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POLITICS & RELIGION. “Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.” Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, 1804-1814. Politics & Religion: A Brief History. The relationship between politics & religion is symbiotic.
POLITICS & RELIGION “Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.” Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, 1804-1814
Politics & Religion: A Brief History The relationship between politics & religion is symbiotic. States have often found themselves in the position of needing religion to guide, justify their actions and morally endorse their policies. Religions have at times needed state protection to survive and grow.
Validation of Rule Many rulers publicly practice their own (often the state) religion and accept its validity and obligations.
Chinese Mandate of Heaven Created by the Zhou Dynasty (1027-256 BCE) Stated that rulers who behaved poorly or offended the mandate could be dethroned
Europe: The Divine Right of Kings Royal power flowed from God – therefore action against the monarch was contrary to God’s will. During Medieval Times, the Catholic Church monopolized education and law, and possessed great material wealth.
Social Stabilization Religion for the most part instills a respect for authority and helps make society governable.
HinduismThe Politics of the Cosmic Order Lays out individual rights and duties and rules governing diet, family, caste (hereditary social class), and politics.
Belief in a single divinity, present in everything, and in successive reincarnations of the soul. Good actions lead to a better situation in the next incarnation and vice versa.
Mahatma Gandhi’s use of civil disobedience against British rule in India in 1947 had its basis in the doctrine of non-violence or ahimsa. Ironically, some Hindus opposed Gandhi for his efforts to abolish the “untouchability” of the lower caste.
The nationalist Indian People’s Party (BJP) dedicated to maintaining traditional Hindu practices governed India from 1998 to 2004. The BJP distanced itself from extremist views, however members were accused of inciting violence against non-Hindus.
ConfucianismThe Politics of Ren Kongfuzi (Confucius) (551-449 BCE) taught rulers in various states, advising them to act humanely toward their subjects.
Confucianism a civic religion – parents, teachers and government officials are guardians. Social courtesies and etiquette are important rituals. Social Hierarchy – men over women, elders over youth, fathers over sons. Ren = right living or humaneness.
Emperor Tang Taizong (629–649 CE) introduced a civil service examination system that was based on Confucian principles. During the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE), Confucianism manifested itself in the promotion of equality as one of the underlying principles is nobility through lifelong education and the development of ren.
Three Creeds Combine After the Han Dynasty, China saw the arrival of Buddhism which emphasizes harmonizing human desires and Taoism which emphasizes spontaneity and individual freedom. This allowed a government structure that was grounded in personal responsibility and social harmony.
Confucianism remained the intellectual and ethical backbone of Chinese governments until 1949. Mao Zedong and the Communist Party came into power that year and outlawed all religions.
BuddhismThe Politics of Non-violence Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (c. 563-483 BCE), a Nepali prince who renounced his earthly possessions to seek enlightenment.
There are three main schools of Buddhism: • Hinayana (lesser vehicle) emphasizes individual enlightenment • Mahayana (greater vehicle) forgoing one’s personal enlightenment to help others attain it • Vajrayana (diamond vehicle) blended Mahayana and Hindu practices; all daily activities dedicated to universal enlightenment
United India by conquest, then accepted Buddhism as the state religion. Built monasteries and sent missionaries throughout India, Egypt, Greece and Syria. Emperor Ashoka (c. 273-232 BCE)
Burma (Myanmar) – Saffron Revolution Buddhist monks led the demonstrations against the military dictatorship that has ruled the nation since 1962
The “big three” of the Western World • Judaism • Christianity • Islam All three religions are linked The Qur’an refers to them as “ahl ul-kitab” (“People of the Book”)
Anti-Semitism • Since the Diaspora, Jews have suffered from discrimination as a result of their resistance to assimilation. • With the advent of Christianity, Jews were persecuted as “Christ-Killers” and for usury (Money Lending) which was considered a sin by Christians.
CatholicismThe Politics of Papacy 1054 Schism Catholic Orthodox
The Western (Catholic) Church The Middle Ages The Pope (papa)
Catholicism loses power Over time, the power of the Papacy deteriorated at the expense of the rulers of individual countries. Certain rulers did exploit the Catholic Church to instill order in their subjects, most famously the Inquisition in Spain (1478-1834.)
Catholicism in modern times Pope John Paul II Pope Benedict XVI (1978-2005). (2005-Present)
Eastern/Orthodox Church Constantinople 330 CE
Orthodoxy in modern times Most countries of eastern Europe are Orthodox Christian. The powerbase of Orthodox Christianity is Russia. There have been some tentative moves at reconciliation with Catholicism in recent years.
IslamThe Politics of Empire Muhammad (570-632 CE) Allah
ProtestantismThe Politics of Dissent Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Secular HumanismThe Politics of Reason over Religion The Enlightenment
Individuals in Politics & Religion • Abraham/Ibrahim • Moses • Jesus • Buddha • Muhammad • Martin Luther • John Calvin • Mahatma Gandhi • Mother Theresa • Pope John Paul II • The Fourteenth Dalai Lama • Archbishop Desmond Tutu