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Anatomy Essentials for Movement Understanding

Explore anatomical positions, body regions, planes of movement, and directions in depth. Learn about different body movements and specific joints, such as the spine, shoulder, and knee. Enhance your knowledge of the skeletal, muscular, fascial, cardiovascular, nervous, and lymphatic systems.

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Anatomy Essentials for Movement Understanding

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anatomical Position 1 Navigating the Body

  2. Regions of the Body Regions of the Body

  3. Planes, Directions and Positions Planes of Movement Sagittal Frontal Transverse Directions and Positions Superior Inferior Cranial Caudal Posterior Anterior

  4. Directions and Positions Directions and Positions Proximal Distal Medial Lateral Superficial Deep

  5. Movements/Body - Spine and Thorax, Neck Movements of the Body Spine and Thorax (vertebral column) Neck (cervical spine)

  6. Movements/Body – Ribs and Thorax Ribs and Thorax text

  7. Movements/Body - Scapula Scapula (scapulothoracic joint)

  8. Movements/Body - Shoulder Shoulder (glenohumeral joint)

  9. Movements/Body - Elbow and Forearm Elbow and Forearm (humeroulnar and humeroradial joints – elbow,proximal and distal radioulnar joints – forearm)

  10. Movements/Body - Wrist Wrist (radiocarpal joint)

  11. Movements/Body - Thumb and Fingers Thumb (first carpometacarpal andmetacarpophalangeal joints) Fingers (metacarpophalangeal, proximaland distal interphalangeal joints)

  12. Movements/Body - Mandible and Pelvis Mandible (temporomandibular joint) Pelvis

  13. Movements/Body - Hip Hip (coxal joint)

  14. Movements/Body - Knee Knee (tibiofemoral joint)

  15. Movements/Body - Ankle, Foot and Toes Ankle, Foot and Toes (talocrural, talotarsal, midtarsal, tarsometatarsal,metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints)

  16. Skeletal System - Anterior Systems of the Body The Skeletal System Text

  17. Skeletal System - Posterior The Skeletal System Text

  18. Types of Joints Types of Joints Ball-and-Socket Joint Ellipsoid Joint Hinge Joint Saddle Joint Gliding Joint Pivot Joint

  19. Muscular System - Anterior The Muscular System Text

  20. Muscular System - Posterior The Muscular System Text

  21. Muscular System - Lateral The Muscular System Text

  22. Fascial System - Cervical Region The Fascial System Text

  23. Fascial System - Arm and Forearm The Fascial System Text

  24. Fascial System - Pelvis and Thigh The Fascial System Text

  25. Fascial System - Leg and Foot The Fascial System Text

  26. Cardiovascular System - Arteries The Cardiovascular System - Arteries Text

  27. Cardiovascular System - Veins The Cardiovascular system - Veins Text

  28. Nervous System The Nervous System Text

  29. Lymphatic System The Lymphatic System Text

  30. Blank Slide Blank slide Text

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