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GE Power Systems Energy Consulting. System Stability Results for 2 nd New Brunswick – Maine Tie. for Bangor Hydro. Nick Miller Kara Clark February 4, 2003. Project Description (from Final Report). The project includes the following elements:
GE Power Systems Energy Consulting System Stability Results for 2nd New Brunswick – Maine Tie for Bangor Hydro Nick Miller Kara Clark February 4, 2003
Project Description (from Final Report) The project includes the following elements: 1. An approximately 144 mile, 345kV single circuit transmission line (1192kcm, two conductor bundle) from the Point Lepreau generating station in New Brunswick to the Orrington substation in Maine. The rating of this line will be at least equal to the rating of Section 396 (item 7). 2. Two additional 345kV circuit breakers at the Orrington substation. 3. A 25 ohm series capacitor (50% compensation of the Orrington-Maxcys-Maine Yankee line impedance) in the Orrington-Maxcys 345kV line. 4. Two shunt capacitor banks, 30 MVAr each, on the Maine 115kV system at Gulf Island and Kimball Rd substations. 5. Thermal upgrade of the Augusta East–Maxcys (Section 88) and Augusta East–North Augusta-Puddledock (Section 213) 115kV lines. 6. Substitution of one entirely new dedicated path logic (DPL) special protection scheme (SPS) for an existing one, Keswick GCX SPS (NPCC #11, Type I), and modification of two other SPSs, the Maine Yankee DCT SPS (NPCC #141, Type I) and the Loss of 3001 SPS (NPCC #5, Type III). Details and extensive discussion of the SPS impacts of the project are provided in Section 5. 7. A wavetrap at Keswick currently limits the continuous, long term emergency, and short term emergency ratings of Section 396 to 730, 865, and 1075 MVA. The ratings could be increased to at least the level of the New England line portion (975, 975, and 1031MVA) by replacing the wavetrap.
Final Loadflow Results Summary (from Final Report) 1. The system with the second NB tie project (including reactive compensation and 115kV line uprates) meets thermal and voltage criteria. 2. The margin to voltage collapse with the second tie project is comparable to or better than the margin in the existing system. 3. The stress on the underlying 115kV system is relieved by the series compensation on the Orrington-Maxcys line. In particular, an upgrade of Section 86 (Bucksport-Belfast 115kV) is not required. 4. Reliability of the system is significantly improved by the addition of the tie, since the loss of one line no longer results in system separation and total loss of the NB import (up to 700MW) as well as a trip of MIS (1250MW loss of source). 5. PV analysis suggests that is may be possible for 1100MW to flow on the NB/NE interface and meet voltage criteria with additional shunt compensation in Maine.
Final Loadflow Results Summary , cont. (from Final Report) 6. Export of up to 400 MW to New Brunswick meets thermal and voltage criteria with the second NB tie project. 7. Post-contingency thermal performance presently constrains the Orrington South interface to about 1060 MW. The second tie project allows the design limit of 1200 MW to be reached. 8. Thermal overloads resulting from the Kennebec River double circuit tower outage south of Maine Yankee are presently subject to an ISO-NE exclusion. Modification of the DCT SPS to initiate generation rejection in New Brunswick eliminates the risk of overloads in excess of 150% of STE rating and the need for the thermal exclusion. 9. Thermal upgrade of the Augusta East – Maxcys line (Section 88) to at least 126 MVA LTE is planned by CMP, and is required for this project. (STE rating will be greater than or equal to LTE rating.) 10. Thermal upgrade of the Augusta East–North Augusta and North Augusta–Puddledock 115kV lines (Section 213) to at least 103 MVA STE is also required for this project. A thermal upgrade similar to that for Section 88 is proposed. 11. A third 30 MVAr shunt bank would provide voltage support in the area should the Orrington South interface limit ever be increased above 1200 MW.
Final Stability Results Summary (from Final Report) 1. The addition of the second tie project relieves one existing system violation for a normally cleared fault on the Tewksbury-Woburn 115kV line (ncm139; violation on GCX entry) under light load conditions. 2. For the normal contingency Waltham-Brighton-Watertown event, nc282-520 with additional high speed primary protection resulting in 5 cycle clearing at Brighton, both the existing system and the second tie project system meet criteria. 3. The addition of the second tie project relieves a loss of source violation in the existing system for the Vermont Yankee bus extreme contingency, ecvybus, under light load. 4. The addition of the second tie project relieves the need for the GCX SPS, and removes concerns about unintended operation of that SPS. The requirement for the GCX relay is met, more securely, by the project’s proposed New DPL SPS and other modifications to existing SPSs. The GCX will no longer be required under all-lines-in conditions. 5. The addition of the second tie project relieves violations in the existing system for one Canal extreme contingency (ec342) for the sensitivity case with maximum Canal area generation at light load. The other Canal fault (ec212) results in a LOS criteria violation for both the benchmark and second tie project systems for this sensitivity case.
Final Stability Results Summary (from Final Report) 6. The addition of the second tie project relieves violations in the existing system for the Tewksbury-Golden Hills extreme contingency (ec339) for the high Boston export sensitivity case at light load. 7. Addition of the second tie allows the NB and NE systems to remain interconnected for the loss of either the existing line or the new line with the New DPL SPS tripping of generation in New Brunswick. These cases result in reduced loss of source compared to the existing system, which causes system separation and loss of the entire NB import as well as the MIS plant. 8. The double circuit tower outages around Maine Yankee meet criteria with the recommended changes to the DCT SPS. Simulations of failure of the new or modified SPSs indicated no stability related problems or issues. 9. Export of up to 400 MW to New Brunswick meets stability criteria with the second tie project. 10. Four cases (ncm139, nc392 in the primary analysis, as well as dct03 and dct04 in the sensitivity analysis) violate the proposed CMP voltage criteria in the existing system but not in the second tie project system.