1. Financial Success of a student organization-Whos Responsible? Finances and your student organization- What you need to know
October 5, 2009
This session will cover
the basics of where activity fees come from and how they are allocated
MnSCU authority for activity and account budgeting policies
the two types of accounts that student organizations can hold on campus
allowable and non allowable expenses
how to read the end of month financial reports you receive in your org. mailbox
where to ask for extra funds
your questions..This session will cover
the basics of where activity fees come from and how they are allocated
MnSCU authority for activity and account budgeting policies
the two types of accounts that student organizations can hold on campus
allowable and non allowable expenses
how to read the end of month financial reports you receive in your org. mailbox
where to ask for extra funds
your questions..
2. Where do tuition and student activity fee dollars go? Tuition and activity fees you pay per credit at MSUM travel different financial routes to become of benefit to you.
This diagram shows a basic breakdown of the entities on campus who get a slice of the activity fee pie. Recognized student organizations and activities receive a piece of the pie via the Student Activity Budget Committee(SABC). Recognized student organizations may apply for an operating budget consisting of activity fee funds by submitting a budget packet to SABC in the fall of each year. This year, budget packets will be available starting October 1st with completion deadline of November 2nd. These budget requests are reviewed by SABC who then decides the allocation amount, if any, that each applicant organization will receive the following year.Tuition and activity fees you pay per credit at MSUM travel different financial routes to become of benefit to you.
This diagram shows a basic breakdown of the entities on campus who get a slice of the activity fee pie. Recognized student organizations and activities receive a piece of the pie via the Student Activity Budget Committee(SABC). Recognized student organizations may apply for an operating budget consisting of activity fee funds by submitting a budget packet to SABC in the fall of each year. This year, budget packets will be available starting October 1st with completion deadline of November 2nd. These budget requests are reviewed by SABC who then decides the allocation amount, if any, that each applicant organization will receive the following year.
3. MnSCU creates and monitors the policies for access and use of activity fee funds and other types of campus student accounts. MnSCU(Minnesota State Colleges and Universities) governs the definition of, and proper accounting for, activity fee funds. This includes how they are accessed by groups who receive the funds and the financial reporting policies for the funds.
MnSCU policies dictate how the business manager must track and record spending of activity fee funds.
A list of Allowable and Non allowable expenditures using activity fee funds is located on the Anything Financial webpage. Read allowable & non-allowable handout. SABCs task in April of 2006 was to identify allowable and non-allowable expenses for MSUM organizations. The list was approved by SABC, Student Senate and President Barden in April 2006. This list of expenses guards student activity fee monies from being used for departmental building repair, faculty or staff equipment purchases, awards for faculty or staff, fines or penalties which are the result of an individuals actions, donations to non-profit organizations and scholarships (which are strictly prohibited by MnSCU policy from being paid by activity fee funds).
Student organizations may raise funds apart from their activity fee allocation which may be used for scholarships or donations to non-profit organizations.Read allowable & non-allowable handout. SABCs task in April of 2006 was to identify allowable and non-allowable expenses for MSUM organizations. The list was approved by SABC, Student Senate and President Barden in April 2006. This list of expenses guards student activity fee monies from being used for departmental building repair, faculty or staff equipment purchases, awards for faculty or staff, fines or penalties which are the result of an individuals actions, donations to non-profit organizations and scholarships (which are strictly prohibited by MnSCU policy from being paid by activity fee funds).
Student organizations may raise funds apart from their activity fee allocation which may be used for scholarships or donations to non-profit organizations.
4. Two types of accounts for student organizations to maintain. Activity Fee Accounts-Activity accounts contain activity fee money allocated by SABC for yearly operating budgets or for special requests made by students, student organizations or groups who qualify to receive activity fee funds. Fundraised money may be deposited into an activity account at any time throughout the fiscal year. Six-digit account starting with 334xxx Two types of accounts particular to student organizations and groups funded by activity fee funds. Getting funds from these two accounts differs slightly in the record keeping because of the MnSCU policy governing access to activity fee funds.Two types of accounts particular to student organizations and groups funded by activity fee funds. Getting funds from these two accounts differs slightly in the record keeping because of the MnSCU policy governing access to activity fee funds.
5. Two types of accounts for studentorganizations to maintain. Student Agency Accounts- contain funds that are not activity fee funds. Student organizations may hold both types of accounts, agency and activity.
Agency accounts are generally used by organizations that did not submit a request to SABC for an activity fee based budget. Six-digit account starting with 380xxx or 381xxx Even though student organizations have an agency account, they may still request activity fee funds from SABC for supplemental funds for an event or travel funds for travel. Student agency account numbers are generated by the Owens business office after the student officer/treasurer has completed the agency authorization form obtained at the Office of Student Activities. The OSA must check organizations applying for agency accounts to make sure the organization is currently recognized and has an advisor. Advisors are the primary responsible party for agency or activity account financial health per University . Even though student organizations have an agency account, they may still request activity fee funds from SABC for supplemental funds for an event or travel funds for travel. Student agency account numbers are generated by the Owens business office after the student officer/treasurer has completed the agency authorization form obtained at the Office of Student Activities. The OSA must check organizations applying for agency accounts to make sure the organization is currently recognized and has an advisor. Advisors are the primary responsible party for agency or activity account financial health per University .
6. How To Open an Activity Account?- The Activities Business Manager will open an account for you the first time SABC grants you an operating budget. Your organization retains the same account number for the life of the student organization
Open an Agency Account?- Visit the Office of Student Activities. We will help you fill out the forms to start the process of establishing an agency account. Action is required by a student organization treasurer or account manager only if a new student organization agency account is being established. If the organization is receiving SABC activity fee funds, the business manager will set up the account number and contact the treasurer with the account number.
Action is required by a student organization treasurer or account manager only if a new student organization agency account is being established. If the organization is receiving SABC activity fee funds, the business manager will set up the account number and contact the treasurer with the account number.
7. How To Reimburse a Student for out of pocket expense?:
Activity Fee account: Use a vendor certification and attach receipts
Student Agency Account: Use an agency check request and attach receipts
Complete the appropriate form depending on which account is used to access funds. Advisor must read and sign, the person needing reimbursement needs to sign, staple receipts to form and submit it to the Activities Business Manager in CMU 229-Office of Student Activities.
8. How To Purchasing items on campus, reserving space on campus, reserving state vehicles?
Give your student agency account number or activity account number to the service department or retail area. At the end of the month, that service will do an automatic chargeback(electronic) to your account and the funds will move from your account into the service areas account.
To order catered foods from Sodexo please email catering@mnstate.edu to place your order. Tell them the date of your event, the location on campus and how many people you anticipate at the event. You must tell them your activity or agency account number too.
To reserve space inside Nemzek Hall or fields outside of Nemzek Hall, you must call Karla Nelson at 477-2421 or email Karla at nelsnkar@mnstate.edu Purchasing items on campus is quite simple. The following areas will allow recognized student organization chargebacks if you have a current account number: Bookstore, Copies Plus, Etc Shop, Sodexo, Campus Security, Motor Pool vehicle rental, Advocate newspaper and Printing Services. You must also be a recognized MSUM student organization to reserve rooms within the Comstock Memorial Union and Nemzek Hall as well as Nemzek outdoor fields. Purchasing items on campus is quite simple. The following areas will allow recognized student organization chargebacks if you have a current account number: Bookstore, Copies Plus, Etc Shop, Sodexo, Campus Security, Motor Pool vehicle rental, Advocate newspaper and Printing Services. You must also be a recognized MSUM student organization to reserve rooms within the Comstock Memorial Union and Nemzek Hall as well as Nemzek outdoor fields.
9. How To Purchase Items from an off campus business or pay an off campus entity for dues, fees, officiating, presenting?
Agency Account- Ask business for an invoice. Fill out an agency check request, staple the invoice to the check request and drop it off at the OSA. The business manager will forward it to the proper payer. If you paid the business for the product or service out of your own pocket, then go back to the procedure for reimbursing a student for out of pocket expense. (using a student organization agency account check request form)
This slide deals with off campus purchasing using an agency account. An agency account begins with 380xxx or 381xxx prefix. Because agency account money is not activity fee money, it does not have to include the paperwork (purchase order) that an activity fee-funded account must include.
This slide deals with off campus purchasing using an agency account. An agency account begins with 380xxx or 381xxx prefix. Because agency account money is not activity fee money, it does not have to include the paperwork (purchase order) that an activity fee-funded account must include.
Purchase Items from an off campus
Activity Account(334xxx)-obtain a purchase order(PO) from the Activities Business Manager in the OSA.
Complete the PO before you run out to purchase items from an off campus business. If the business permits charging, staple the receipt to the PO and submit the white copy of the PO with the receipt to the Activities Business Manager. The bill will be matched to the PO and paid.
If the business does not permit charging or accept a PO, then you must pay the bill out of student pocket and use the Vendor Certification to reimburse the student.
Write your activity account number on all receipts
If you are sent a bill for membership, league fees or dues, attach the bill to a completed PO and give to the Activities Business Manager to pay. Please call the Activities Business Manager if you have any doubts as to whether or not you are following the purchasing policy correctly.
Each treasurer at the mandatory treasurers meeting in September received a folder with sample Purchase Orders, check reqeust sheets, deposit slips and other documents necessary for financial operations of their student organization.
Please call the Activities Business Manager if you have any doubts as to whether or not you are following the purchasing policy correctly.
Each treasurer at the mandatory treasurers meeting in September received a folder with sample Purchase Orders, check reqeust sheets, deposit slips and other documents necessary for financial operations of their student organization.
11. Whos Responsible? Financial transactions include but are not limited to; contracts, vendor certifications, checks, purchase orders, agency check request forms, funding applications, receipts and billing statements. Look at the sample of the account end of month reports. The agency account is on one side and the activity account is on the other.Financial transactions include but are not limited to; contracts, vendor certifications, checks, purchase orders, agency check request forms, funding applications, receipts and billing statements. Look at the sample of the account end of month reports. The agency account is on one side and the activity account is on the other.
12. Expectations Advisors are responsible for signing off on any purchase orders, invoices, billing statements, check requests, vendor certifications, contracts, travel forms, funding request forms after reviewing the appropriateness and completion of each form.
Advisors will be responsible for communicating to the student treasurer, president or account manager, the importance of the advisor signing off on any expenditures from the account(s).
Advisors will be notified if any account becomes overdrawn and at that time the account(s) will be frozen. The Advisor must meet with the organization treasurer and president to decide upon a plan to correct the deficit in the account. Please meet with your organization president and treasurer at least once at the beginning of the year in order to establish some type of communication method which they must follow in order to get proper authorization for purchases. Get a schedule of events from your student organization in advance of any travel, event or activity in which students might be incurring expenses so that you can help them manage their resources. Please meet with your organization president and treasurer at least once at the beginning of the year in order to establish some type of communication method which they must follow in order to get proper authorization for purchases. Get a schedule of events from your student organization in advance of any travel, event or activity in which students might be incurring expenses so that you can help them manage their resources.
13. Other Webpage forms-web.mnstate.edu/osa/funding Application for Supplemental Funding
use if seeking funds for a special event for the
student organization(not travel) or if the budget
application deadline was missed
Application for special Travel Funding
use if you are seeking funds for a special travel event
Application for Carry Forward Dollars
use to request previous years operating budget funds
surplus (for orgs/groups who received SABC allocation)
Application for FY2011 activity fee budget
Due Date Nov. 9th 4:30pm. OSA
Go to the webpage web.mnstate.edu/osa/funding to look at these different funding application forms.
Student organizations are given end of month financial reports as are the advisors. The last report from FY09 shows account balance which
may be requested as carry forward dollars. If you are not sure if your group has funds from last year(activity fee funds only) call me.
Your organization must be in recognized status in order to apply for any types of funds from the Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC)Go to the webpage web.mnstate.edu/osa/funding to look at these different funding application forms.
Student organizations are given end of month financial reports as are the advisors. The last report from FY09 shows account balance which
may be requested as carry forward dollars. If you are not sure if your group has funds from last year(activity fee funds only) call me.
Your organization must be in recognized status in order to apply for any types of funds from the Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC)
14. Contact Help Sandy Schob, Activities Business Manager
Mon.-Friday 8am-4:30pm
CMU 229-Office of Student Activities
schobsa@mnstate.edu; 477-2486
Agency account questions-call Activities Business Manager who will answer many of your agency account questions or will refer you to another source of information The Activities Business Manager is able to assist with finance questions regarding activity fee funded accounts and agency accounts. If you have questions relating to purchasing on or off campus, please look through your powerpoint printout, or contact the Activities Business Manager.
If you are unsure as to whether or not your purchases or activities fall under the allowable or non-allowable spending categories, please re-read the list inon the webpage or call the Activities Business Manager at 477-2486.
If you need assistance in reading your end of month account reports, please call or email the Activities Business Manager at 477-2486 or schobsa@mnstate.eduThe Activities Business Manager is able to assist with finance questions regarding activity fee funded accounts and agency accounts. If you have questions relating to purchasing on or off campus, please look through your powerpoint printout, or contact the Activities Business Manager.
If you are unsure as to whether or not your purchases or activities fall under the allowable or non-allowable spending categories, please re-read the list inon the webpage or call the Activities Business Manager at 477-2486.
If you need assistance in reading your end of month account reports, please call or email the Activities Business Manager at 477-2486 or schobsa@mnstate.edu
15. Mark your Calendar and Planner The fiscal year 2011 runs from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. If I.T. doesnt have the packet fully completed in its online form by October thst, you will need to complete the budget request packet in hard copy and hand deliver it to the OSA by 4;30pm on November 9th. No late submissions will be accepted.
SABC will begin the process of evaluating budget packet requests as soon as possible after the November 9th deadline. The fiscal year 2011 runs from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. If I.T. doesnt have the packet fully completed in its online form by October thst, you will need to complete the budget request packet in hard copy and hand deliver it to the OSA by 4;30pm on November 9th. No late submissions will be accepted.
SABC will begin the process of evaluating budget packet requests as soon as possible after the November 9th deadline.