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What is it ?. Declaration on Parliamentary Openness. Document drafted by NDI with the help of Sunlight Foundation and the Latin American Network for Legislative Transparency during April and May 2012 and presented in Washington, DC in May. Declaration on Parliamentary Openness.
Whatisit? DeclarationonParliamentaryOpenness • Documentdraftedby NDI withthehelp of SunlightFoundationand theLatin American Network forLegislativeTransparencyduringApril and May 2012 and presented in Washington, DC in May.
DeclarationonParliamentaryOpenness • What’s in it? • 1. Preamble • 2. Promoting a Culture of Openness • 3. MakingParliamentaryInformationTransparent • 4. MakingParliamentaryInformationEasily Accesible • 5. EnablingElectronic Access and Analysis of ParliamentaryInformation
DeclarationonParliamentaryOpenness • What has been done so far? • FirstdraftwasintroducedtoPMOs in Washington,DC, May 2012; • Organizationsdivided in groupsaccordingtotheir regional areascommenteseach of thesections of theDeclaration; • After Washington thosecommentsweresistematized and manywereincorporatedtothedoc; • NDI workedonthebackground notes • Morepeoplewereinvitedtojoin in thediscussionthrough a googlegroup; • PiecetranslatedintoSpanish.
DeclarationonParliamentaryOpenness • PublicMARKUP.org
DeclarationonParliamentaryOpenness • What’snext? • 1. Deadlineforcomments JULY 31st. • 2. Include a broadercommunity of activists • 3. Howaboutreformistparliamentariand? • 4. Howcouldeach of us use this in our particular countries? • 5. Shouldwethink of more specificdeclarations country by country orregionbyregion? • 6. Can wemove forward and think of a toolto monitor ourParliaments?