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Single-Top NN Training 2 Jets, 1 bTag, t-channel Training

Single-Top NN Training 2 Jets, 1 bTag, t-channel Training. 36.0 t-channel events 18.6 s-channel events 981.2 background events. Prepro_iter_mix_#hidden: 912_100_50_15. Best variables: M_lnub 119 sigma KA_NN_btag 87 sigma M_j1j2 76 sigma QEta 52 sigma

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Single-Top NN Training 2 Jets, 1 bTag, t-channel Training

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Single-Top NN Training2 Jets, 1 bTag, t-channel Training 36.0 t-channel events 18.6 s-channel events 981.2 background events

  2. Prepro_iter_mix_#hidden: 912_100_50_15 Best variables: M_lnub 119 sigma KA_NN_btag 87 sigma M_j1j2 76 sigma QEta 52 sigma Cos_Theta(lep,q) 29 sigma M_T_lnub 29 sigma Eta_loosej1 22 sigma dPhi(MET,lep) 22 sigma

  3. 912_100_50_15

  4. Variation of number of hidden nodes

  5. Variation of number of hidden nodes

  6. Variation of signal fraction

  7. s-channel 2Jets 1Tag (bjet: btag) 912_100_50_15 Best variables: KA_NN_btag 103 sigma M_j1j2 74 sigma M_lnub 46 sigma HT 27 sigma Pt(tjj) 28 sigma dPhi(MET,lep) 22 sigma dR(lep,j1) 20 sigma

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