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Preparing for transition employment

Preparing for transition employment. OUR GOAL. To meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in ways that are person centered and community based

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Preparing for transition employment

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  1. Preparing for transitionemployment

  2. OUR GOAL To meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in ways that are person centered and community based • Supporting individuals as they strive toward working or otherwise contributing to the community, living in the home of their choice, and having meaningful relationships • Helping individuals and families through the process of transition

  3. OBJECTIVES • What is changing within employment? • Why are these changes taking place? • When will the changes happen? • Where do you begin?

  4. THE TRANSITION Opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to engage in competitive employment are being made available. • Workers with disabilities regularly interact with co-workers who are not disabled. • Workers with disabilities receive at least minimum wage.

  5. WHY THE CHANGE? • American Disabilities Act • Olmstead Decision • Health System Transformation for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities Agreement • Employment First Commission • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

  6. NEW EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNTIES • Ensure full access to the benefits of community living • Meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in a more person-centered way • Increase the employment rate of individuals with disabilities • Reduce the number of individuals with disabilities living in poverty

  7. THE TIME FRAME In 2013, New York State stopped new admissions to sheltered workshops. By 2020, it expects to end all funding for sheltered workshops. More opportunities for competitive employment will be offered.

  8. resources • NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) • NYS Education Department’s Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) • Social Security Administration (SSA)

  9. VOCATIONAL services OPWDD Community Prevocational Services • Provides skill-building for individuals who want to work, but face barriers • Includes discovery activities, such as volunteer experiences Pathway to Employment • Helps individuals identify careers • Provides job readiness training • Generates a plan for securing competitive employment For More Information Go to http://www.opwdd. ny.gov/opwdd_services_supports/employment_for_people_with_disabilities/employment_opportunities_and_supports For Pathway to Employment, go to http://www.opwdd .ny.gov/opwdd_services_supports/employment_for_people_with_disabilities/pathway-employment

  10. Discovery OPWDD • Exploring new opportunities to build skills and abilities • Setting a direction for future employment and community participation • Seeking answers to job-related questions • What are the individual’s skills? • What are the individual’s interests? • What is the individual’s support system? • What experiences has the individual had? • What does the individual like to do?

  11. More vocational services OPWDD • Supported employment (SEMP) • Supports for individuals who have less intensive needs • Typically follows participation in ACCES-VR For More Information Go to http://www.opwdd. ny.gov/opwdd_services_supports/employment_for_people_with_disabilities/employment_opportunities_and_supports Download OPWDD’s Employment Opportunities brochure from http://www.opwdd.ny.gov/node/1173 Employment Training Program (ETP) • Paid internships that lead to a permanent job with a community business • Job readiness classes and job coaching

  12. enrollment OPWDD For More Information Call 1-866-946-9733 DownloadFront Door Welcome: Access to Services from http://www.opwdd.ny.gov/ welcome-front-door/resource-booklet Register for a Front Door information session at https://opwdd.ny.gov/welcome-front-door/information_session Individuals must be enrolled in both Medicaid and the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver to be eligible for most OPWDD programs. • Supported employment • Pathway to Employment • Community and day habilitation • Medicaid Service Coordination To get started with OPWDD, sign up to attend a Front Door information session.

  13. Medicaid service coordination OPWDD Care Coordinators, formerly known as Medicaid Service Coordinators (MSCs) help eligible individuals who are enrolled in Medicaid-funded OPWDD services with many activities. • Developing, implementing, and maintaining an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) • Engaging the individual’s Circle of Support For More Information Download the name and contact information of the person at your regional OPWDD office who can best answer your questions about Medicaid Service Coordination at http://www.opwdd.ny.gov/node/534 • Finding employment opportunities • Locating a day program

  14. Self-direction OPWDD Designed for individuals eligible for OPWDD services and enrolled in HCBS who: • want more flexibility with services and scheduling; • are ready to make decisions, on their own or with help; and • welcome more responsibility in choosing services and in hiring and supervising staff. For More Information Talk with your Care Coordinator (formerly MSC) Watch Choosing Self-Direction athttp://www.opwdd.ny.gov/self direction Download OPWDD’s brochure on self-directed services from http://www.opwdd.ny.gov/opwdd_services_supports/self-direction/self-direction-brochure

  15. Acces-vr ACCES-VR For More Information Go to http://www.acces. nysed.gov/vr Attend an orientation session. To find one near you, go to http://www.acc es.nysed.gov/vr/orientation-sessions ACCES-VR helps individuals with disabilities . . . . . .secure and maintain employment. . . .pursue independent living.

  16. Acces-vr services ACCES-VR • Vocational counseling • Assessments and evaluations • Rehabilitation technology • Special transportation • Adaptive driver training • Work readiness • Job coaching • Training (tuition, related fees, textbooks) • Tutor, reader, and note-taker services • Physical and mental restoration services • Modifications to homes, vehicles, worksites • Job development and placement • Work Try Out and on-the-job training • Occupational tools and equipment

  17. PASS SSA SSA offers PASS to individuals who are age 15 or older and eligible for benefits. With PASS, they can save to pay for education and other things needed for work. • Job coaching • Transportation • Assistive technology • Equipment For More Information Call 1-800-772-1213 Go to https://www.socialsecurity.gov/ ssi/spotlights/spot-plans-self-support. htm DownloadWorking While Disabled–A Guide to Plans for Achieving Self-Support from https://www.social security.gov/pubs/EN-05-11017.pdf

  18. ticket to work SSA This service is for anyone age 18-64 who receives SSA benefits because of a disability. Participants receive services from an Employment Network or the state vocational rehabilitation agency. • Career counseling • Vocational rehabilitation • Job placement and training For More Information Call 1-866-968-7842 Go to http://www.chooseworkttw.net DownloadYour Ticket to Work from https://www.ssa.gov/ pubs/EN-05-10061.pdf

  19. Self-determination Employment goals are based on what the individual wants and needs. • Encourage the individual to think about employment preferences. • Help the individual share his or her thoughts with the people who can help.

  20. Explore, explore, explore • Visit websites and call service providers. • Be alert to job and volunteer opportunities related to the individual’s interests. • Point out possible jobs as you visit libraries, parks, gyms, stores, etc. • Arrange job shadowing. For More Information Both OPWDD and CP of NYS offer interactive directories of services available in your area. Go to OPWDD’s directory athttp://providerdirectory.opwdd .ny.gov/ Go to CP of NYS’ directory at http://www.cpofnys.org/affiliates/

  21. Other ways to prepare • Expect disruption. • Recognize that change can be hard for individuals and their families. • Seek the support of others who have gone (or are going) through similar transitions. • Accept risk. • Manage concerns. • Break down new skills and tasks into small steps. • Communicate often about what is going to happen. • Practice advocacy. • Know the individual’s rights and responsibilities. • Understand the individual’s needs and wishes for the future. • Work with the Care Coordinator (formerly MSC) and Circle of Support. Who to Contact OPWDD’s Front Door: ACCES-VR District Office: Local Social Security office:

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