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of the Assessment CURVE. AHEAD. Portfolio Evidence For 21 st Century Learners Ronarae ( Rae) Adams.
of the Assessment CURVE AHEAD Portfolio Evidence For 21st Century Learners Ronarae ( Rae) Adams
“Universities face substantial change in a rapidly evolving global context. The challenges of meeting new expectations about academic standards in the next decade and beyond mean that assessment will need to be rethought and renewed.” Assessment, 2020
Portfolio Assessment… Rationale? improvement, competition, accreditation Using Portfolios? course, capstone, blended Value Added ? quality, relevance, evidence, impact
Relevance and Parallels to P12 Learners • Common Core explicitly focused on the cognitive skills and knowledge needed to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing, academic college courses and in workforce training programs. • Critical-thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills are a major focus in the standards. • Performance taskswill be implemented and measured.
Metacognition is evidenced in portfolio tasks and assessments: "This is how I approach or think about a situation"; "this is how I might best approach this particular concept in order to more fully understand it"; "this is how I am thinking about this issue and it is or is not effective"; "these are other possible approaches I might take instead" (Courts and McInerney,1993 p.57)
Thinking Points • What data do we need to collect and report? • Which standard sets should be included? • What artifacts do we need to collect to generate the assessment data needed? • How can rubrics be used in the evaluation process? • How can each course in a program be integrated into the system? • How will the faculty integrate the program standards and learning outcomes into their courses? • How will candidates submit artifacts to demonstrate their knowledge and skills? • What training do faculty need for facilitating candidates developing appropriate artifacts, and for evaluating candidates work? • How well will the data reports meet the NCATE accreditation reports?
Characteristics • Data is collected from various sources, through multiple methods, over multiple points in time. • Emphasis and value of change and growth • Purpose and goals are explicit. • “Owners” demonstrate, vs. tell, what they know and can do. • Clear criteria (standards) drives development.
Evidence of overall achievement determines final grades. • Students’ knowledge and skills are interrelatedbased on assessment of integrated learning. • Grades and tasks are aligned with learning outcomes and standards.
Advantages • Illuminates individual needs, strengths • Addresses shortcoming of traditional assessment— parallels complexity of thinking and learning over time • Shifts from teacher-centered learning to student-centered (Heutagogy-Argyris and Schon,1996)
TASKS • significant learning activities in themselves • inform strengths and weaknesses • substantial involvement over time • designed in an interlinked, constructive, organized and coherent sequence • job embedded • provide opportunities for explicit feedback
NBC Portfolio Model PORTFOLIO(standards based evidence) • Video tapes • Student work • Professional Contributions/Accomplishments WRITING • Describe, analyze and reflect
Each portfolio entry includes a written commentary developed by responding to guiding questions that require the candidate to describe, analyze, and reflect on his or her practice. Each entry requires an inquiry into practice (knowledge, skills, dispositions) and must provide evidence that actions resulted in student learning as outcomes.
ILO, PLO, CLO, NB, NCATE, DP • Entry 1: Sequence of lessons that reflect topic of study; emphasis on ASSESSMENT ofstudent learning with analysis of work samples • Entry 2: Video evidence of ability to ENGAGE studentsin learning (whole grouplesson) • Entry 3: Video evidence of ability to ENGAGEin students in learning (student to student interaction) • Entry 4: PROFESSIONAL contributions—with families/communities, as a learner, and as a leader/collaborator
Entry 3: Facilitating Interactions: Small Groups (Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood/English as a New Language)—ENL Portfolio In this entry, submit a 15-minute video recording to demonstrate your practice and your ability to facilitate small interactive groups of linguistically and culturally diverse learners who are engaged in collaborative work. Provide evidence of how you foster the engagement of students in a meaningful English language activity in which students share ideas and listen attentively to each other. Provide a Written Commentary analyzing the video recording and instructional materials…
Rubrics: scale of categories or characteristics of behavioror output to be assessed • analyticrubric to assess a product through a detailed description of various criteria, designating a score for each criterion • holistic rubric assesses the final product on the basis of an overall impression or its overall effectiveness
Integrate NCATE TARGETS • #5 Qualifications Faculty have in-depth understanding of their fields and are teacher scholars who integrate what is known about their content fields, teaching and learning; they reflect proficiencies outlined in professional, state and institutional standards; incorporate performance assessments; many faculty are recognized as outstanding teachers by candidates and peers across campus and in schools. (B)
Faculty are engaged in dialogues about the design and delivery of instructional programs in professional education and P12 schools; they collaborate regularly and systematically with P12 practitioners. (D) • #6-Governance-unit provides leadership for effectively coordinating program designed to prepare educating professionals to work in P12 schools; ensures that candidates have access to student services; faculty collaborate with P12 practitioners in program design, delivery and evaluation of unit and programs; provides professional development on effective teaching.(A)
Assessment Portfolios Get informed; design “smart”; identify and align purpose, goals and outcomes Develop formative to summative pathway to distinction (courses, assignments, projects) Implement the “vision”; studydata Evaluate learning as informed by analysis of evidence; modify and improve Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4
Questions?MoreInformation? Ronarae Adams www.nuptdc.org Access all resources on the NU NBCT WAVE site, P20 link.