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Exploring Problem Solving with Software, Apps, and Games. By: Jamal Redman & Rashad Blackwell. Chapter overview.
Exploring Problem Solving with Software, Apps, and Games By: Jamal Redman & Rashad Blackwell
Chapter overview • Chapter 7 also discusses different kinds of educational software and apps, from open-source materials to commercially produce programs. As well as, and introduction of digital learning games and intelligent tutoring systems as emerging instructional options for teachers, particularly in math and science education. • Chapter 7 provides an overview of how educational software, apps, and learning games support and promote problem solving and inquiry learning for K-12 students. It presents criteria for evaluating the quality of software for teaching and learning.
Problem Solving & Inquiry Learning with Technology • Problem solving and inquiry learning use real-world situations and issues to actively engage students. Problems should be questions worth answering. Teachers should create activities around real-life problems that interest and motivate students.
Understanding the Problem: Students identify the type of question they are being asked, what the question is asking them to do, what they already know that can help them solve the problem. • Using problem-solving strategies: Students implement problem-solving strategies; in math these would include computational approaches, breaking a problem down into deductions, and deciding whether a chosen strategy will lead to a solution to the problem. • Checking results: Students determine whether they have solved a problem correctly, or if they should try to solve the problem a second time by reassessing what is being asked for in the question, elimination now-obvious wrong answers, or rechecking their computations and procedures. Steps in Solving Problems
Computers are wonderful tools for teaching problem solving to students. Software programs and apps, learning games, and intelligent tutoring programs all provide students with challenging problems to solve.
Hardware: refers to the basic machinery and circuitry of a computer. • Software: is the term for computer instructions-a collection of codes that tells a computer’s hardware to perform specific functions. • “The two together make computer technologies work.” • TYPES OF SOFTWARE • System software: is responsible for the overall function and control of a computer. It includes the operating system, network operating system, database managers, and TP monitor. • Application software: performs specific functions in specialized ways to produce a variety of services, including word processing, database, spreadsheet, slides and presentations, Internet browsing, email management, movie making, or DVD burning, & etc. Hardware and Software For Teaching and Learning
Selection & Evaluation of Software and Apps Evaluation Criteria Online Software selection resources for teacher Numerous organizations have online resources to assist teachers in selecting software. Edudemic Directory Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) EvaluTech StopBadware.org • Finding and selecting quality software and apps is a challenging and interesting task for teachers. High-quality software offers strategies and opportunities to transform student learning. The best programs feature active engagement, learning centered around concepts and deep understanding, helpful feedback, and support that extend the learning experience.
Computer Games As Learning Resources GAMES vs. LEARNING Computer games are computer, video, and web-based games software applications that are immensely popular among children and adolescents today. Computer games and simulations range from relatively simple programs, to highly interactive and dynamic multimedia experiences.
Debates about Games and Gaming • Mention games and gaming and many educators, parents, students, and the average person will immediately think of video games. According to 2009 and 2010 data, computer and video gaming have grown to a $10.5 billion industry. Tow of every three households play video games, and 25% of those games players were 18 years old and younger. However, despite the enormous popularity of video games, educators are still learning about the psychological and sociological impact of game play.
Evaluating Computer and Video Games • Entertainment gamesare mainly played for fun. It contains no explicit learning or educational goals in mind. The problem solving and inquiry learning in such games us relatively low, although more complex entertainment games do require thoughtful strategy by game players. • Edutainment games use the fun of game play as a way to attract and sustain the interest of students. Such games may feature problem solving and inquiry learning as important parts of game play. • Educational games are activities that have clear academic learning goals as the basis of game play. These games promote higher levels of problem solving and inquiry learning by immersing game players in more complex situations in which problems must be solved using inquiry methods and imaginative thinking
Strategies for Using Games with Students • When teachers consider how to include games in their curriculum, they delve into the interconnected issues of time and focus. Many teachers seek games to promote “time on task,” but then choose games that develop only one or two specific skills, such as math number operations or vocabulary words, and many of these are boring for students. • The following strategies can help teachers use games and gaming more effectively in the classroom. • Minimize the Use of Games That Teach Isolated Skills • Scrutinize Games That Function Solely on Points Won or Lost • Discuss Games and Their Content • Play Games Together
In Conclusion • Chapter 7 provided an overview of how educational software, apps, and learning games support and promote problem solving and inquiry learning for K-12 students. It gave a criteria for evaluating the quality of software for teaching and learning. We hope you enjoyed our presentation and thank you for the opportunity. Jamal Redman & Rashad Blackwell