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Follow Tom as he reluctantly travels to Austria to meet his Grandfather, facing an avalanche and building a special bond. Discover if Tom's perspective changes in this heartwarming tale.
A GOOD idea How does the main character feel at the end of the story? Has he/she changed their opinion? Tom Travels to Austria Tom meets his Grandfather There is an avalanche Time to go home Descriptive Speech Tension Warm fuzzy ending Tom isn’t looking forward to it. It’s cold and he is alone. He’s never met his Grandfather before. I want the reader to feel sorry for him. Grandpa Joe has half moon spectacles but he is warm and friendly. He wants to take Tom to see the Castle. Tom isn’t interested. I want the reader to feel sorry for Tom but also for Grandpa. As they stroll along the mountain, there is an avalanche. I want the reader to feel frightened. Grandpa protects Tom. That night, Tom sits in front of the open fire, gazing at his Grandpa. He has had a wonderful time getting to know him and he is sad to be leaving. I want the reader to feel happy for Tom and a little bit choked up at how much he loves his Grandpa.
FLIPPED WRITE Fronted Adverbials Conjunctions while, if, because, although Pronouns Conjunctions for Time Adverbs for Time Prepositions for Time Possessive Apostrophe Captain Success Year 3 and 4 Word List
Integrated SPAG Challenge – Fronted Adverbials Fronted adverbials are words or phrases at the beginning (front) of a sentence which describe the action that follows: Fronted adverbials can be used for: Time In the morning,… After a while,.. As soon as he could,… Before long,… All of a sudden,… In the blink of an eye,… Just then,… Place Above the clouds,… Below the sea,… In the distance,… Between the sea and the sky,… Beyond the dunes,… Manner Slowly,… Cheerfully,… Contently,… As quick as a flash,… Without a sound,… Unexpectedly,… Silently,… Like a whisper,… Frequency Again,… Every second,… Once a minute,… Constantly,… Frequently,… Never before,… Degree Nearly asleep,… Just arrived,… Clearly tired,… Positively trembling with excitement,… Totally overwhelmed,… Utterly jubilant,…
Integrated SPAG Using Conjunctions whileifbecause although I painted inside while it was raining. While it was raining, I painted inside. I will go on holiday if I can afford it. If I can afford it, I will go on holiday. Gregory swam quickly because there was a shark. Because there was a shark, Gregory swam quickly. Gregory was still shaking although he was relieved. Although he was relieved, he was still shaking.
Integrated SPAG Using Nouns and Pronouns he she him they him her his hers Noun Gregory
Integrated SPAG Conjunctions for Time Tell you ‘when’ beforeafter aswhen whileuntilsince
Integrated SPAG Adverbs for Time Adverbs of time tell you when, how long or how often tomorrow today now all day all year since 1978 always rarely never
Integrated SPAG Prepositions for Time Often begin with ‘at’, ‘on’ or ‘in’ at night at the weekend at breakfast on Saturday on my birthday on Christmas day in September in the evening in the nineties next week next year last night this morning today tomorrow
Integrated SPAG Possessive Apostrophe Singular The boy’s feet hurt. ONE boy. Plural The boys’ feet hurt. MORE THAN ONE boy.
Scene Setting Your teacher is looking out for Captain Responsibility today! Things to remember:
Integrated SPAG Year 3 and 4 Word List accident(ally) actual(ly) address answer appear arrive believe bicycle breath breathe build busy/business calendar caught centre century certain circle complete consider continue decide describe different difficult disappear early earth eight/eighth enough exercise experience experiment extreme famous favourite February forward(s) fruit grammar group guard guide heard heart height history imagine increase important interest island knowledge learn length library material medicine mention minute natural naughty notice occasion(ally) often opposite ordinary particular peculiar perhaps popular position possess(ion) possible potatoes pressure probably promise purpose quarter question recent regular reign remember sentence separate special straight strange strength suppose surprise therefore though/although thought through various weight woman/women
Remember to use your green polishing pens! Active Re-engageEditing Your Work Teacher yellow and green’s your work. Picking out key spelling, punctuation and grammar errors! Your teacher is looking out for team members who use excellent eye contact! You respond to this by editing it with your polishing pen! You learn from editing your mistakes! Remember, if you are finding it hard when correcting a spelling or up levelling a word, use a dictionary or a thesaurus to help you!
PAIRED READ Now, share with a partner. What do you think of their story? How might they be able to up-level it?
Reflective Statement Today, I have shown progress in my use of ...