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Trends and Variability of Storminess in the NE Atlantic-European region, 1874-2007

Trends and Variability of Storminess in the NE Atlantic-European region, 1874-2007. Xiaolan L. Wang, Francis, W. Zwiers, Val R. Swail, and Yang Feng Climate Research Division, Environment Canada. Pressure triangles in the NE Atlantic-European region (similar to Alexandersson et al. 2000).

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Trends and Variability of Storminess in the NE Atlantic-European region, 1874-2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trends and Variability of Storminess in the NE Atlantic-European region, 1874-2007 Xiaolan L. Wang, Francis, W. Zwiers, Val R. Swail, and Yang Feng Climate Research Division, Environment Canada

  2. Pressure triangles in the NE Atlantic-European region (similar to Alexandersson et al. 2000)

  3. Area averages - 10 triangles in the region (similar to Alexandersson et al. 2000) Annual percentiles 11-point Gaussian low-pass filtered curves However, there are significant seasonality and regional differences

  4. a. Winter (DJF) 99th percentiles JTB JST BTB BBV APTB NTB VST BAPV VTAP DAPV APVD

  5. b. Summer (JJA) 99th percentiles JTB JST BTB BBV VST APTB NTB BAPV VTAP DAPV APVD

  6. Area averages - four triangles over the North Sea Winter (DJF) seasonal percentiles Summer (JJA) seasonal percentiles

  7. c. Spring (MAM) 99th percentiles JTB JST BTB BBV VST APTB NTB BAPV VTAP DAPV APVD

  8. d. Autumn (SON) 99th percentiles JTB JST BTB BBV APTB NTB NTB VST BAPV VTAP DAPV APVD

  9. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Dr. Gil Compo and other members of the ISPD Working Group for providing us the in-situ pressure data analyzed in this study.

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