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IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT. B U D I L U H U R U N I V E R S I T Y POST GRADUATE PROGRAM OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. PROJECT TIME MANAGEMENT. Project Time Management Processes. Project time management involves the processes required to ensure timely completion of a project. Processes include:
Project Time Management Processes • Project time management involves the processes required to ensure timely completion of a project. Processes include: • Define activity • Sequence activity • Estimate activity resources • Estimate activity durations • Develop schedule • Control schedule
Define Activity • Identifying the specific schedule activities that need to be performed to produce the various project deliverables • Project work packages are planned into smaller components (decomposed) called schedule activities to provide a basis for estimating, scheduling, executing, and monitoring and controlling the project.
Activity DefinitionInput (1) • Scope baseline Project deliverables, constraints &assumptions documented in the scope statement • Enterprise environmental factors Availability of project IS Scheduling S/W tools, etc • Organizational process assets Activity planning-related policies, procedures, guidelines that are considered in developing activity definitions
Define Activity Outputs Activity list Comprehensive list of schedule activities Activity attributes 1 Identifier 6 Logical relationship 2 Codes 7 Leads and lags 3 Description 8 Resource requirement 4 Predecessor 9 Imposed dates 5 Successor 10 Constraints &assumptions Milestone list Component of the PM plan Indicates whether mandatory or optional milestone
Define ActivitiesTools & Techniques Decomposition Subdividing the project work packages into smaller more manageable components called schedule activities Rolling wave planning A form of progressive elaboration planning where the work to be accomplished in the near term is planned in detail at a low level of the WBS Templates Expert judgment
Sequence Activities • Identifying and documenting dependencies among schedule activities
Sequence ActivitiesTools & Techniques Precedence Diagramming Method • Activities are represented by boxes • Arrows show relationships between activities • More popular than ADM method and used by project management software • Better at showing different types of dependencies
Sequence ActivitiesTools & Techniques Determine dependencies between tasks FS: Finish-to-start A B cannot start until A finishes B SS: Start-to-start B cannot start until A starts A B FF: Finish-to-finish A B cannot finish until A finishes B SS: Start-to-finish A B cannot finish until A starts B
Sequence ActivitiesTools & Techniques Dependency determination • Mandatory dependencies (inherent in the nature of the work being done) • Discretionary dependency (prefer logic / preferential logic / soft logic) • External dependency (the project activities are dependent on non-project activities Applying leads & lags • A lead allows an acceleration of the successor activity • A lag directs a delay in the successor activity
Schedule network templates • Templates for the entire project • Templates for sub network (fragment network)
Estimate Activity Resources • Estimating the type and quantities of resources required to perform each schedule activity
Estimate Activity ResourcesOutput Activity resource requirements Identification and description of the types and quantities of resources required of each schedule activity in a work package Resource breakdown structure A hierarchical structure of the identified resources by resource category and resource type Project documents updates
Estimate Activity ResourcesTools & Techniques Expert judgments Alternatives analysis Many schedule activities have alternative methods of accomplishment Published estimating data Production rates, unit cost of resources, etc Project management software Bottom-up estimating • Decompose the schedule activities into more details; estimate the resource needed to complete each detailed piece of work. Aggregate bottom-up wise
Estimate Activity Duration • Estimating the number of work periods that will be needed to complete individual schedule activities
Estimate Activity Duration Tools & Techniques Expert judgment Analogous estimating Using actual previous data and expert judgment Parametric estimation Duration = Quantity of work to be performed x productivity rate
Estimate Activity Duration Tools & Techniques Three-Points estimates • Most likely (M) • Optimistic (O) • Pessimistic (P) Formula in CPM: Duration = ( O + 4M + P)/6 Reserve analysis
Develop Schedule Analyzing : • activity sequences, • activity durations, • activity resources requirements, • schedule constraints to create the project schedule
Develop Schedule Output Project schedule Often presented graphically, • Project schedule network diagram • Bar charts & Milestone chart Schedule baseline Project schedule, with additional information • Baseline start date • Baseline finish date
Develop Schedule Output Schedule data Supporting data for the project schedule: • Schedule milestones • Schedule activities • Activity attributes • Assumption & constraints • Resource requirements by time period • Alternative schedule (best case, worst case) • Schedule contingency reserves
Develop Schedule Tools & Techniques • Schedule network analysis • Critical path method • Critical chain method • Resource leveling • What-if scenario analysis • Applying leads and lags • Schedule compression • Scheduling model
Develop Schedule Tools & Techniques Schedule Network Analysis Employs a schedule model and various analytical techniques: • CPM (critical path method) • Critical chain method • What-if analysis • Resource leveling to calculate: • Early start (ES) & late start (LS) dates • Early finish (EF) & late finish (LF) dates
Develop Schedule Tools & Techniques Critical Path Method (CPM) • A project network analysis technique used to predict total project duration • A critical path for a project is the series of activities that determines the earliest time by which the project can be completed • The critical path is the longest path through the network diagram and has the least amount of slack or float
Develop Schedule Tools & Techniques Finding the Critical Path • Develop a good project network diagram • Add the durations for all activities on each path through the project network diagram • The longest path is the critical path
Develop Schedule Tools & Techniques Schedule compression Shorten the project schedule without changing the project scope to meet the schedule constraints, imposed dates, or other schedule objectives Techniques: Crashing: Cost and schedule tradeoffs are analyzed to determine how to obtain the greatest amount of compression for the least incremental cost Fast tracking: Phases of activities that normally would be done in sequence are performed in paralel
Develop Schedule Tools & Techniques Source: Schwalbe, ITPM, 3rd ed
Develop Schedule Tools & Techniques Buffers and Critical Chain • A buffer is additional time to complete a task • Murphy’s Law states that if something can go wrong, it will, and Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time allowed. In traditional estimates, people often add a buffer and use it if it’s needed or not • Critical chain schedule removes buffers from individual tasks and instead creates • A project buffer, which is additional time added before the project’s due date • Feeding buffers, which are addition time added before tasks on the critical path
Develop Schedule Tools & Techniques Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) • A network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty about the individual activity duration estimates • Uses probabilistic time estimates based on using : • optimistic (O), • most likely (M), • pessimistic (P) estimates of activity durations • PERT weighted averageformula: O + 4 M + P 6
Control Schedule • Controlling changes to the project schedule
Control ScheduleInput Schedule management plan • Establishes how the project schedule will be manage and control • Component of the project management plan Schedule baseline • Latest, approved schedule • Component of the project management plan Performance reports • Provide information on schedule performance • Alert to issues that may cause schedule performance problems in the future Approved change requests
Control ScheduleOutput Work Performance Measurements • SV (schedule variance) • SPI (schedule performance index) Organizational Process Assets Updates Lesson learned documentation (cause of variance, the reasoning behind the corrective actions chosen)
Control Schedule Output Change Requests Processed for review and disposition through the integrated change control process Project Management Plan Updates Schedule baseline updates Schedule management plan updates Project Documents Updates Schedule data Project schedule
Control Schedule Tools & Techniques • Performance reviews • Variance analysis • Project management software • Resource levelling • What-if scenario analysis • Adjusting leads and lags • Schedule compression • Scheduling tool
Control Schedule Tools & Techniques Project management software Provides the ability • To track planned dates vs actual dates • To forecast the effects of project schedule changes
Control Schedule Tools & Techniques Variance analysis • Schedule control Schedule comparison bar chart • Displays current status bar & approved project schedule baseline