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BME- Short Presentation SHANTE DEZRICK 11/7/12. What is angiogenesis. Common denominator in most common diseases. New capillary blood vessel growth in the body. Natural process for healing and reproduction.
BME- Short Presentation SHANTE DEZRICK 11/7/12
What is angiogenesis • Common denominator in most common diseases. • New capillary blood vessel growth in the body. • Natural process for healing and reproduction. • Precise growth factors and inhibitors are needed to promote the angiogenesis process. • Too little or too much can be fatal to the body.
Excessive • Occurs in 70+ conditions such as : cancer, diabetic blindness, age-related macular degeneration, psoriasis, etc. • New blood vessels feed diseased tissues; these cells secrete angiogenesis growth factors.
Insufficient • Occurs in CAD, stroke, delayed wound healing, etc. • Tissues don’t produce adequate amounts of growth factors. • Causes blocks and bad circulation. • Tissues are damaged or die from not getting enough oxygen and nutrients (blood).
Angiogenesis Process Due to diseased or injured tissue angiogenesis growth factors (proteins) are released to nearby tissues. These proteins bind to receptors on endothelial cells of neighboring blood vessels. EC’s are activated and signals are sent for the production of new molecules (enzymes). Tiny holes are made in the basement membrane of the preexisting blood vessel by the enzymes. The EC’s divide and travel to the diseased tissue (tumor). New blood vessel tubes are formed by sprouting EC’s that roll up. These tubes connect to form blood vessel loops that circulate blood. Blood flow begins once the tubes are stabilized by special muscle cells.
Facts & Figures • 2003- Avastiv was the 1st anti-angiogenesis drug used in large scales for experimentation. • $4 billion invested in further research. • 1787 – the term “angiogenesis” first used by British surgeon Dr. Hunter. • 1975- basic fibroblast (1st angiogenesis inhibitor) was discovered by Dr. Folkman and Dr. Brem. • 1989- Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was discovered. • 1998- 1st FDA approved device for stimulating vessels. (TMR)
Treatment • Medicine – restore body’s natural growth of angiogenesis. • Therapeutic – inhibit or stimulate angiogenesis factors.
future • Build new functional/durable blood vessels or conversely prevent growth in malignant tissues. • Better understanding to develop new drugs and therapy. • Ability to treat intractable diseases. ( cancer, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, etc.)
Sources • Li, William, Michelle Hutnik, et al. "Understanding Angiogenesis." Angiogenesis Foundation. Angiogenesis Foundation, 27 2012. Web. 12 Oct 2012. • O'Connor, Pat. "Angiogenesis." Lymphedema People. Lymphedema People, 15 2011. Web. 19 Oct 2012. • "Coronary Angiogenesis." . Brown. Web. 20 Oct 2012. <http://biomed.brown.edu/Courses/BI108/BI108_2003_Groups/Coronary_Angiogenesis/BCKSRC.HTM>. • "History of VEGF and angiogenesis research." BioOncology. Genentech USA, INC. Web. 13 Oct 2012. <http://www.biooncology.com/research-education/vegf/ligand/overview/history/index.html>. • Bisht, Manisha. "Medknow." Medknow. 42.1 (2010): 2-8. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <http://www.ijp-online.com/article.asp?issn=0253-7613;year=2010;volume=42;issue=1;spage=2;epage=8;aulast=Bisht>. • http://www.biooncology.com/research-education/vegf/images/Angiogenesis-tumor-growth.jpg • http://www.lymphedemapeople.com/images/cascade_image.jpg • http://www.raneyzusman.com/storage/images/transmyocardial-laser.gif • http://www.angio.org/img/wordie.jpg