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Average Salary of a TJ Maxx Store Manager

If you have a positive attitude and a business-oriented mind, you can rise quickly in the organization. A TJ Maxx store manager's annual pay is around $76,800. Comparatively, this is more than the average income for store managers in the retail business. <br>https://valuedpost.com/technology/how-much-does-tj-maxx-pay/<br>

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Average Salary of a TJ Maxx Store Manager

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  1. Average Salary of a TJ Maxx Store Manager

  2. How Much Does TJ Maxx Pay Part-Time Employees? TJ Maxx pays about the same starting salary for its part-time employees as its full-time employees. Your performance and dependability are the tricks to getting hired as a full-time worker. If you are a worker who sometimes calls out sick or comes in late, your future does not look so bright as far as getting a full-time position. This company is always looking for top employees that are reliable and trustworthy. These are those who are promoted into permanent positions in the shortest period. You can expect to work as little as 29 hours per week as a part-timer. Work hours typically range from anywhere from 10-25 hours per week. That is not to say a part-timer cannot put in as many as 40 hours in any given week. It just depends on what staffing issues are in place in a shop. The hourly average for merchandise associates is $11.25 per hour. That works out to $450 per week, assuming you are working 40 hours per week. It also translates into $23,400 in wages annually. Keep in mind, for holidays, you also get paid an hour-and-a-half. Also, you might be given some overtime hours here and there, which would increase your pay up to the possible $25,000 per year number. This job has the highest stress out of all of TJ Maxx’s positions, with an average salary of about $11.60 an hour. This means that you could earn $464 a week and earn $24,128 in annual pay before overtime pay or pay for a time-and-a-half.    

  3. Average Salary of a TJ Maxx Store Manager

  4. How Much Does a TJ Maxx Warehouse Pay Its Workers? The median wage of the most common starting warehouse associate positions is about $13.50 per hour. This is slightly lower than the average for this type of job.    Does TJ Maxx pay every week? Yes, TJ Maxx delivers employees every week. This is significant when making low amounts of money in your weekly pay. Entry-level workers making just $10 per hour would see this as a significant advantage, making it much easier to handle bills. How frequently does this company provide raises?  TJ Maxx will give you raises yearly, depending on your performance. It is not unusual to see well-performing employees get raises after only 6 months. The raise is typically in the 2-3% range. So, for example, if the employee starts out making $10.50 per hour, that first 3 per cent raise will amount to about.32 cents, making that hourly pay $10.82 per hour.   

  5. Average Salary of a TJ Maxx Store Manager

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