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LET 'S INTERACT. Integrated Science. Name: _______________________ Group #: _____________________ Year and Section: ______________ Teacher: Miss Cristina P. Sarmiento. A L earner- C entered L earning E nvironment Module on The Nature of Matter. 1.
LET 'S INTERACT Integrated Science Name: _______________________ Group #: _____________________ Year and Section: ______________ Teacher: Miss Cristina P. Sarmiento A Learner-Centered Learning Environment Module on The Nature of Matter
1 J.A feel confident that he can tell the difference between living and non living thing, but sometimes it’s not so easy for him. In identifying life he might ask, “ Does it move ? Does it grow? Does it reproduce?”
If you and your partner were able to name and describe all of these things, you may now proceed to the next slide. 2 READ! Get a partner and help J.A in identifying living and non living things presented in this slide. Discuss also with your partner the similaritiesof all these things. You only have 5 minutes for this, so get going!
3 Group WORKSHEET #1Name:___________________________ My Partner: _____________________ Year & Section: _______ Compare living and non-living things. But in what ways they are the same ? Work on this activity sheet with your partner. You have 15 minutes for this.
4 Individual WORKSHEET #2 Name:________________________ Year & Section: _______ Respond to each statement twice: once before the lesson and again after reading it. You only have 5 minutes to answer the “Response before Lesson.” Write A if you agree with the statement Write B if you disagree with the statement.
5 ACTIVITY A: LEAF LITTER To find out which organisms leave in the file of leaf litter . You will investigate some organisms that includes leaves , twigs and other organisms that live on and under the them. . • Procedure: • 1. Go to the promenade that has lot of leaves covering the ground. Use gloved hands to scoop up all leaves and organisms, including top most layer of soil. Place the sample in a sandwich bag and seal it. • In the laboratory sort the contents and identify the different types of organisms. Use a magnifying glass to identify small organisms such as insects, worms, and molds. • List them in the data sheet. DATA SHEET: List the sample organisms being collected.
GUIDE QUESTIONS ACTIVITY A : LEAF LITTER 6 7 1. What kinds of organisms did you collected? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. When you examines portions of your sample in the magnifying glass. What other things did you discover? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What roles do you think organisms play in the this community? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now get a partner and compare your responses. Afterwards, answer the following: 1. Did both of you collected the same organisms? ____________________________________________________ 2. What common thing do organisms share ? ______________________________________________________________________________
There are twenty items. For each one in turn you need to choose one of the three options. Good luck! The Living and Non-living Things Quiz Were you able to answer Worksheets #1, 2 and Activity A completely? 8 To find out if your answers in Worksheet #1 and 2 are correct, click and read these websites. Characteristics of living and non - living things. WEBSITE #1 http://www.saburchill.com/chapters/chap0001.html 5 Characteristics of living and non-living things. WEBSITE #2 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080610053945AA8CAFb Habitat WEBSITE #3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitat#Human_habitat A biotic factors affecting organisms. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_three_abiotic_factors_that_affect_wetland_organisms_and_give_an_example_of_how_each_feature_can_affect_somethingth.This_is_good_for_school_work After you have read these websites, answer Worksheet #3. • Top of Page
Individual WORKSHEET #3Name:________________________________________ Year & Section: _______ 9 After you have read websites 1 , 2, answer the questions below. • Where organisms live? Do you think they have home address? What are the 3 a biotic factors affecting an organisms? • _______________________________________________________________ • _______________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________ • 2. Is there anything that you would like to add in your worksheet #2. What would it be and why? • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________ • 3. What are the new things you have learned based on your readings? • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________
10 Click on these websites and get ready to take down notes. Website 4: Interaction among of Organism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_interaction To summarize what you have learned for these websites, work on Worksheet #4.
11 Group WORKSHEET #4 Name:___________________________ My partner: ___________________________ Year & Section: _______ Complete the table below. If you think you can do this one best with a partner then get one. But I challenge you to work on it alone. Your choice… You have only 20 minutes for this activity.
Try answering the Practice Test. Record your correct answers and verify which item you got wrongto find out how you fared and how well prepared you are for the next thing to be done. 12 Website 5: Practice Test http://www.quia.com/jfc/360046.html Remember, be honest! You can only proceed to the next task if you scored at least halfof the items you need to answer.
Think about this! 13 • Answer 10 items in the practice test by clicking the flashcard to flip over.Mark with if you got the item right and if otherwise. Trial 1 (First try) Trial 2 (Second try) # 1: _______ _______ # 2: _______ _______ # 3: _______ _______ # 4: _______ _______ # 5: _______ _______ # 6: _______ _______ # 7: _______ _______ # 8: _______ _______ # 9: _______ _______ #10: _______ _______ 2. Did you score well in the practice test? (Yes / No) Trial 1: __________ Trial 2: __________ 3. Which particular item/s did you answer incorrectly? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What should you do to relearn the items you got wrong? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
14 If you got half or more than that in your practice tests, you are ready to proceed to the next task. Now, check how much you have really learned by answering Worksheet # 4 individually. Then compare your answers with your team. But If you didn’t get half, I advise you to go back to: Website 1: Characteristics of living and non-living things. Website 2: Characteristics of living and non-living things Website 3: Habitat/ A biotic factors affecting organism Website 4: Interactions among organisms to re-learn the concepts.
Group WORKSHEET #5 Name: _________________________ My. Partner: _____________________Year & Section: _______ 15 CompleteConcept map below. Identify and describe the interactions among organisms that help shape the ecosystem in which they live. You have 10 minutes for this activity. Community Interactions include 1. ________________________ More than one organism tries to use a resource at the same time, in the same place 3. __________________________ Relationship in which two species live closely together 2. Predation __________________________________________ _____________________ includes 5. __________________One species benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed 6. Mutualism _________________________ ___________________________________________________ 4. Parasitism _____________________ __________________________________________________
16 Are you ready for your science project? Meet with your team to discuss the necessary materials for the next activity. In every environment, the supply of resources is limited. In fact, some resources are so limited that organisms must compete with one another. Objective: In 2 – 4 days students are expected to make / grow Beans Sprout. Additional reading in making beans sprout http://geethaskitchen.blogspot.com/2008/04/sprouts-how-to-make-sprouted-beans-or.html
17 BEANS SPROUTING Procedure Materials Bottles, ½ cup of different kinds of beans , water. Watch the video clip in making Beans Sprouts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-1V4vtV8Yo Step 1- Soak beans over night with plenty of water Step2- Pour water off Step3- Leave jar upside down Step 4- Rinse beans once a day
18 Performance Rubrics! • Read the Rubrics on the next slide. • Rate your team’s performance by checking which of the categories (vertical column) you think your group excelled per criteria (horizontal column) during your project making. • Place your score on the right side column under Team-Rating. • Be reminded that your teacher will also rate you during your lab activity and your team-rating will be compared to his.
RUBRICS FOR BEANS SPROUTINGTeam #: ____________________ Evaluator’s Name: __________________________ 19
Reflections… • Read the Likert Scale on the next slide. • Rate yourself by checking which level of agreement you think suits your feelings toward this LCLE activity. • Check on the appropriate column that corresponds best to your attitude and experience using the following scale. 4 = Strongly Agree 3 = Agree 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree