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Chapter Week

Chapter Week. Week 34 – Rock star. Survey. Survey – Music Name:_ Emma __. Step 1: Write your name and the 18 of August on top of your survey sheet. Date: the 18 of August _. Survey. Survey – Music ____________ _ List up to 20 music word you can.

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Chapter Week

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter Week Week 34 – Rock star

  2. Survey Survey – Music Name:_Emma__ Step 1: Write your name and the 18 of August on top of your surveysheet. Date: the 18 of August_

  3. Survey Survey – Music _____________ List up to 20 musicword you can Step 1: Writeyour name and the 18 of August on top of your surveysheet. Step 2: Think of up to 20 words that have to do with music. Writesome in English if you knowthem, but try to mostlywritewords you onlyknow in Swedish. words you can think of. __________________ Write over the line, please!

  4. Survey Survey – Music _____________ List up to 20 musicword you can Step 1: Writeyour name and the 18 of August on top of your surveysheet. Step 2: Think of up to 20 words that have to do with music. Writesome in English if you knowthem, but try to mostlywritewords you onlyknow in Swedish. words you can think of. __________________ Write over the line, please! OMG, brainfreeze! Whatshould I do? Pick words from page 85 in Text book!

  5. Survey Survey – Music _____________ List up to 20 musicword you can Step 3: Pair up as you sit, and, under the line, add the new words from you classmateifhe/shehadany. words you can think of. __________________ My classmateswords: Now, write under the line, please!

  6. Survey Survey – Music _____________ List up to 20 musicword you can Step 4: Put a circlearound 10-15 wordsyou don’tknow in English. Chooseamongboth your and your friend’swords. words you can think of. __________________ My classmateswords: Psst, I followed step 4, but I still have less than 10 words!? If you still lack words, pick from page 102 Ok, then pick new words from list 1A and 1B on page 85-86 in Text book.,

  7. Survey PERSONAL WORD LIST Swedish English scenen the stage musikalisk musical spelning gig dirigent publik solosångare Step 5: Turn you paper and put 5-10 of the circlewords in your personal word list. Alsoadd the words solosångare leadsingerspela in recordinte riktigt not reallyhälsa till give my love tovarifrån kommer what’sbehind in the column for ”Swedish”. spela in inte riktigt hälsa till varifrån kommer Leave it blank under English if you don’t the translation. Wewillfill the blanks in Step 6. Replaceanyword you alreadyknow with a circleword of you choice.

  8. Survey PERSONAL WORD LIST Swedish English scenen the stage musikalisk musical spelning gig dirigent publik solosångare Step 6: Time to translate the words you have chosen. Emma asks each of you by using ”Pick a student”. Whenit’s your turntelluswhatwords you need the translation for. _____for. spela in inte riktigt hälsa till varifrån kommer Listen carefully to your classmate! He/Shemighthave chosen the same words as you!

  9. Survey PERSONAL WORD LIST Swedish English scenen the stage musikalisk musical spelning gig dirigent conductor publik audience solosångare leadsinger Step 7: You nowhave a survey on oneside of the paper and the wordsyou’ve chosen for homework on the other. Malak and Atle willnowcollect your lists and you will get them back right before lunch. _____for. spela in record inte riktigt not really hälsa till give my love to varifrån kommer what’sbehind Can I practise at glosboken.se? Go to the English site at http://fridtuna6b.weebly.com and click at Glosboken.se to learnhow. You canadd your personal list to Glosboken.se

  10. Ifwehavefinished this before 855…

  11. Ifwehavefinished this before 900… … you haveearnedyourselves a pop cornchallenge ANDa 5 minute break for going to the toilet for takingsomefresh air for telling your classmateshow muchyou’ve missed them this weekend. • In 5 minutesall of you • have to sitquietly on your chairsor else… • Your pop cornwill be lost • Your goalnextChapterMondaywill be 855 • You will miss valuablelearning time. • See you in 5 minutes! 

  12. Listen to the text Turn up page 6 in the text book and follow the dialoguewhenlistening to ”Rock Star”

  13. Read the text Now read the text whispering to yourself

  14. Read the text Now read the text in pairs. One of you is Pip, the reporter, and the otherone is Eric. Read onesentenceeach in the introduction

  15. Excercises Open Övningsboken at page 5. Open a new page in your Zebra booklet (or other ”skrivhäfte”). Write ”2a Translation” as a header and translate the words 1-10 with help from your text book p.6-7 If you finish early: 2b, 4a, 5 and 6

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