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Research - R. Aiken

Research - R. Aiken. Hermaphrodite mating strategies. Research - R. Aiken. Hydrodynamics and grouping behaviour in barnacles. Hermaphrodite Mating Strategies. Mating Strategy. Females have a higher investment in offspring Therefore, should be choosy in mate choice

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Research - R. Aiken

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Research - R. Aiken

  2. Hermaphrodite mating strategies Research - R. Aiken Hydrodynamics and grouping behaviour in barnacles

  3. Hermaphrodite Mating Strategies Mating Strategy Females have a higher investment in offspring Therefore, should be choosy in mate choice and mate with only the ‘best’ male they can Male and female strategies conflict Males have a lower investment in offspring Therefore, should be promiscuous in mate choice and mate with as many females as possible

  4. Hermaphrodite Mating Strategies Among hermaphrodites Female strategy Male strategy choosiness promiscuity + Combine in one animal

  5. Hermaphrodite Mating Strategies How do hermaphrodites maximize their reproductive success if they have conflicting interests in the same animal? OR How do hermaphrodites apportion their time and energy so as to maximize their success as both male and female?

  6. Hermaphrodite Mating Strategies To answer these questions, we look at: Time (seasonal) shifts in behaviour 2. Conditions under which an animal chooses to act more ‘male’ or more ‘female’. 3. Seasonal changes in the proportion of gonad tissue devoted to the production of eggs and sperm

  7. Hermaphrodite Mating Strategies What animals do we use? Nudibranch and Sacoglossan Molluscs (sea slugs)

  8. Hermaphrodite Mating Strategies What animals do we use? Bryozoans Barnacles

  9. Group Living and Hydrodynamics What is the effect of being in a group on resource acquisition and reproduction in barnacles?

  10. Hydrodynamics and Groups What is the effect of being in a group on resource acquisition and reproduction in barnacles? Across an aggregation, there are differences in: - size B - gonad development A - symmetry - food availability - morphometrics

  11. Hydrodynamics and Groups What is the effect of being in a group on resource acquisition and reproduction in barnacles?

  12. Morphometrics and Environmental Stress High Low Fluctuating Asymmetry

  13. Morphometrics and Environmental Stress High Low

  14. Where do we work? Port Elgin Baie Verte Cape Enrage Grand Pré Green’s Point Kingsport Mace’s Bay Conrad’s Beach St. Andrews

  15. A little personal philosophy about Honours • If you have the minimum GPA for Honours (3.0), I don’t worry too much about grades after that. • Everyone in the lab has their own project for which they are responsible. • If you don’t have an Honours GPA, come and talk to me about a Special Topics (Bio 4950) project.

  16. For more information • Email me and come for a chat raiken@mta.ca • Go to the lab website http://www.mta.ca/~raiken/Research/index.html • Talk to current research students - Kelsey MacKay - Hilary Hamilton - Carrie MacDonald - Natalie Bjurman

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