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Tutoring Services for CIS 1020

Tutoring Services for CIS 1020. Presented by the Writing Engineer Jared Roe CIS 1020. For President Bioteau. Salt Lake Community College. CIS 1020. There has been a software upgrade for the CIS 1020 program This change has caused a lack in CIS 1020 tutors. CIS 1020.

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Tutoring Services for CIS 1020

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tutoring Services for CIS 1020 Presented by the Writing Engineer Jared Roe CIS 1020

  2. For President Bioteau Salt Lake Community College

  3. CIS 1020 • There has been a software upgrade for the CIS 1020 program • This change has caused a lack in CIS 1020 tutors

  4. CIS 1020 • CIS 1020 is a generals class that every degree offered at SLCC is required to take • There is a large population of the Student body that is taking this class and many people need help

  5. Chart of students vs. tutored students

  6. Video sample of a Tutoring session • Video Place Holder • Sorry Delan, haven’t been able to make the Video yet.

  7. What is the Focus of the Video Sessions • To show people how to use the eBooks, the class book, and the application practice tests • This will teach students to become independent in their own homework

  8. Focused Tutoring • Tutoring that is one on one, reserved for students that need extra help to understand the tools of the class • This is usually reserved for students that have never used a computer before

  9. Benefits of Tutoring • The benefits of tutoring for the CIS 1020 has been shown in the graphs • Students do better and less people will drop the class • Students can continue on in their education and use these skills to do better in every aspect of there other classes

  10. Conclusion • I have shown that tutoring will benefit a large population of the student body of SLCC • It will reduce the amount of people that drop out of the classes and out of the college • Thank you for your time and letting me present this material to you, please, if you have any questions, ask right now

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