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Advanced Drive Properties Modeling in Gausstech Opera-3d

Explore how to apply drive properties in various analysis types with Gausstech Opera-3d modeling software for electromagnetic simulations. Learn to create conductors, circuits, and analyze results efficiently.

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Advanced Drive Properties Modeling in Gausstech Opera-3d

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OPERA-3dDrive Properties Gausstech, Inc. www.gausstech.co.kr TEL : 031-783-7980

  2. Analysis Type 다음과 같은 Analysis Type에서 본 문서의 Set Drive Properties 적용 가능 Gausstech, Inc.

  3. Set Drive Properties Model > Set Drive Properties … Gausstech, Inc.

  4. DC Gausstech, Inc.

  5. Step Gausstech, Inc.

  6. Sine Gausstech, Inc.

  7. Cos Gausstech, Inc.

  8. Ramp Gausstech, Inc.

  9. Peak Gausstech, Inc.

  10. Rise Gausstech, Inc.

  11. Table (switch on) Cubic splines from tabulated data in a time-table file Gausstech, Inc.

  12. Table (switch off) Cubic splines from tabulated data in a time-table file Gausstech, Inc.

  13. Tutorial Gausstech, Inc.

  14. Launch OPERA Manager 시작 > 프로그램 > Vector Fields Opera > Opera 12.0 Gausstech, Inc.

  15. Change 3d Project Folder Opera-3d > Change 3d Project Folder Gausstech, Inc.

  16. Change 3d Project Folder “폴더 찾아보기” 대화상자의 좌측 하단에 있는 “새 폴더 만들기”를 클릭한 후에 폴더명을 입력하고 확인을 누름 (이후 작업파일은 생성된 폴더 내에 저장됨)   Gausstech, Inc.

  17. Launch Modeller Opera-3d > Modeller Gausstech, Inc.

  18. Opera-3d Modeller Gausstech, Inc.

  19. Create Conductor Create > Conductor > Solenoid … Gausstech, Inc.

  20. Create Conductor Create > Conductor > Solenoid …    Gausstech, Inc.

  21. Create Background Create > Object > Cylinder/Cone …  Gausstech, Inc.

  22. ELEKTRA Steady State Setting Model > Analysis Type > ELEKTRA Transient Model > ELEKTRA Transient Settings …   Fixed time step : 0.0005초 간격으로 해석을 수행 Output times : 결과를 저장할 시간들을 입력 Logging variables : 로그파일에 저장할 결과들 - TTime : 시간 (COL1) - V1_V : 전압원(V1)에 걸리는 전압 (COL2) 0초부터 0.02초까지 해석 결과는 0.005초 간격으로 저장  Gausstech, Inc.

  23. Model Symmetry Model > Model Symmetry…  사용자 선택에 의해 부분모델 해석 가능 모델이 작아지면 계산시간↓ 본 예제에서는 1/12 부분만 해석 Gausstech, Inc.

  24. Create Circuit Components Model > Set Circuit Properties…    Gausstech, Inc.

  25. Create Loop Model > Set Circuit Properties…  Loop1  Gausstech, Inc.

  26. Set Drive Properties Model > Set Drive Properties … Gausstech, Inc.

  27. Generate Surface / Volume Mesh Model > Create Model Body Model Symmetry가 반영됨 Model > Generate Surface Mesh… Model > Generate Volume Mesh… Gausstech, Inc.

  28. Create Analysis Database Model > Create Analysis Database …  Gausstech, Inc.

  29. Start Analysis Model > Start Analysis …  해석소요시간 Gausstech, Inc.

  30. Launch Post-Processor Opera-3d > Post-Processor Gausstech, Inc.

  31. Opera-3d Post-Processor Gausstech, Inc.

  32. Open Analysis Database File > Open (Activate+Load)… analysis.op3 선택  Gausstech, Inc.

  33. Default Select and Reflesh View > Default Select and Reflesh  Gausstech, Inc.

  34. Graph Data File > Graph Data in Text File …  Gausstech, Inc.

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