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Be sure you have a solid understanding of action potentials and synapses as you work through this subtopic. . Command terms : http:// i-biology.net / ibdpbio /command-terms/. Assessment statements from: Online IB Biology Subject Guide. Communication via Synapses
Be sure you have a solid understanding of action potentials and synapses as you work through this subtopic. Command terms: http://i-biology.net/ibdpbio/command-terms/ Assessment statements from: Online IB Biology Subject Guide
Communication via Synapses • Synapses are a fundamental part of neural pathways as they regulate decision-making in terms of exciting or inhibiting the post-synaptic neurons. • Review: • Action potentials (AP) reach terminal bud of the pre-synaptic neuron. • Neurotransmitters (NT), chemical messengers, diffuse across the synapse to bind with receptors on the post-synaptic membrane. • Neurotransmitters are: • Excitatory, which means they excite the post-synaptic neuron (contributing to depolarisation and propagation of the AP. • OR: • Inhibitory, hyperpolarising the post-synaptic neuron and preventing AP. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT3VKAr4roo Work through this tutorial: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/addiction/reward/neurontalk.html
Neurotransmitters can be excitatory or inhibitory • Neurotransmitters (NT) are proteins • diffuse across the synaptic cleft • bind with a receptor on the post-synaptic neuron. • Whether or not the post-synaptic neuron propagates the action potential depends on: • Which NT diffuses across • Which receptors they bind to • Which ions flow in/out of the post-synaptic neuron • Whether or not depolarisation reaches threshold • Excitatory NTs cause depolarisation • e.g. ACh, dopamine • NT binds, Na+ channels open, Na+ rushes in • Membrane potential depolarises, AP propagated • Inhibitory NTs cause hyperpolarisation • e.g. GABA, dopamine (on different pathways) • NT binds to receptor • K+ channels open, K+ rushes out • OR Cl- channels open, Cl- rushes in • Membrane potential become more negative • Action potential is prevented from propagating http://is.gd/Jellinek 0mv depolarisation threshold resting -70mv hyperpolarisation time
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pfG6yHAQ5U This is a useful example of an inhibitory neurotransmitter.
Decision-making in the Central Nervous System (CNS) The axons of many pre-synaptic neurons feed into the dendrites of one post-synaptic neurons via synapses. The ‘decision’ whether or not to propagate the action potential along the axon of the post-synaptic neuron takes place in a region of the cell body called the axon hillock. This is achieved through summation of the incoming impulses. If the total impulse reaches threshold, the post-synaptic neuron depolarisesand the action potential is propagated. If the sum does not reach threshold, the AP is not propagated. There are two main methods of summation: temporal and spatial. action potential axon synapse axon hillock Diagram adapted from: http://hsc.uwe.ac.uk/synapses_neuro/summation.htm
Decision-making in the Central Nervous System (CNS) Test out temporal and spatial summation: • Temporal summation • Action potentials arrive in rapid succession • Depolarisation in the axon hillock is summative • If it reaches threshold before repolarisation, the AP is propagated. • Spatial summation • Action potentials arrive simultaneously from multiple sources • Some neurotransmitters are excitatory (increasing depolarisation) • Other NTs are inhibitory (hyperpolarising). • Summation in the axon hillock is summative. • If it reaches threshold the AP is propagated. Diagram adapted from: http://hsc.uwe.ac.uk/synapses_neuro/summation.htm
How do psychoactive drugs affect the brain? • Before thinking about how drugs affect the synapses, be sure you understand how they work and are reset. • Some NTs have a normal excitatory function • Other NTs have a normal inhibitory function • In general, psychoactive drugs can: • Increase or decrease the release of NTs (e.g. THC – cannabis) • Breakdown re-uptake proteins which are responsible for returned used components of NTs to the pre-synaptic neuron (ready to use again) • Block re-uptake proteins (e.g.cocaine) • Mimic or block NTs, binding to the receptors on post-synaptic membranes • Inhibit production of new NTs Work through the excellent animations and explanations from http://www.jellinek.eu/ http://www.jellinek.eu/brain/index.html?KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height=588&width=672
Excitatory drugs increase post-synaptic transmission • Examples: • Nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine • What is the effect of cocaine? • Normal: • Dopamine acts as excitatory NT • Dopamine is re-uptaken by pumps on the pre-synaptic membrane. • With Cocaine: • Cocaine blocks re-uptake pumps • Dopamine remains in synaptic cleft • More dopamine continues to be released • Summative increase in post-synaptic transmission • Effects on mood: • Dopamine is involved in reward pathways, enhancing feelings of pleasure • Longer-lasting feelings as dopamine is not re-uptaken • Effects on behaviour: • feelings of euphoria • increased energy and alertness • highly addictive • association with depression as body reduces production of own dopamine over time http://is.gd/Jellinek
Inhibitory drugs decrease post-synaptic transmission • Examples: • Alcohol, benzodiazapines, THC • What is the effect of tetrahydrocannibol (THC)? • Normal: • Dopamine release is moderated (inhibited) by GABA • With THC: • THC mimics cannabinoids and inhibits GABA release by binding to cannabinoid receptors • GABA cannot inhibit dopamine release • More dopamine is released • Effects on mood: • Dopamine is involved in reward pathways, enhancing feelings of pleasure • Not as extreme release of dopamine as with cocaine, but still higher than normal • Effects on behaviour: • intoxication • hunger • memory impairment • potential dependency http://is.gd/Jellinek
http://thebrain.mcgill.ca/intermediaire.php http://outreach.mcb.harvard.edu/animations/synapse.swf
A scale of harm for drugs • Which dots represent: • tobacco? • alcohol? • heroin? • cocaine? • THC/ cannabis? • ecstasy? • Drag the red dot to point you think represents alcohol. • How can drugs cause physical harm? • How can drug use lead to addiction (dependency)? • What factors contribute to development of addiction? ActivePrompt link: http://activeprompt.herokuapp.com/SQSNK or http://is.gd/drugscaleprompt http://activeprompt.herokuapp.com/TYYBH
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