ionization. eD = 4.5 eV eI = 13.6 eV Apply this to hydrostatic equilibrium. Continued contraction results in quantum electron gas. When degenerate it resists compression Sets temperature at core Fusion Begins

  18. Birth of the Sun • Gravity continues to pull the gas together. • Temperature and density increases • If the temperature at the center becomes 5 million degrees then hydrogen fusion begins. • At this point the star has reached the main sequence. 1 M

  19. Birth of Other Stars • Large masses become brighter, hotter stars. • Gravity causes fusion to start sooner, about 100,000 years. • Small masses become dimmer, cooler stars. • Gravity takes longer to start fusion, up to 100 million years. 10 M 3 M 0.5 M 0.02 M

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