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ANGOLA. By, Justin Mendoza. to have fun. Angola’s beaches and mountains. .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ANGOLA By, Justin Mendoza

  2. to have fun Angola’s beaches and mountains.

  3. Hay cousin I’m in Angola and saw the amazing beach and mountain there big. The mountains name is Serra Leba – Leba mountain pass. To go up it it hard because it’s a BIG mountain and has a lot of turns. But also the beach is so nice and big with clean sand to. In it where a lot of boats caching a lot of fish. When one of the fisher men was coming back I looked at his fish they where huge and some color full. But the water was so clean clearer there than area's. it name is Ilhia Luanda but it had oil from the oil spill. But just south of it is Botswana and east Zambia, and the north is the Cong

  4. Angola orphanage

  5. When we where in Angola we past by a orphanage we saw kids playing with a ball it looked like fun. But the sad part was that the war Couse it separated a lot of families that’s why there in a orphanage. The name of it is Huabo. The war ended in nov, 1975. but after that the bakonog soldiers drove trucks at night. Then a mob of people with machetes of a sine of pies

  6. this culture

  7. When me and my parents where walking down the street we saw people dancing. When they where done we asked them that dance it is they, seed its Angola's traditional dance. They where rally good. Then my mom saw a restraint and oared some grilled prawns. Grilled prawns is a traditional food in Angola it’s made out of wash prawns and place in blow, Crunchy garlic pepper, and salt together and add seasoning, and get it in side the prawn, grill it on each side fore about 3 min or till it turns brown

  8. Angola 2013

  9. Angola is doing pretty good a bunch of computers are being delivered to a school. The senior is making a basketball team so that should be fun.

  10. Health issues

  11. Most of Angola health issues is Hiv and aids those are the most conmen of all deaths in Angola. Dispute the war lingering a lot of people.

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