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Aesthetics of Interactive Arts Assignment 2 Anticipation, Aesthetics and Innovation

Aesthetics of Interactive Arts Assignment 2 Anticipation, Aesthetics and Innovation. David Leonnig. Innovation - Ripstop Nylon Lightweight, synthetic Fabric with Cross Fibers. Innovation - MP3 Compression Digital Compression to Expedite Download, Reduce Size.

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Aesthetics of Interactive Arts Assignment 2 Anticipation, Aesthetics and Innovation

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  1. Aesthetics of Interactive ArtsAssignment 2Anticipation, Aesthetics and Innovation • David Leonnig

  2. Innovation - Ripstop NylonLightweight, synthetic Fabric with Cross Fibers Innovation - MP3 Compression Digital Compression to Expedite Download, Reduce Size • Aids Mans Ability to Fly - Wingsuit Music and sound easily captured, reproduced, shared Innovation - Photography Using radiant energy to capture images on film or CCD Allows the miniature world to be seen - Microphotography MP3 Sound and the Death of Deep Listening

  3. Innovation Ripstop Nylon • Nylon invented in 1935 by Dupont • Dr. Wallace Hume Carothers - February 28, 1935 • Used to replace silk in women’s stockings • Used for hot air balloons • Used since in clothing, camping & extreme sports gear - lightweight, durable and wind resistance

  4. Innovation - Ripstop NylonLightweight, synthetic Fabric with Cross Fibers • Aids Mans Ability to Fly - Wingsuit http://villageofjoy.com/most-amazing-sport-in-the-world-wingsuit-flying/

  5. Windsuit Base Jumpers • Roaring wind in your ears - unbelievable • As close as mancomes to flying withoutassistance • Art in the airwith out a balloon or aparachute

  6. The Art of Birdmen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0tU3Hy7et8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N34eMz_rY_U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jWYIynY16k&feature=related

  7. Innovation Digital/MP3 Compression • 1987 Digidesign markets "Sound Tools," a Macintosh-based digital workstation using DAT as its source and storage medium. • 1991Alesis unveils the ADAT, the first affordable digital multitrack recorder.Apple debuts the "QuickTime" multimedia format. • 1995Iomega debuts high-capacity "Jaz" and "Zip" drives, useful as removable storage media for hard-disk recordings. • 1996Experimental digital recordings are made at 24 bits and 96 kHz.

  8. Innovation Digital/MP3 Compression • 1997DVD videodiscs and players introduced. 6-channel surround sound audio expected to supplant the CD as the chosen playback • 1999 MP-3 players for downloaded Internet audio appear. • 2001October 22, 2001 - Apple introduces the iPod • 2003Apple introduces iTunes and iTunes Music Store for Windows • 2005Fifth-generation Video iPod. Apple sells music videos and TV shows online

  9. Digital/MP3 Compression

  10. Digital/MP3 Compression • What your ears no longer hear • How much vibration comes from an ear bud • The sound of silence and of deep meaning

  11. Digital/MP3 Compression • Examples “left” http://www.responsibleradio.com/mp3s/earsleft.mp3 • and “right”http://www.responsibleradio.com/mp3s/earsright.mp3

  12. Innovation Affordable Microphotography • Photography inventedLouis Daguerre was the inventor of the first practical process of photography. In 1829, he formed a partnership with Joseph Nicephore Niepce to improve Niepce’s process. In 1839, Daguerre developed a more convenient and effective method of photography, naming it after himself - the daguerreotype. • Micro-Photography...is photography on a vastly reduced scale, to be observed using a microscope or projected. Though George Shadbolt is credited with being the inventor of micro-photography, the first known example of micro-photography was by John Benjamin Dancer in 1839, when he produced photographs 15mm in diameter.

  13. Affordable Microphotography • Lincoln was the first president widely photographed, and the Civil War was the first war captured by photographic plates • Micro-photography makes possible the art of digitally photographing the details of small things

  14. Affordable Microphotography • The process allows the eye to see a different perspective than previously available. It also allows us to consider texture and form in the smallest of manufactured and living designs.

  15. The End • I wanted to experience the wind in my ears • I wanted to see things my eyes couldn’t see • I want to hear more, not less, of aesthetically pleasing sounds • I want to know more of things we all can now imagine and experience • In our digital world, our appreciation of everything - except sound - seems better.

  16. Bibliography • Louis Daguerre -http://inventors.about.com/od/dstartinventions/a/Daguerreotype.htm • http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/photography • http://www.rleggat.com/photohistory/history/micro_ph.htm • Audio Engineering Society Historical Committeehttp://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html • The Perfect Thing. How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture and Coolness Stephen Levy, Simon & Shuster, (c) 2006 • http://villageofjoy.com/most-amazing-sport-in-the-world-wingsuit-flying/ • http://www.marcasmcphee.com/graphics/blog/Wingsuit-public%20domain.jpg • http://www.prnewswire.com/mnr/gofast/27915/images/27915-hi-luigi2.jpg • http://dvice.com/pics/Wingsuit.jpg (part of the Sci Fi online network) • http://howsoonis08.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/wingsuit.jpg • http://www.johenrik.com/var/storage/images-versioned/5779/1-eng-GB/wingsuit1.jpg • Texas Instruments Incorporated, electronmicroscope image of DMD. 1996 • Billy Erwin, Plano Photography Club, 2007-2008

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