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Work from Home has become new trend in this COVID 19 Pendamic. COViD 19 has changed our work pattern drastically. It became very difficult to manage personal and professional life at home in this stressful environment. Learn How we can manage our work from home with kids easily by following some steps.<br>
1. USE VISUAL CUES TO DESIGNATE YOUR WORK SPACE. - Createadesignated areaasyourworkzone anduseitconsistently. Helpyourkidsbuildthe associationthatwhen you’resittingthere, you areworkingandshould notbedisturbed. www.ncov2019cure.com
2. HELP KIDS CREATE A ROUTINE AND ADD STRUCTURE TO THEIR DAY. - Workwithyourkidstocreatetheirdailyorweekly schedule.Givethemopportunitiestochoosesomeof theirownactivitiesandhelpthembemore independent. www.ncov2019cure.com
3. COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR MANAGER AND CO-WORKERS. - Ifyouthinktherewill bedistractionsor interruptionstoyour callsorevenyour workday, letyourteam know! Weareherefor youandarewillingto help! www.ncov2019cure.com
4. SET REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS OF WHAT YOU CAN CCOMPLISH. Setandmanageexpectationsearlyonwith yourteamandmanagers. Figureoutyour workinghours, whenyou’llbemost availableandhowmuchyoucangetdone. www.ncov2019cure.com
5. REACH OUT FOR HELP OR RESOURCES. - Theseare extraordinarytimes andwemustallcome together (virtually) to helpeachotherout. Reachouttoourin- house coachTomifyou needany helporcounselling. www.ncov2019cure.com