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Pace University School of Computer Science & Information Systems Emerging Information Technology II Spring 2005. Nanotechnology .
Pace University School of Computer Science & Information Systems Emerging Information Technology II Spring 2005 Nanotechnology Carl Abrams George Baker Godfrey Cheng Michael Homeyer Emerging Information Technology II
Agenda - Nanotechnology • Introduction / Origins / Status • Current State of Technology • Manufacturing Processes • Commercial Activity • The Future Emerging Information Technology II
Nanotechnology Introduction / Origins / Status
NNI Definition of Nanotechnology Research and technology development at the atomic, molecular or macromolecular levels, in the length scale of approximately 1 - 100 nanometer range, to provide a fundamental understanding of phenomena and materials at the nanoscale and to create and use structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size. Nanotechnology research and development includes manipulation under control of the nanoscale structures and their integration into larger material components, systems and architectures. Within these larger scale assemblies, the control and construction of their structures and components remains at the nanometer scale. (National Nanotechnology Initiative) Emerging Information Technology II
Nano - How big are we talking about? Nanometers Ten shoulder-to-shoulder hydrogen atoms span 1 nanometer. DNA molecules are about 2.5 nanometers wide. A million nanometers The pinhead sized patch of this thumb is a million nanometers across. Billions of nanometers A two meter tall male is two billion nanometers. Thousands of nanometers Biological cells have diameters in the range of thousands of nanometers. Less than a nanometer Individual atoms are up to a few tenths of a nanometer in diameter. A human hair is approximately 100,000 nm. Emerging Information Technology II
Understanding Effects Physical processes do not scale uniformly • gravity • friction • combustion • electrostatic • van der Walls • brownian • quantum Emerging Information Technology II
Nano Timeline • 1905: Einstein published paper estimating diameter of a sugar molecule as 1nanometer • 1959: Richard Feynman’s famed talk • 1981: Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) created • 1985: Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) invented • 1993: Carbon Nanotubes discovered • 1998: First Single-Electron Transistor created • 2001: Nanowire ZnO laser • 2002: Superlattice Nanowires • 2004: Single-Electron Transistor with tiny mechanical arm Emerging Information Technology II
Richard Feynman, 1959 • “The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of maneuvering atom by atom. It is not an attempt to violate any laws; it is something, in principle, that can be done; but in practice, it has not been done because we are too big.” • “The problems of chemistry and biology can be greatly helped if our ability to see what we’re doing, and to do things on an atomic level, is ultimately developed---a development which I think cannot be avoided. • http://nano.xerox.com/nanotech/feynman.html Emerging Information Technology II
Nanotechnology - Two Meanings • Feynman’s vision of factories using nanomachines to build complex products, including additional nanomachines. • Ability to make large products with atomic precision, building them with superior materials, cleanly at low cost. • Original vision for nanotechnology is termed molecular manufacturing. • Products which have significant features less than 100 nanometers in size. • Can describe anything with small features, ranging from fine particles to thin coatings to large molecules. Emerging Information Technology II
K. Eric Drexler “Development of the ability to design protein molecules will open a path to the fabrication of devices to complex atomic specifications (1981)” Engines of Creation (1985) • THE FOUNDATIONS OF FORESIGHT • PROFILES OF THE POSSIBLE • DANGERS AND HOPES Emerging Information Technology II
Device miniaturization by reducing their physical sizes Exploiting enhanced surface effects by increased surface/volume ratio (e.g. catalysts) Utilization of biological objects in inorganic nanostructures for various sensors and novel functions Novel phenomena in low-dimensional structures Direct observation of physics laws in nanostructures Motivation towards Nanotechnology Emerging Information Technology II
So who cares? “The worldwide annual industrial production in the nanotech sectors is estimated to exceed $1 trillion in 10 - 15 years from now, which would require about 2 million nanotechnology workers.” (M.C. Roco Chair, WH/NSTC/Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Subcommittee (NSEC), and Senior Advisor, NSF) Emerging Information Technology II
Where Are We? • It’s NOT science fiction – it’s here today • Will affect almost everything over time • Initial impact will be subtle and gradual • R&D funding is unprecedented • Academic, government and industrial • Spread across globe • Patent filing exploding worldwide • Accelerated pace of development • Advances in tools will speed acceleration Emerging Information Technology II
Context – Nanotechnology in the WorldGovernment investments 1997-2004 Note: • U.S. begins FY in October, six month before EU & Japan in March/April • U.S. does not have a commanding lead as it was for other S&T megatrends(such as BIO, IT, space exploration, nuclear) (Senate Briefing, May 24, 2001 (M.C. Roco), updated on October, 12, 2002) Emerging Information Technology II
National Nanotechnology Initiative - Intentions (Source: AIChE Journal, 2004, Vol. 50 (5), MC Roco) Emerging Information Technology II
NNI - Where the Money Goes Biosystems at the Nanoscale ~ 14% • Biostructures, mimicry, bio-chips Nanostructure ‘by Design’, Novel Phenomena 45% • Physical, biological, electronic, optical, magnetic Device and System Architecture 20% • Interconnect, system integration, pathways Environmental Processes 6 % • Filtering, absorption, low energy, low waste Multiscale and Multiphenomena Modeling 9 % Manufacturing at the nanoscale 6% Education and Social Implications (distributed) Emerging Information Technology II
Key Technologies • Nanomaterial • Nanopowder • Nanotubes • Fullerenes • Detection and diagnosis devices • Nanopores • Quantum Dot • Dendrimers • Soft Lithography (Nano-imprinting, Dip-pen Lithography) Emerging Information Technology II
Patent Landscape Emerging Information Technology II
Nanotechnology Current State of Technology
Highlights Highlights of major accomplishments in past 15-20 years Metrology: Measurements & images & motion can be controlled to 10 pico-meters. We can see what we’re doing. Modeling: Software can now successfully model the dynamics of most molecular interactions under numerous static and dynamic conditions. We can simulate what we want to build. Manufacturing: Certain processes exist to actually fabricate nanostructures. We can build some of what we want to build. MEMS: Fabrication of micro-meter scale devices is routine. We can build much of what we want at larger scales. Policy: There is a growing consensus of what nanotechnology is. We almost what we’re talking about. Emerging Information Technology II
Tools & Techniques Current foundation of research tools and techniques • Microscopy • Any technique for producing visible images of structures or details too small to otherwise be seen by the human eye. In classical light microscopy, this involves passing light transmitted through or reflected from the subject through a series of lenses, to be detected directly by the eye, imaged on a photographic plate or captured digitally. Electron microscopes are used to magnify very small details using electrons instead of light. Magnification levels of 500,000 times can be achieved with this technology. • Simulation • Environments must be developed that can accommodate the corresponding problem complexity and non-traditional device characteristics to be explored in the nanotechnolgy space. 1 (1) Le, J., Pileggi, L., Devgan, A., “Circuit Simulation of Nanotechnology Devices with Non-monotonic I-V Characteristics”, IEEE, 2003 Emerging Information Technology II
Tools & Techniques (cont’d) Current foundation of research tools and techniques • Metrology • Simply put, metrology is the measurement of something, be it large or be it small. • Interferometry • The applied science of combining two or more input points of a particular data type, such as optical measurements, to form a greater picture based on the combination of the two sources. 1 • Crystallography • The experimental science of determining the arrangement of atoms in solids. Crystallographic methods all rely on the analysis of the diffraction patterns that emerge from a sample that is targeted by a beam of some type. 2 (1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interferometry (2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystallography Emerging Information Technology II
Microscopy Current foundation of research tools and techniques • Microscopy • Acoustic / Ultrasonic • Sound waves are used to image samples, permitting a view beneath the surface • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) • Produces a 3D-type image. This is useful for judging the surface of a structure. • Scanning Probe / Atomic Force (SPM / AFM) • Generally used to sample the surface height of a specimen at discrete positions and forming a grid based upon the readings. The grid can be reviewed off-line as a 3D surface. The AFM can actually be pushed down on the surface of the specimen and modify it. • Transmission Electron Microcope (TEM) • Electrons are used to produce a specimen image on a fluorescent screen or on film. Emerging Information Technology II
Simulation Current foundation of research tools and techniques • Simulation • Molecular modeling • Varies from building and visualizing molecules to performing complex calculations on molecular systems. Using molecular modeling scientists will be better able to design new and more potent drugs. Molecular modeling not only has the potential to bring new drugs to the market, but a vast array of new materials. • Quantum effect modeling • The paradoxical influence of quantum mechanics dominates at the nano-level. In the weird world of quantum mechanics, objects can exist simultaneously in mutually exclusive states, but with a certain probability that one state or another will apply at a given moment. Measuring quantum effects in real-world objects is an important steppingstone toward building quantum computers. The ability for information to exist in multiple states at once is what would make a quantum computer so powerful. 1 (1) http://chronicle.uchicago.edu/031120/quantum.shtml Emerging Information Technology II
Metrology Current foundation of research tools and techniques • Metrology • Film Thickness Testers • The thickness of films can be routinely measured down to about 2 nm. A full spectrum of instruments is marketed for thin film analysis. • Thin file is important in micro and nano-scale electronics and nonlinear optics devices. Its characteristic properties are high thermal stability, reliable mechanical strength, and low dielectric constant. • Wafer Inspection Tools • Wafers must be inspected for level of contamination. Process improvement techniques have been introduced to identify exactly where in the manufacturing process defects over acceptable limits are being introduced. 1 (1) http://www.future-fab.com/documents.asp?grID=216&d_ID=1250 Emerging Information Technology II
Interferometry Current foundation of research tools and techniques • Interferometry • Optical • Some optical phenomena depend on the quantum nature of light and as such some areas of optics are also related to quantum mechanics. 1 • X-ray • uses the interference of two x-ray beams to precisely measure optical constants, or (by moving components of the interferometer) to measure displacement with picometer precision. 2 (1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical (2) http://physics.nist.gov/Divisions/Div842/Gp5/admd.htm Emerging Information Technology II
Crystallography Current foundation of research tools and techniques • Crystallography • X-ray • An experimental technique that exploits the fact that X-rays are diffracted by crystals. It is not an imaging technique. X-rays have the proper wavelength to be scattered by the electron cloud of an atom of comparable size. 1 • X-ray crystallography remains the "gold standard" for structure determination. 2 (1) http://www-structure.llnl.gov/Xray/101index.html (2) http://www.imm.org/Reports/Rep002.html#XrayPhase Emerging Information Technology II
Recent Accomplishments • Recursive NanoBox Processor Grid • Superfine Ink-Jet Printing • Drug Delivery Emerging Information Technology II
Recursive NanoBox Processor Grid Recent Accomplishments • Nano devices less reliable than CMOS devices • Parallel computer system design • High accuracy rates • Low FIT (failure in time) rates KleinOsowski, A.J., KleinOsowski, K., Rangarajan, V., “The RecursiveBox Processor Grid: A Reliable System Architecture for Unreliable Nano Devices”, IEEE, 2004 Emerging Information Technology II
Superfine Ink-Jet Printing Recent Accomplishments • Produces dots less than 1 micron in size • Uses metal nano-particle paste • Printing of metallic wires a few microns in width • Pre-patterning of the substrate not necessary Murata, K. “Super-fine ink-jet printing for nanotechnology”, IEEE, 2003 Emerging Information Technology II
Drug Delivery Recent Accomplishments • Side effects of conventional drugs • Nanoparticles are the ideal vehicle • AZT nanoparticle drug delivery system Lobenberg, R., “Smart Materials: Applications of Nanotechnolgy in Drug Delivery and Drug Targeting”, IEEE, 2003 Emerging Information Technology II
Nanotechnology Manufacturing Processes
The NNI Vision “The essence of nanotechnolgoy is the ability to work at the molecular level…to create large structures with fundamentally new molecular organization” Ref:” National Nanotechnology Initiative”: The Initiative and its Implementation Plan” http://www.nsf.gov/home/crssprgm/nano/nnl2.htm Emerging Information Technology II
The NNI Goals • First Generation: passive nanostructures in coatings, nanoparticles, bulk materials (nano-structured metals, polymers, ceramics): ~ 2001 – • Second Generation: active nanostructures such as transistors, amplifiers, actuators, adaptive structures: ~ 2005 – • Third Generation: 3D nanosystems with heterogeneous nano-components and various assembling techniques ~ 2010 – • Fourth Generation: molecular nano-systems with heterogeneous molecules, based on bio-mimetics and new design ~ 2020 (?) Source: AIChE Journal, 2004, Vol. 50 (5), MC Roco Emerging Information Technology II
Nano Fabrication Approaches Top-down Method(Today) Creates nanostructures out of macrostructures by breaking down matter into more basic building blocks. Frequently uses chemical or thermal methods. Bottom-up Method(Tomorrow) Building complex systems by combining simple atomic level components through self assembly of atoms or molecules into nanostructures Emerging Information Technology II
A Timeline for Molecular Manufacturing Molecular Traditional DNA Templated Carbon Nano Tube Field Effect Transistor Science vol 32 21 Nov 2003 2001 2005 2010 2020 Emerging Information Technology II
First Generation Nano Fabrication Example Single Walled NanoTube SWNT are grown by CO decomposition into C and CO2 at 700-950C in a flow of pure CO at between 1-10atm of pressure http://www.pa.msu.edu/cmp/csc/nanotube.html Emerging Information Technology II
Other Contemporary Production Processes • Vapor Deposition • Evaporization • Combustion • Thermal Plasma • Milling • Cavitation • Milling (Spin or Dip) • Thermal Spray • Electrodeposition Emerging Information Technology II
Other Contemporary Production Processes Emerging Information Technology II
Other Contemporary Production Processes Emerging Information Technology II
The 3rd/4th Generation Nanofactory • Integrate large numbers of nanoscale chemical fabrication units • Combine nanoscale pieces into large-scale products • General-purpose manufacturing in a tabletop format • Extremely advanced products with compact functionality • Produce its own weight in hours; produce copies of itself Emerging Information Technology II
How Might it Work?? • mass < 1 kg (with a less hefty design than suggested by the above illustration) • volume ~ 50 liters • raw material input 2.5 kg/hr (chiefly acetone, oxygen from air) • waste heat output 1.3 kW (air cooled) • surplus power output 3.3 kW (from oxidation of surplus hydrogen) • waste material output 1.5 kg/hr (chiefly water) • product output 1 kg/hr (chiefly diamond) Emerging Information Technology II
How Might it Work?? • a casing to protect its interior from air, moisture, and dirt • inlets for liquid feedstocks to supply molecules for processing • molecular sorting mechanisms to purify inputs • alignment and binding mechanisms to organize streams of molecules • mechanosynthetic devices to process inputs into reactive tools • mechanosynthetic devices to apply tools to workpieces • mill-style mechanisms to join workpieces into larger blocks • programmable mechanisms to join blocks into complex products • a port to deliver finished products while protecting the interior space • motors to drive moving parts • computers to control material flows and assembly mechanisms • stored data and programs to direct the computers • data communication channels to coordination actions • electrical systems to distribute power • a cooling system to dissipate waste heat • a structural framework to support the casing and internal components Emerging Information Technology II
A Path to Implementation • The key concept is that of a “Fabricator” • A Fabricator is a nano-scale device that can combine individual molecules into useful shapes • Fabricators build “pieces” that are passed to other fabricators to be made into larger pieces (convergent assembly) • Fabricators would make a small nano factories with a few fabricators in it and then build a bigger one etc etc. • By simple scaling a nano factory could make a factory twice its size in a day. In 60 days a desk top model would exist Emerging Information Technology II
A Path to Implementation (continued) • Inside the factory, each fabricator would make a nano block (200 nm on a side) • Assembly of nano-blocks by robotics through commands and fasteners on the surface of the blocks. • Continue until done • Output : e.g. rolls of tough, flexible, high efficiency solar cells to laptops with billions of processors Emerging Information Technology II
Nanotechnology Commercial Activity
Timeline for beginning of industrialprototyping and commercialization • 1st Generation: Passive nanostructures ~ 2001 Ex: coatings, nanoparticles, nanostructured metals, polymers, ceramics • 2nd Generation: Active nanostructures ~ 2005 Ex: transistors, amplifiers, targeted drugs, actuators, adaptive structures • 3rd Generation: Systems of nanosystems ~ 2010 Ex: guided molecular assembling; 3D networking and new system architectures, robotics, supramolecular • 4th Generation: Molecular nanosystems ~ 2020 Ex: molecules as devices/components ‘by design’, based on atomic design, hierarchical emerging functions, evolutionary systems Source: AIChE Journal, 2004, Vol. 50 (5), MC Roco Emerging Information Technology II
Industry Surveys Note: http://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/nano/reports/nni_04-1012_ehsi_roco@buxton.pdf Emerging Information Technology II
Major Corporations in Nanotechnology Emerging Information Technology II
How nanotechnology enable new applications • As things approach the nanoscale, new properties emerge due to size confinement, quantum phenomena, and coulomb blockage. These new properties can be controlled to give us materials with new applications. Specifically, nanotechnology will permit control of the following • Structural properties (e.g. strength and ductility) • Electrical properties • Magnetic properties • Catalytic properties • Thermal properties • Optical properties • Biocompatibility Emerging Information Technology II