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Harmless Holder

Harmless Holder. A Second Grade STEM Project. Project from Design Squad Nation . Packaging Engineers. Click the picture to play video. Discuss. What are some of the issues that packaging engineers have to think about when they are designing a package?. Packaging and the Environment.

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Harmless Holder

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Harmless Holder A Second Grade STEM Project Project from Design Squad Nation

  2. Packaging Engineers Click the picture to play video.

  3. Discuss What are some of the issues that packaging engineers have to think about when they are designing a package?

  4. Packaging and the Environment • The environment is one of the major issues that packaging engineers have to think about. • What are some ways packaging can affect the environment?

  5. Challenge • Create a “Harmless Holder” that can be used to carry bottles safely without harming wildlife. • Materials:

  6. Ask What question are we trying to answer in this project?

  7. Imagine What are some things we need to consider in our design? What are some things that we definitely don’t want in our design? As a class, let’s define 3 goals for a successful “Harmless Holder.”

  8. Plan Draw a blueprint of your project. Be sure to label all parts of the blueprint!

  9. Create. Test. Improve. Whenever your team is ready to test, report to the testing area with your notebook. You may improve as many times as you have time for.

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