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North Shore Workforce Investment Board

North Shore Workforce Investment Board. Board Meeting May 12, 2011. WE PUT THE NORTH SHORE TO WORK -. Chair’s Report: Federal/State Funding Status Advanced Manufacturing – Crystal Systems/ GT Solar expansion in Salem Planning activities for FY2012 – VOTE on Youth Contracts for FY2012.

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North Shore Workforce Investment Board

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Presentation Transcript

  1. North Shore Workforce Investment Board Board Meeting May 12, 2011

  2. WE PUT THE NORTH SHORE TO WORK - • Chair’s Report: • Federal/State Funding Status • Advanced Manufacturing – Crystal Systems/ GT Solar expansion in Salem • Planning activities for FY2012 – VOTE on Youth Contracts for FY2012 NORTH SHORE chair’s Report

  3. WE PUT THE NORTH SHORE TO WORK - • Workforce Systems Committee Report – The Changing Landscape and How We Can Continue to Succeed NORTH SHORE chair’s Report

  4. We put the North Shore to Work! • Our MISSION is to put the North Shore to work. • As a high-performing Workforce Investment Board (WIB), • we review our performance regularly against key goals set by the Commonwealth. • During our review last summer, we noticed three important trends: • When people go through training, they are significantly more likely to get a job • Overhead costs continue to rise, creating increased pressure on training dollars for individuals • Given the current economic climate, new training dollars are not likely to be found MISSION

  5. We put the North Shore to Work! Objectives of our Committee In the fall of 2010, the Workforce Systems Committee set out to find more efficient ways to deliver training to the people who need it. Increase available training dollars, so we can train more customers Look at how and where we train, to broaden the impact

  6. We put the North Shore to Work! Actions of the Committee We started with a blank slate. We researched and analyzed: WHO: Who are our customers? What are the demographics of our customer base? Where are they located? WHAT: What types of services are most successful? What are the spending rates? WHERE: Where are our locations in relation to where the jobs are? Where can regional transportation reach? WHEN: Can we change our delivery model to create easier/more timely access? And HOW: Can we change how we deliver our services to reduce costs and increase training?

  7. We put the North Shore to Work! WHO? Committee Findings

  8. We put the North Shore to Work! WHO? Committee Findings Career Center Customers by Town, FY 2005 – FY 2010 Total Customers: 58,232 Lynn Career Center Total Customers = 28,253 Salem Career Center Total Customers = 24,309 Gloucester Career Center Total Customers = 5,670

  9. We put the North Shore to Work! WHO? Committee Findings Customers Served at the North Shore Career Centers

  10. We put the North Shore to Work! WHAT? • Results of Individualized Occupational Training 2010 • People who complete individualized occupational training enter the workforce at 2X the rate of those who do not receive training Committee Findings Customers employed after receiving services

  11. We put the North Shore to Work! WHAT? Committee Findings • ARRA helped provide needed training. When it goes away, • no WIA funds available to step in. • Funding Trend line is negative while demand is significantly increasing.

  12. We put the North Shore to Work! WHAT? Committee Findings 2 Year Functional Service Map – 7-1-2008 through 10/30/2010 Satellite Office Gloucester Total Customers – 3,983 Customers in Training –in Lynn #’s Customers in Workshops – 1,471 Company Recruitments – 7 held, 282 customers Veteran Customer - 473 Cost per customer - $26.35 (annual) Cost per sq foot - $35.11 Full Service Center Salem Total Customers – 13,919 Customers in Training – 415 Customers in Workshops – 11,957 Company Recruitments – 105 held, 979 customers Veteran Customers - 1011 Unemployment Insurance - 47,052 (Walk –In ) Cost per customer - $38.10 (annual) Cost per sq foot - $28.62 Full Service Center Lynn Total Customers – 19,204 Customers in Training – 473 Customer in Workshops – 10,681 Company Recruitments – 102 held, 606 customers Veteran Customers – 880 Unemployment Insurance Customers - 54,231 (Walk –In ) Cost per customer - $29.70 (annual) Cost per sq foot - $27.80 *Business Services Unit – 2944 (services cover all centers)

  13. We put the North Shore to Work! WHERE? Committee Findings • Top 3 Towns by Establishments: Peabody (1,473), Beverly (1,370), Salem (1,265) • Top 3 Towns by Employment: Danvers (23,905), Peabody (23,244), Lynn (22,489) • Top 3 Town by Wage: Beverly ($981), Lynn ($929), Ipswich ($902)

  14. We put the North Shore to Work! WHERE? • Car/Motorcycle is most popular method of transportation for all three Centers • 2nd most popular method of transportation is walking Committee Findings How Did You Travel to the North Shore Career Center?

  15. Finding Summary Summary We put the North Shore to Work! • From our research we can say: • Demand for our services continue to grow • Career Center customers are diverse from an gender, race, educational, and age perspective. • The North Shore Career Center of Lynn is our busiest site and is growing in terms of customer visits; Salem is the most geographically diverse; and Gloucester focuses primarily on Cape Ann residents. All three Centers serve many individuals from outside our region. • The opportunity to receive training has a large impact on a person’s ability to find employment. • Unfortunately, training funds will be greatly limited in the future unless we re-design our service delivery mechanism. • North Shore residents primarily rely on cars for transportation to and from Career Centers. • New access points are present in the community, e.g., public libraries.

  16. We put the North Shore to Work! WHEN? Actions Considered • After our research and analysis, we brainstormed what actions we could recommend. We considered actions such as: • Reducing/combining career centers • Negotiation with landlords on lower rents • Partnering with public leaders to utilize existing public space • Reducing and/or reorienting existing staff to provide enhanced core services that lead to jobs • Utilizing technology to improve access and reduce costs per customer

  17. We put the North Shore to Work! WHEN? • After extensive research, analysis, and discussion, and in light of our objectives to: • Increase available training dollars, so we can train more customers • Look at how and where we train to broaden our impact • The Workforce Systems Committee recommends the following actions be taken in order to achieve our objectives to: • Reduce square footage of all three Centers and/or find no/low cost rent • Continue hiring freeze on staffing • Relocate Business Services Unit to Lynn and Salem general space • Reorient existing staffing into teams that can be cross-trained and deliver training and services at remote locations on a regular basis • Reduce reliance on ITAs for computer training and provide similar training through intensive services provided through existing staff Committee Recommendations

  18. HOW can we change our Service Delivery? One example… We put the North Shore to Work! Committee Recommendations

  19. We put the North Shore to Work! WHEN? • Making these changes is expected to increase training hours • and reduce costs: • and broaden the impact of the services we can provide by focusing our delivery and bringing us closer to customers • Allowing us to better meet the needs of customers and businesses in our region. Committee Recommendations

  20. WE PUT THE NORTH SHORE TO WORK - Updates: Youth Pipeline Committee F1rstJobs – most important time of the year! North Shore Medical Center Announcement NORTH SHORE PRIORITIES

  21. WE PUT THE NORTH SHORE TO WORK - Updates: Partnership Committee • Facebook and other social media outreach • Summary of Full Labor Market Blue Print (3 to 4 pages) • Youth Blue Print Summary NORTH SHORE PRIORITIES

  22. WE PUT THE NORTH SHORE TO WORK - Updates: Skills Gap Committee • Adult Education Planning • Update on sector programs NORTH SHORE PRIORITIES

  23. NORTH SHORE PRIORITIES WE PUT THE NORTH SHORE TO WORK - FY2012 meeting schedule: Sept. 8, 2011 Nov. 10, 2011 Jan. 12, 2012 March 8, 2012 May 10, 2012 All at 8:00AM

  24. NORTH SHORE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD 70 Washington Street Suite 314 Salem, MA 01970 Tel. 978.741.3805 www.northshorewib.com

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