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London's Interactive Sightseeing Bus Tour: Explore Famous Landmarks!

Discover London's iconic landmarks on an interactive bus tour. Visit St. Paul’s Cathedral, Tower of London, and more. Learn interesting facts about Speaker`s Corner, Downing Street, and Buckingham Palace. Find out where the British Prime Minister resides and explore the history of important places like Whitehall and The City.

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London's Interactive Sightseeing Bus Tour: Explore Famous Landmarks!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ИНТЕРАКТИВНЫЙ ТРЕНАЖЕР«London's sightseeing bus route»

  2. Where can you find the Speaker`s corner? Trafalgar Square St. Paul’s Cathedral Downing Street The City The Tower of London Whitehall Hyde Park Buckingham Palace

  3. Where does theBritish Prime Minister live? Trafalgar Square St. Paul’s Cathedral Downing Street The City The Tower of London Whitehall Buckingham Palace

  4. What place was а fortress and a prison? Trafalgar Square St. Paul’s Cathedral The City The Tower of London Whitehall Buckingham Palace

  5. What part of London has a lot of offices and banks? Trafalgar Square St. Paul’s Cathedral The City Whitehall Buckingham Palace

  6. Where is the National Gallery situated? Trafalgar Square St. Paul’s Cathedral Whitehall Buckingham Palace

  7. Where are a lot of government offices situated? St. Paul’s Cathedral Whitehall Buckingham Palace

  8. Where does The Queen live in London? St. Paul’s Cathedral Buckingham Palace

  9. What building has a very large dome? St. Paul’s Cathedral

  10. Haveaniceday! Trafalgar Square St. Paul’s Cathedral Downing Street The City The Tower of London Whitehall Hyde Park Buckingham Palace

  11. Источники • http://vybor.ua/uploadfiles/ckfinder/user48/images/%D0%9B%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BD.jpg • http://www.thegryphon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/7235903986_308a2d24d2_h-woodhouse-moor-hydepark-tim-green-886x506.jpg • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10_Downing_Street#/media/File:10_Downing_Street._MOD_45155532.jpg • http://www.yourbestlondon.com/pic/central-london/westminster/narrow/whitehall-3.jpg • https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Tower_of_London%2C_April_2006.jpg/300px-Tower_of_London%2C_April_2006.jpg • http://news.images.itv.com/image/file/697846/stream_img.jpg • http://www.fosterandpartners.com/media/Projects/1046/img0.jpg • http://www.yompmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/city-300x180.jpg • http://ai-cdr.ucoz.ru/kartinki_4/englandbus.gif • https://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2014/03/24/17/06/crossroads-295049_960_720.png • https://www.stpauls.co.uk/SM4/Mutable/Cache/Images/images_asset_inject/West%20Front%2001.jpgfillheight_186_width_160.jpg • http://1serial.tv/uploads/posts/2013-04/1366023448_garfild-a.jpg

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