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Communicating with Patients about Immunization a Resource Kit from

Communicating with Patients about Immunization a Resource Kit from. Background. NNii started by conducting research with parents to see: What information they needed Where they currently were receiving information about immunization. NNii discovered.

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Communicating with Patients about Immunization a Resource Kit from

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  1. Communicating with Patients about Immunizationa Resource Kit from

  2. Background • NNii started by conducting research with parents to see: • What information they needed • Where they currently were receiving information about immunization

  3. NNii discovered... • Health care providers are perceived by parents to be the most trusted source of immunization information. • Nearly all parents surveyed indicated that they have access to the information they need to make good decisions about immunization and that their child’s health care provider was meeting their information needs.

  4. NNii discovered... • Most parents (87%) understand the benefits of immunization and support its use. • However, as many as 1 out of 4 have important misconceptions that may undermine their confidence in vaccines. Gellin BG, Maibach EW, and Marcuse EK. (2000). Do parents understand immunization? A national telephone survey. Pediatrics, 106 (5), 1097-1102.

  5. Specifically... Gellin BG, Maibach EW, and Marcuse EK. (2000). Do parents understand immunization? A national telephone survey. Pediatrics, 106 (5), 1097-1102.

  6. The Conclusion • The parents’ relatively high rate of misconceptions and the relatively low perceived need for additional information about immunizations is worrisome. • There is a need for better, systematic patient educational effort and development of comprehensive materials and resources that address common misconceptions.

  7. The Challenges... • Misconceptions held by some parents could undermine their confidence in vaccine safety and could lead to reduced immunization rates and a resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases.

  8. The Challenges... Health care providers have both an important opportunity and a professional obligation to educate parents and correct misconceptions, yet many said that they need help in answering parents’ concerns quickly and effectively.

  9. The Goal of the Resource Kit • It is designed to help parents’ most trusted sources for immunization information—physicians, nurses, and other health care providers—discuss these complex issues effectively in a short period of time.

  10. Qualities of the Resource Kit • Written by immunization experts and risk-communication specialists to provide objective, science-based, accurate, timely information.

  11. The most current version is available at NNii’s web site at www.immunizationinfo.org

  12. Materials can be photocopied • All materials photocopy well • NNii encourages all practitioners to utilize these materials as they see fit (for seminars, patients handouts, or whatever!) • Every page is dated to show when it was last revised.

  13. Resource Kit Components • A series of “talking points” for use by the clinician at each childhood immunization visit (e.g.; at 2-month, 4-month, 6-month)

  14. Resource Kit Components • Background information for each recommended vaccine: CDC Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for each vaccine, which Federal law requires to be provided at time of immunization

  15. Resource Kit Components • Two other vaccine-specific patient handouts, developed by NNii to supplement the VIS: • “Important Facts for Parents to Know” • “Frequently Asked Questions”

  16. “Frequently Asked Questions” Handout

  17. What the NNii vaccine-specific patient handouts provide • An understanding of the vaccine. • A description of the corresponding disease’s symptoms and the risk of infection. • An overview of possible vaccine side effects. • Guidelines for what parents should do if their child has an adverse reaction.

  18. User-Friendliness of the NNii Handouts • Written in patient-friendly language. • Use a consistent style and layout for ease of reference and understanding. • Use both percentages and a fraction (x/ 10,000) that is consistent for every vaccine, so risks and benefit ratios can be easily compared from one vaccine to another.

  19. The Kit also contains: • Information on each vaccine recommended for adult use: • The CDC VISs • NNii patient handouts

  20. The Kit also contains: The recommended childhood immunization schedule

  21. Adolescent/Adult Recommended Immunization Schedule

  22. The Childhood Catch-Up Schedule

  23. Contraindications/Precaution by Conditions

  24. Contraindications/Precaution by Vaccine

  25. The Resource Kit answers general questions, such as: • Are vaccines safe? • How are vaccines tested? • How do vaccines work? • Do vaccines “use up” or overload the immune system in infants or children?

  26. The Resource Kit contains extensive information on: • How vaccines work. • History and achievements of vaccines. • How vaccines are selected for routine use. • How vaccines are recommended and become law. • How vaccine safety is monitored.

  27. References and Other Resources: • A Guide to Internet and Hotline Resources. • A Bibliography, including full citations for all sources used in the preparation of the Resource Kit, so that interested users can review the source material.

  28. Feedback is welcome • NNii is committed to continuous improvement of this resource tool. • Feedback can be provided by: • Fax: (703) 299-0204 • Toll-free call: (877) 341-6644 • Online: fill out a feedback form at www.immunizationinfo.org/feedback/kitFeedback.cfm. • E-mail: info@immunizationinfo.org

  29. Questions?

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