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Miniaturisation of Instrument Elecctronics using ASICs Интегрируйте ваши идеи. Dr. D. Fernandez , CEO ARQUIMEA dfernandez@arquimea.com www.arquimea.com. ACTUATION SYSTEMS (ASAS) SENSING SYSTEMS (AS3) ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS (ASICS). Arquimea – The company. Integrate your Ideas
Miniaturisation of InstrumentElecctronicsusingASICs Интегрируйте ваши идеи Dr. D. Fernandez, CEO ARQUIMEA dfernandez@arquimea.com www.arquimea.com
Integrateyour Ideas Интегрируйте ваши идеи www.arquimea.com
Группа интегральных схем ARQUIMEA готова обсудить ваше применение в любое время. Интегрируйте ваши идеи. www.arquimea.com Интегрируйте ваши идеи
ALTER – КОМПАНИЯ, ASIC – ПАРТНЕРЫ ARQUIMEA • Alter оказывает поддержку клиенту на всех этапах • Выбор и координация партнеров для субподряда является ключевым фактором • Партнерство Alter и Arquimea в разработке ASIC смешанного сигнала ОПЫТ • Изучение и разработка испытательной модели радиационно-стойких аналогов смешанного сигнала для космического применения (ЕКА) • Изучение процессов считывания технологии ASIC и разработка испытательной модели для космического применения (ЕКА) • Квалифицированные для космического применения ASIC (Контроль элементов антенн подверженных прямому радиационному воздействию) для REDSAT (EADS Casa Espacio) • Квалифицированные для космического применения ASIC смешанного сигнала (Процессорная электроника для Оптических беспроводных коммуникационных систем) для METNET (INTA) • Радиационно-стойкие ASIC структуры в глубоких сверхтонких технологиях (Catrene, ЕС) • Считывающая электроника для обнаружения частицвысокого приближения ASIC для Hyde-Gaspard
ARQUIMEA OFFERS Integrated Circuit Development
ARQUMEA - CurrentASIC’sprogrammes • RADIATION TOLERANT ANALOGUE MIXED SIGNAL TECHNOLOGY SURVEY AND TEST VEHICLE DESIGN FOR COSMIC VISION (ESA) • Project prime contractor, Analogical and digital design, Lay-out, PA requirements, ASIC verification and testing. • FRONT-END READOUT ASIC TECHNOLOGY STUDY AND DEVELOPMENT TEST VEHICLES FOR FRONT-END READOUT ASICS FOR COSMIC VISION (ESA) • Project prime contractor, Analogical and digital design. Lay-out, PA requirements, ASIC verification and testing. • SPACE QUALIFIED, MIXED SIGNAL ASIC DEVELOPMENT (DRA (Direct Radiating Array) antennas elements control) for REDSAT (EADS CASA ESPACIO) • Analog and digital design, PA requirements, ASIC verification testing. • SPACE QUALIFIED, MIXED SIGNAL ASIC (FRONT-END ELECTRONICS FOR OPTICAL WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM) for METNET (INTA) • ESA PA requirements, ASIC verification testing. • PARTICLES DETECTION HIGH PROXIMITY READOUT ELECTRONICS ASIC FOR HYDE-GASPARD: • ARQUIMEA responsibilities: Analog and digital design. ASIC verification testing. • RAD-HARDASIC STRUCTURES IN DEEP SUBMICRON TECHNOLOGIES. OPTIMISE (CATRENE, EU)
120kRAD -55ºC, +125ºC 20 years EOL ITAR IRHNA57Z60 ADC128S102 HS1840 AD584 TEST (ALTER) ADC128S102 AD584 IRHNA57Z60 HS1840 …. 120kRAD -55ºC, +125ºC 20 years EOL QML ITAR FREE 5,000 uds. Stock +
SPACE componentsprocurementissues c One single ASIC can solveseveralissues at thesame time* * Dependingonthefunction
MixedSignal ASIC projectADVANTAGESTechnical economicProgrammaticStrategic
ITAR • For US components ITAR free today does not mean ITAR Free tomorrow. In 2006, Duringthepolitical crisis between US and Europedueto 2nd IraquiWar, shipments of 54SX FPGAswheredelayedby US DOD during 2 months. No Europeansatellitecould be finishedon time. Wolfgang Veith, ESA's head of product assurance and safety, says: ‘ITAR Components increases the risk, both programmatic and technological. It's programmatic risk in the sense that it inevitably leads to extended procurement times. And the lifecycle of each component must be tracked to a large level of detail, from design to integration to testing to launch.' Non Dependence technology: An alternative can be implementing the system on a Radiation Hard ASIC using non-ITAR technologies by ARQUIMEA.
Mixed Signal ASIC typical applications • Antenna Manufacturer • Active antennas used in satellites, are an array of different transmitter/receivers which have to be controlled independently. To reduce mass, size and power consumption an ASIC can be developed to control each of the this sections.
Mixed Signal ASIC typical applications • Remote Terminal Units • Earth-observation satellites or space telescopes uses large format focal planes, based on an array of CCDs. Each of these CCDs need specific circuitry which can be efficiently implemented to be placed on the back of each CCD, leading to a light, small and power saving design. • Telecom Satellites require highly complex remote terminal Units and Payloads
Mixed Signal ASIC typical applications • Instrument Control Units • Earth Observation satellites, landers, planet probes and others, commonly need systems which need to process and acquire data from different sensors. • As the number of sensor can be high, having each of them different electrical characteristics, integrated acquisition systems can be implemented on an ASIC, allowing centralized acquisition, simplifying data architectures, and adding features as online data processing among others. Radiation Infrared Temperature Radiometer
Mixed Signal ASIC typical applications • Scientific Payload Manufactuers • Space Exploration, Earth observation, Telescopes, …. • Exploring the limits of physicists implies the limit of technology, and space discrete components are not the most advanced technology available….
ASICs – Technology status in Europepotentiallysuitableformixedsignaldesigns.
ASIC genericdevelopmentflow ASIC spec consolidation Technology selection • Design • Validation • Manufacturing • Assembly • Testing (ESD, electrical and radiation) Definition and implemetationof test vehicles for radiation and functinal (parametric) PERFORMANCE Technology Validation Phase I • Design • Validation • Manufacturing • Assembly • Testing (environmental and relaibility) Definition and implemetation of first ASIC prototype (not fully functional ASIC Prototype Phase II • Design • Validation • Manufacturing • Assembling • Testing (QM full qualification) • FM (LAT ESCC 9000) Definition and implemetation of final ASIC version (fully functional). ASIC QM/FM Phase III
CONCLUSIONS • Mixed signal ASICs are postulated as an alternative solution to current procurement ISSUES: space devices availability, ITAR/ European dependence, OBSOLESCENCE, Power reduction Mass reduction, Performance increase and Current Monopoly cases. • Typical ASICs development programme risks can be mitigated by innovative ASICS design strategies (ASIC re-configurability, re-usability, portability and radiation hardening tailoring). • Foundries pre-selection, testing optimisation, assembly standardisation will also reduce risks for coming ASICs development programmes. • Several applications are susceptible of being implements in a ASIC with potential technical, economic and programmatic advantages. • State of the Art of ASICS and design technologies allows the development of ITAR free rad hard mixed-signal components in Europe.
Thank you CONTACT: Francisco Gutiérrez – ARQUIMEA Ingeneiría S.L. - fgutierrez@arquimea.com David Nuñez – ATER TECHNOLOGY - david.n@alter-spain.com Vasil Popov – ALTER TECHNOLOGY – vi.popov@alter-spain.com